2022 Art - the art I see when it comes to me in 2022!
2022 Art
2022 It's here!
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)
painted in watercolor by the gracious permission of wildlife photographer Rocky Ledward!
-----White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica)
Painted in watercolor by the gracious permission of wildlife photographer
Rocky Ledward! This bird was usually seen out west such as in the Sonoran
Desert of Arizona where I used to explore, but they have now moved into other
regions including Florida! They have very colorful eyes which make them look like
they use blue eye liner! Do you remember Stevie Nicks singing about the
White-winged Dove in her song, "Edge of Seventeen!" One White-winged
Dove was banded and later found to have lived for over 21 years! -----
Dr. Robert Stephen Porter
He always had a smile on his face!
Branton - his nickname was "Buddy" because he was a friend to all!!!
Larry Phillip Lane
Larry was such a good, kind person and friend! He influenced me in so many good ways!
My life changed a lot because of him! Anyone that knew him now misses him so much....
Larry, I am very grateful for you being in my life! Lob on Larry!!!!!!!!!!
Mark and his father, Harold "Shorty" Fields!-----
The world sure has changed!
But as Don Williams sang, "Lord I hope this day is good!" this day will be very
good, and a good day will be planned for us!
The door I opened...
I opened the door to my imagination and stepped inside. Where will it go?
Hopefully to lots of good places!!!
Tee Willie's MuleTown Mix!!!!
103.7 FM 10:00 - 12:00 Mon - Fri! Tune in even on your computer
or cell phone to hear Tee Willie's radio show!!!!!
They want to eat me!
I certainly hope I'm hidden well, as I just know they want to eat me!!!
Well, either that or give me a Valentine card!
Can you see around the bend...
Brenda Lynn has some very good things that come from around the bend!
But this isn't about that. This is about those that think they can see far
around a bend in the road of life and know what is coming when they really
can't see around that curve up ahead! They remind me of the guy who
was using his GPS and went around a curve and drove right off into a
river as the GPS didn't tell him about the river. So, I'm happy for the good
things that do come from around the bend with Brenda Lynn, and wish for
others to try and see better! I know I want to understand and see better!
My mind blew up again!
Now, I'll have to start picking up the pieces, and see if I can put them all
back together again. That is, if I can find them all!
The look says it all!
He doesn't say very much, but he has a look that really
seems to say it all!
The angle needed
A prism sure can add a lot of colors to our world! A prism must refract light
at around 42 degrees to make a rainbow, and colors appear from their longest
to their shortest wavelengths. Kermit the frog sang, "Why are there so many
songs about rainbows?" I'll just bet it's because of their beauty, and their meaning!
At least that's what Roy G. Biv told me! Or was it the Deep Thought Computer that
came up with 42 and told me it was the answer to everything. "Kermie!" as Ms. Piggy
might say, "The rainbow we see outside is sunlight coming through the water droplets!"
The singing trio!
We sing where we can as we usually don't get any bookings! We have a few
extra singers, but they are very small and usually people can't hear them.
extra singers, but they are very small and usually people can't hear them.
The Blue Nicies!
The Blue Nicies? Did you mean the Blue Meanies? No, they were mean! I'm talking about the Blue Nicies as they are nice and kind! And we truly need some niceness in our lives these days!!! So, quit saying, "Hello glove!" and show kindness to everyone!
"My Life" by Sean Carson
We were sad but listening to Sean Carson's song, "My Life" helped us to understand that our
sadness can go away! In his song, Sean sings, "I ain't who I used to be, and I don't like what I see.
I know the rain will wash away the pain I feel. But I wake up where I belong, and the sadness
goes away, and I wake up to another day of my life!" And that's why we now smile!
Our Jungle!
Randy Newman sang, "It's a jungle out there!" However, the jungle we
live in is beautiful and a very happy place! So, not all jungles are tangled
up with intrigue or deception! Tarzan sure would have loved this place!
Friends are special!
Just being with good friends certainly makes the
day so much more enjoyable!
When dinner comes to you!
I've always wanted to explore a cave! So here we go!!!
We will soon become experienced spelunkers!
We found a new place!
We aren't sure where we are, but everyone here seems to be
very happy! So, let's stay here!
Just when we thought there were too many people all over the place,
we got even more! Let's try a different galaxy!-----
Who could be listening? Sometimes when we speak, we really don't know
that others could be listening to what we say. So, we need to be thoughtful
and kind with our choice of words just in case we are being overheard!
There's only one!
On our planet we do a lot of things much differently than on other planets! And we do listen to Graham Nash's song, "There's Only One" quite a lot from his album, "Songs for Beginners!" We feel that we aren't beginners anymore as we now truly understand what "There's Only One" means! We hope you also will understand this concept!
Philosophy 101 part 2
My mother took a course in Philosophy when I was young. She told me the final test
had one question, "Why?" She said the correct answer was, "Because!" I waited
until I was older and in college and took a Philosophy course. I had a bad teacher though.
He looked at me and said people like me were immature. I replied with, "You'd have to
be immature to say that." Having already served in the army, I really didn't need that type
of comment. One day a girl in the class made a statement to which he replied, "You say
something that stupid again, and I'll take you to the bathroom, put your head in the toilet
and flush it!" I waited for the final test but did not get the "Why" question I wanted.
So, I answered his questions and then put on my test paper how I'd waited for that one
question, "Why?" for many years, and I also answered with, "Because!"-----
Men and Women!
One in twelve men are colorblind while only one in two hundred women
have any problems with being colorblind! I think it might be because men
are so blinded by the beauty of women! That's my theory anyway!
Hole life!
Well, I'm back in the hole, but here I don't have as much to worry about! If things start to look bad, I just duck back down into my hole! I'll move out when everything is better! I might need some electricity as my last candle is about gone!
Singing to the dawn!
I'm singing to welcome in the beauty of a new day!
Learning from experience!
I tried to explain life and everything that goes with it
to my son, but I don't think he believes me! Oh well!
Experience can be the best teacher!
Colorful people!
We are very colorful people and support a wide range of colors! We are also
looking forward to the time when we will also have the invisible color spectrum
with us and we can see the Infrared and the ultraviolet colors! We also have
learned that there are even more colors out there waiting to be found! -----
Fitting in!
We finally found a place where we can all fit in! This place only cares
if you have a loving heart and will be kind to others! They don't care
how you look on the outside as the inside is what truly matters!-----
A Rumor...
I told a rumor I'd heard and instantly regretted that. I know it is wrong to be a
tale bearer and yet, I did it. I do hope I've learned my lesson as you never know
who might be listening and where that rumor might go. I do hope I can control
my voice and actions from now on!
Eye to eye!
We are finally seeing eye to eye, and it hasn't been easy at all!
But now I realize that we are really a lot alike! I wish we'd known
this sooner as we could have solved our problems so much faster!-----
So many ways to go!
We are all looking in different directions. When will we learn to
all look in one way and see things the same? I know we have
been confused to look at so many different paