2018 Art
My art in the year 2018

Green-winged Teal
(Anas crecca)
painted in watercolor by the gracious permission of wildlife photographer Richard Cronberg! The bird is the smallest dabbling duck in America! Dabbling means they upend to get at food below them. Therefore, you will usually just see their rear-end tail feathers above the water as they feed!
in breeding colors!
This bird lives along inland waterways, coastal areas, across North America from Alaska to Florida and on to Mexico. It is an all-black bird but gets a small double crest of black and white feathers in breeding season. The use of DDT hurt their population but they are making a come-back! With grateful appreciation to photographer Rocky Ledward for allowing me to paint this beautiful bird in watercolors!
Female Double-crested
(Phalacrocorax auritus)
This young female is wondering, "Why do all of the guys now have tufts of white feathers on their heads? Painted in watercolors with the gracious permission of photographer Rocky Ledward!
The Happy Couple!
Zadi May!
"If I am thinking correctly," said Winnie-the-Pooh, "a new baby is probably, undoubtedly the grandest gift that could ever be!" And as far as I'm concerned, Pooh is correct!
Eliza Blu!!! how do you do!!!!

Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana)
painted in watercolor by the gracious permission of wildlife photographer Richard Cronberg!

Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula - (painted in watercolor by the gracious permission of
Canadian photographer Deb Johnston!

Show Off the strutting turkey!
painted in watercolor by the gracious permission of James Barnett!

The Slender Dayflower - (Commelina erecta L.) (in the Spiderwort family)
(also called the Whitemouth Dayflower)
have been seeing a very pretty, small wildflower with two blue petals as I walk my dog along the streets. I finally took a photo so that I could paint it. Next came the identification of the flower, but that proved to be difficult as there are a few types of Dayflowers! As I read about them, I learned that the blossoms only last for a day hence the name. I found that hard to believe as I saw them every day. But after taking an early, afternoon walk, I noticed that every blue blossom was gone from every plant on both streets where I walk! I'll look for the new Dayflowers tomorrow!
Young Anhingas!
They are also called Snakebirds, Darters, American Darter, or even Water Turkey! Painted in
watercolor by the gracious permission of wildlife photographer Rocky Ledward! These two babies
will one day grow to have an almost four foot wingspan and will learn to spear fish with their sharp
beaks! Anhingas do not have waterproof feathers which enables them to stay underwater for a longer period of time. When swimming, their bodies are mostly submerged which makes their heads resemble snake heads sticking out above the water!!!
Olympic Lumberjack Log Rolling Practice!
I'm practicing so I can enter the Olympic Lumberjack Log Rolling Competition! What? Log Rolling
isn't in the Olympics yet? It will be someday! And I hope there will be a category just for Green
Herons!!! (painted in watercolor by the permission of Canadian photographer Deb Johnston)

Nikki the pup!
The love of a dog! What a thing!

Adaleigh the pup!
I'm sorry mommy.... While you were gone I thought they were burglars, and I had to defend the house! I know those were your favorite shoes, but I had chew on them to protect us!
Kiba - a dog that was greatly loved!
Sweet Potato! (a cat that was loved)

Male Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)
painted in watercolor with the gracious permission of Canadian photographer Deb Johnston! The Wood Duck, to many, is the most beautiful of ducks! It is the only North American duck that regularly produces two broods in one year. These ducks have strong claws which enable them to grip bark and perch on tree limbs. The oldest recorded Wood Duck was a male - 22 years, 6 months old. He had been banded in Oregon and was later found in California. Bless his heart!
The Sneeze Machines!
Sneeze scientists searched and finally found the place where all sneezes originate! For their next step, they will seek to find a cure! Hold on just a sec...."ACHOOOOO!"
One of my favorite poems is "The Fish"
by Pulitzer Prize winner Elizabeth Bishop. At first, she did not like
this work and called it a "trifle" in a letter to a friend. There are
many reasons why I love this
poem! To me it is about life's problems. The fish has given up in
the poem. He has given up on living. He had fought off many a foe and
fisherman. Yet, now the fish is ready to give up and concede his life. He has accepted his fate and not fought this one last battle. Life is like that for many of us.
As we approach the end of our lives, we should consider how much more
there could be if we could strive just one more time. We fight as well
as we can against the stacked odds against us. At one point, the way we
view life, its obstacles, internal struggles,
and the lack of will to survive are all defeated when we let these
problems go, fade away, and when mercy is shown to us just as the
fisherman did to this great, grunting weight in this fine poem! If
everything becomes,
"Rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!" we will realize that eternity has just begun, and we won't have to worry anymore.
Where's the finish line?
We thought the race was over as everyone was all jammed up together. But we couldn't
find the finish line or an official. With bewildered looks on our faces, we wondered if a
prank had been played on us. Or, did we take a wrong turn during the race? As we all
turned to look at the one who had led the pack throughout the race, we noticed his
expression of shock to have caused this racing disaster. As he ran off due to the looks of
some of the racers, he set a new land speed record which should stand for many years.
Pickled things!
Pickled things you never see as they happily morph along! Mr. Pickles might see them on the pickleball court if he can hop fast enough!
Getting along with friends isn't always easy! I try to think of a little sign my grandmother hung on her wall that said, "If you want a friend, you must first be one!" I try to be friends with people I meet. There have been times that I can't agree with everyone on all subjects, but I still try to get along with them. I once knew a married couple that loved to cause trouble and create problems between friends. I had to end that relationship. Here I am discussing matters with my friends. I know we are all different and don't look or think alike, but if they truly care about being good and kind to everyone then I will count them as my friend!
Being a meanie in public!
If you criticize, rebuke, or reprimand to severely in public, you may find that others listening to your
outburst may come over to teach you a lesson just as hard as the one you gave! There is an old adage
which states, "Praise in public and criticize in private!" So, if you don't want to be attacked or ridiculed yourself, then learn from this wise saying!
Ambulating the levitating way! - Creatures that can hover or levitate may have an advantage over others. But, we all move the best we can! And, as long as we can get to where we want to go - isn't that all that matters! I just wish that the ones that can levitate weren't so smug about it...
The Slippery Slope of Life!
A slippery slope makes sledding easy! But, some of us really didn't want to slide.
The Dividing Line -
We certainly disagree on many things on this planet! Every side strongly believes in their ways!
But, all sides can't be right. It is hard for me to understand when I correct a friend and prove what
he believes to be false, that he won't be happy to learn the truth. I appreciate friends that do thank me
if I can show them they are wrong. I, myself, would want to be corrected if I am wrong in my beliefs. One big problem is with friends that believe they are right and try to show me their side of the discussion when I know they're wrong... I guess I should just smile and nod so we can get along!
Time to remove that tree!
"The best way of spreading Christmas cheer is singing loudly for all to hear!" What? Christmas
is over? Then, I'd better take down the lights and remove the tree! Is it too late to eat some
black-eyed peas and turnip greens for luck? It is? Oh my! I'm always too late!

Our New Word club got together to learn the word for the month, "Cacoethes!" Which means,
"An irresistible urge to do something inadvisable." Here we are all jammed up together to
demonstrate our understanding of this word! Can someone please untangle us!!!
Bug music!
Have you ever considered the music of bugs? We were invited to a bug concert. They described their music as "mellifluous" which meant it would be sweet and musical! However, most of us just couldn't understand the words or sounds they made. Perhaps you have to be a bug to understand their songs!
The Awkward Pause...
The time when you run into someone that calls out your name, but you can't remember who they are...
I'm standing steadfast in my beliefs despite the criticism of the world! Even if I am faced with seemingly overwhelming forces! After all, the world will only go one way, and I don't want to go in that direction.
Cacoethes Scribendi!
Me and my friends just read the poem "Cacoethes Scribendi" by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. and have the uncontrollable urge to write! Too bad we don't know how to write - especially with all of the unusual things that surround us!
Fishing Techniques in the 53rd Dimension!
Though sometimes they find themselves as the actual bait!

Speaking to oneself!
Words spoken while seemingly alone are seldom heard by others. But, it is best to keep your eyes
open when blurting out unretractable, offensive mutterings!

Angry mutant bananas!
When bananas get mad, they mutate! They are angry because so many brothers and sisters have been pealed and eaten! Try to imagine a large group of angry Piranhas and you'll understand. And don't even mention the Centerville National Banana Pudding Festival to these guys! Or, are they just overly ripe, and no one wants them? Sometimes it is hard to say...
Too much Yakking....
Is there anything that can't be known? It certainly is harder to get to the truth of a matter when so many are yakking loudly away about their own particular opposing beliefs and view points. And to quote, yet again, my old philosopher friend Charlie O, "Truth can not be found in falsehood!"
The Gossip Column!
A talebearer may reveal secrets that might be true but could also be false. Words can wound and hurt deeply into a person's heart. Fire can burn wood, but not spreading gossip can quickly put out a flame and cause strife to cease. Usually gossip can say more about you than the other person! So, please think before speaking about others! As Bob Dylan sang in his song Positively 4th Street, "You've got a lot of nerve to say you are my friend!"

Act 2 Scene 2
Our troupe of actors tried yet again to get through a play without a mistake. But we just can't seem to
finish without a show stopping error. We were in Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2 when our actress portraying Lady Macbeth said, "I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry. Did not you speak?" Our actor only had one word to say, "When?" but he replied,
"Huh?" After the onslaught of vegetables, we packed it all up for another day. At least we can make soup tomorrow!
Floating along in life!
I love the slow, quiet floating along on the raft of life! The peaceful stream sings a soft lullaby as we go! Birds are chirping! Butterflies are flitting! But because it is so quiet, I can hear a distant roar.... Surely with all of this calm, there isn't a high waterfall just around the bend?
2018 Birdy Meeting!
The Birdy leadership had discussed not sending out a questionnaire this year before the annual meeting, but some still felt they should try to reach out to birds of the world and get their input. Return replies were,
"We want Alfred Hitchcock's film 'The Birds' shown more often on the tube!"
"How long before the Red, Red Robin comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' along?" "Who would win a match-up between the Baltimore Orioles and the St. Louis Cardinals?" "Why don't Ducks duck?" "Why weren't there any birds in the movie - Bird on a Wire?"
"Why do some people want to kill two birds with one stone?" "Why
haven't we seen Larry Bird lately?" "Why is a catbird seat an envious
position as birds don't like cats let alone sitting with them?" "Why
is a person crazy as a loon when most loons are very wise?" "Why are birdies not mentioned in major sports except for golf and badminton?" The Birdy leadership decided they had been hacked again and needed their computers scanned for viruses after the crazy returns...
Bungle in the wrong jungle...
Jethro might consider that bungling can only happen in certain jungles and not in every one! Ian must realize that the secret language of birds may only be understand by the birdy population but does have meanings even past a dawn chorus! And he should know that the passion of the play did cause a certain concert goer to freak out and run off thereby missing the opening and the rest of the performance. That poor guy even missed the phone call when you said, "It's for you!"
Ever Onward!
Onward we go to try and reach our destination! However, time keeps throwing potholes, pitfalls, and stumbling blocks along our way. We keep falling down but continue to get up and press on toward the goal! We will make it!!!
Fishing techniques in the 53rd dimension - part 2
They think they have improved the bait, but are they safe from the huge lunkers that
dwell deep beneath the surface of the water? The answer will depend upon how strong
a tug on the line they get! Too big a tug, and we may never see them again!
Tee's Cap 2018
Tee has been retired now for almost five years! He still thinks about his former job and his students! He finds it hard to stop thinking about art lessons and trying to make them even better, although he does know his teaching days are over. He still is very concerned about corruption which caused one of the sweetest, smartest teachers he knew to quit. He wanted to turn the offenders into the
state officials, but his friend said to let it go and she would retire.
So, another great teacher bit the dust and went into retirement. Maybe she can start playing Pickleball! After all, "Pickleball is cheaper than therapy!"
The little virus tries again!
The little virus mutated and tried to dance again. This time he tried ballet to see if he'd be left alone.
However, the anti-bodies were waiting just off stage.

Philosophy 101
We all have our own ideas of what is important. A study of the thinking processes and beliefs of our times
reveals that though our particular modern life has more conveniences than previous ancestors would ever
have dreamed of, we really haven't changed
at all especially when we consider the discipline of our world still
remains lost in the cave over the many years
of human existence! Is this a fundamental truth about humans?
Very few humans
try to understand the nature,
causes, principles of reality, knowledge, or what should be important human values. Perhaps we need to go to class and learn!

Bully in the way...
I was just strolling along when a bully said, "Get out of my way!" Would you step aside
or call for help from your much larger friends?

Sometimes it seems our conversations are hopeless. Round and round we go and never seem to solve our differences. There has to be a way to understand each other and the many view points that are opposite of what we believe! Being kind to each other is a good way to start! We should try to understand and learn from each other! Please give it a try!
"Kermie!" said Ms. Piggy. "Do you think I'm pretty as a rainbow?" "Ribbet!" replied Kermie. Which translates as, "Why are there so many songs about rainbows? Rainbows are only illusions. Sometimes, sweet sounds call sailors to crash on the rocks!" He used the word "ribbet" so that he wouldn't have to tell her how he really felt! Sometimes, discretion is the best way to use words!
Happy but for the wrong reasons...
I once had two friends that thought it was so funny to cause trouble between people. They both loved
to see the strife they caused! In this case, being happy and laughing at the problems they created was

Not a stop for the train they call the City of New Orleans!
This is one station where the train they call the City of New Orleans refuses to stop. The engineer always breathes a sigh of relief when he has gone 500 miles past this station when the day is done!

When a dream becomes real!
Everything seemed fine until I woke up and the dream was still going on! Just have to hope for
a happy ending to make everything work out as my dreams can take many different paths!

The world and directions...
Why have we as humans always gone in such different directions? If only we could work together,
we would accomplish so much more on this planet!

Talking so loudly that you can't be heard!
Human languages often lose something in translations. Sometimes, the one who talks the loudest
may not actually believe in what he says and only use emphasis to try and influence others that he
is right. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "What you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you're
My Blue Period
The Blues are a category of music I love! Perhaps, sadness led me there. But,
playing the blues on my guitar drives away those feelings! There is a reason why Pablo had a "Blue Period". He had problems selling his work. He frequently visited a women's prison, and used the female prisoners as models though he could see their sad, desperate conditions. He also had a friend die. He painted
"The Old Guitarist" in 1903 after the death of his friend. I was lucky enough to be taken to the
Art Institute of Chicago in 1972 by a friend who
explained to me that when she was alone in the museum, she could hear music coming out of "The Old Guitarist"
painting. For those of you that have seen this painting, there is a ghostly image of a woman that can be seen in
this work. I believe that playing the blues on my guitar frees my soul from the effects of problems and makes me smile!
Mr. Know-it-all!
When a person says, "I know it all!" how do you convince him that he's wrong? Especially in a way
that won't hurt his feelings. If he knew it all, then he'd know he's wrong! Alessia Cara wrote in her
song "Seventeen" that she was just too young to understand and thought her father had lied about
time when he said we are like blades of grass that wither away. However, she was young and now
knows that time cannot be frozen! And although she thought she was a know-it-all, she now
understands that she just didn't know enough.
At first, we were scared of everything. But, then some learned fear could be overcome and proceeded to teach us the solution to not being afraid! One suggestion was for us to listen to two songs! One song, "Be Still" is by the band The Fray and was also used as a theme song during Abby's recent departure from the TV show NCIS. This song lets you know that even if you think you are alone, there is One always with you! The other song, "Fear is a Liar" is by Zach Williams and gave us the wisdom to not listen or give in to fear!!!
We missed the "No diving! Creek is dry!!!" sign and plunged right over the precipice. Just as we approached the bottom some dude gave us a warning which came a little too late. We quickly wished that he had been at the top rather than at the bottom... While recovering in the hospital we discussed which part of this experience demanded the most corrections - the guy that talked us into diving off of a dangerous bluff or the very small sign at the top of the cliff. Most voted to send the hospital bill to the guy that led us on this excursion when we remembered that he had stood in front of the
"No diving! Creek is dry!!!" sign to cover it up...
Alien Technology?
We came to look at some new objects that had appeared in our neighborhood. There were many opinions voiced about what these things might be. "Alien technology put here by beings in UFO's!" some exclaimed. "Mutant plant formations caused by radiation!" was another suggestion. All of a sudden we looked around and realized that we were also strange looking. As we walked away someone muttered, "Maybe we are mutants from another planet!" "Namaste!" said one of the objects as we walked away.
Our Chatterbox friend!
We came to look at some new objects that had appeared in our neighborhood. There were many opinions voiced about what these things might be. "Alien technology put here by beings in UFO's!" some exclaimed. "Mutant plant formations caused by radiation!" was another suggestion. All of a sudden we looked around and realized that we were also strange looking. As we walked away someone muttered, "Maybe we are mutants from another planet!" "Namaste!" said one of the objects as we walked away.
Our Chatterbox friend!
We took our loquacious friend out into an empty field to explain to him that he needs help with self
control in talking! It was our first attempt at an intervention as we knew that logorrhea is a problem
for him. When he wouldn't stop talking, we gave up.
TV Show Concerns!
Our dislike of the way current TV shows are broadcast caused us to go to the source to protest!
We want to know why the shows we love last for 6 - 8 weeks, but then won't come back on for at least another year. We tend to forget what the show was about by that time. We want the TV executives to know we are upset! We will refuse to buy advertised goods until they rectify this problem! The main exec came out, laughed at us and said, " We don't care!"
Radiation Levels
Really? Raising the radiation acceptance levels will be healthier for us? Congress, will
this affect you? It won't? You won't be close to it?

Dark Matter/Gray Matter/Empty Matter/Doesn't Matter?
"Dark Matter" was a syfy tv show that I really loved! The bigwigs or small-brain-wigs (as they could be called) made the decision to not continue the show for a fourth season. Oh well... There are so many shows that begin and then disappear after one season that I probably should just give up and listen to music! My friends and I are trying to portray the show in this scene. Do you think we got it right?

This is what happens after the pet store owner locks up and leaves for the night! But don't worry! What happens in the pet store stays in the pet store!

Looking toward the future?
Which way should we look? Time goes by in one direction, and covers us with mortal dialections.
We have problems understanding this concept. Being human isn't easy! Dialectics can have different meanings and linguistic phenomena problems. One refers to
refers to a variety of language usage
that is a
characteristic of a particular group. Which can be a problem due to regions, nations, and world beliefs. In this
drawing, most of us were looking in one direction while one guy wanted to go the other way. We looked in
the direction in which we thought time would approach. He was certain we were looking the wrong way! "Follow the crowd!" I always say. Surely they wouldn't lead us off a cliff...
Unlocking the door to imagination
I can see that the door has been unlocked. But I can't remember if I've already gone through
the door or just waiting to proceed.
On this world but not of it
So much confusion, chaos, and madness going on in this world. I stand away
because I just do
not want to be a part of it. I will observe and try to do what I can while I meander through existence without
failing or falling. There is still good being done, and that's where we should concentrate our efforts!!!

Conversations that just shouldn't be overheard!
Sometimes being in the wrong place may cause you to hear something that you just didn't want to know about! I know it has happened to me! One time I was in the right place, but someone said the wrong thing! And now on TV, I'll see something that I just don't think should be out in public! Am I in the wrong place while watching TV? I can at least change the channel, but then I'll see it again on another channel!

The Parade!
Our town decided to have a parade which would feature two opposing factions of folks that live here! This was billed as the "Long Necks and the Short Necks Parade!" The feeling was that if everyone got together on a nice march through town, that we could all learn to get along. However, we got so tangled up that I think this created even more strife! Despite our opposing views, we must learn to get along and work together!
The Confrontation!
I'm looking very closely at events occurring during our time line. I see arguments between
two very opposing sides. But every time someone pops up and says, "Why can't we all just
get along?" Both sides throw things at him. At least they have that common ground...
Tangled up in gray
I and my friends have had
many discussions about reality, existence, and beliefs. Some say
certain subjects have gray areas
with no absolutes. Others insist that, outside imagination,
everything else should be proven true. Because we exist, we really need to discover and understand
which areas of knowledge are completely factual and contain no gray areas. When my friend, John, who listens to southern blues but thinks he is hearing country music, I wonder if we'll get anywhere
in our debates...

Weird Things...
Things are becoming just a little too weird on this planet and are about to drive me crazy!
But then I heard the song "Garryowen" and thought of how Little Big Man felt at one point as he
stood on the cliff and about to give up. So I know that no matter how crazy things get, it will be ok!

Talent Show Rejects!
Is that the "hook" coming in? Well, they won't have enough hooks for all of us!!!!

Looking for my Hubby!
Has anyone seen my Hubby? He usually lands nose first. I prefer a more delicate landing!
Right now I'm looking for any indentations in the dirt as that might show me where he hit
the ground!

Look up! Look down! Look all around!
Some saw the UFO and tried to show the others. But, they were too involved in the world around
them to notice. Perhaps there is enough strangeness here anyway to keep all of our attention!

My Squashed Tail
I'd slither back over to ask that guy why he stomped on my tail, but I can't move. I'm glad my
friends were nearby to witness this event as they can go over and discuss this incident with
the perpetrator....

Why do some people fail to learn, improve, or better their themselves? Words like inflexible,
pigheaded, obstinate, and narrow-minded
seem to describe this condition. Proverbs 9:8
describes two ways we can react to correction. The decision has a lot to do with improving
or not improving!

Looking into the New Year - 2019!
Our tallest lookouts strained to look into the future and see what 2019 might bring! Some reported
they saw good things coming! Others said, "Run for your lives!" I think I'll follow the ones that see the hope that will come in the new year!

Time currents!
Floating along with the currents of time. Perhaps we should be swimming against them. It does appear that we have gone down into some sort of dark tunnel...

You either exist, or you don't. You are either reading these words, or you aren't. If you are,
should you try to understand how important existence is or dismiss it as a fantasy?Accepting
that you are an integral part of a world in which you have a corporeal meaning should
encourage you to learn more about your world and yourself. Or would you rather debate the corporality of the human soul?
Winning the game!
I went for the easy lay-up and the win! The crowd went wild as the ball fell through
the hoop as the final buzzer sounded!!!!

Feeling Lost?
We have all felt lost at some time in our lives! We've looked in many directions for help!
So who needs a big hug?

The time when your child goes off in a direction you weren't expecting and wish they
hadn't tried. At least it reminded me of how I must have driven my mother crazy when I
was young! So, I finally learned a lesson even if a hard one!

Our Dawn Singing Group!
We love to sing at the break of dawn to
start a new day! However this morning our chorus just
didn't sound right. Perhaps everyone was trying a different song at the same time. At least I know
we were all in different keys!!!
Is Up Down?
I thought I knew what was going on until I could see two sides arguing about
what was right and wrong. I knew that only one side could be true. Could the
side that is wrong change up to down? Or left to right? They seem to think
they can!

Levitation 101 Class!
We were all just beginners, but I think we are doing very well!

Radiation Levels
We came together to discuss the notion that radiation safety levels may be changed. Really? Raising radiation acceptance levels will be healthier for us?
Just like sunlight? Congress, will this affect you? It won't? You won't be close to it? How convenient for you! As for myself, I feel somewhat mutated...
Just plain old upset!
Some of us are disgruntled. Some are apathetic. But some of us are just "plain old upset!"
However, there is that one person that keeps telling us, "Things will get better!" Guess what!
I believe him!

Aliens and UFOs!
Some looked to the sky to see Aliens and UFOs. Others looked around where they stood
and saw some very unusual beings!

Duck, Duck, Goose!
"Do you want to play Duck, Duck, Goose?" "Why would I want to play Duck, Duck, Goose when I am one!"

Pangram sentences!
"Pack my lour box with five dozen IQ jugs!" Pangram sentences must contain every letter of the alphabet. A common example is: "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog!" In our native language, our group couldn't come up with even one sentence because our alphabet only has two letters. We even have problems talking to other sheep as we can only say, "Baa...."
Expressing thoughts in public...
Not all thoughts should be expressed openly in public! Bad examples are: Deer should never jump up and say, "Here I am!" when the hunter is in the woods. A wounded grasshopper should never say, "I just can't jump!" when he falls into a chicken coop! And never forget what happened to Chicken Little when he told everyone the sky was falling! He told that story one too many times and was eaten for dinner!

Tooting my own horn!
I'm tooting my own horn because I can! What? Those last three notes sounded a little flat?
Could I be out of tune?

My friend part 2
My friend continually wants to help me believe his views on politics. He says he is telling the truth!
I love truth! I keep telling him that truth cannot be found in fiction. But that doesn't stop him!

Tag! You're it!
This is when "Tag! You're it!" goes horribly wrong... Unless we are some mural design
put on a wall by some tagging artist...

Mr. Grouchy!
Nothing pleases him. What is he so mad about? We all have problems. His can't worse
than ours. Just be careful that his attitude doesn't spread!

Choosing the hard way
We all told him not to go in that direction! But he wouldn't listen. Some people
are very stubborn and must learn the hard way. Hopefully the rescue squad can
get to him before he sinks too far in the quick sand.
Bird Brains!
Sometimes birds actually have more brains than anyone else!

Merry Christmas 2018

Mr. Grumpy!
What is he so upset about? He just doesn't have the Christmas spirit!
Perhaps a few weeks in Whoville will cause his heart to grow!

Partridge in a Pear Tree tryouts!
After the laughter died down but only because the applicant had left the building, he pondered
being a "Partridge in a Pear Tree reject...." Just not Christmas Partridge material, perhaps? But he chose to remain positive in the spirit of the season. He could always help the ones who truly need a
blessing this season! I'm glad that his friends were there to comfort him after his rejection. Real
friends are those that help us think our best thoughts, accomplish our greatest deeds, and cause us to be better people!
Speaking without thinking...
Some speak without thinking. Having a larger mouth and louder voice won't make your statements true. I wish I knew how to explain to those who won't refrain from elaborating on their beliefs that they are wrong. Could they be trained to only reply correctly, or is that impossible?
Learning to stand and balance in a new world!
We may fall down a lot at first, but we will eventually learn how to stand up straight!
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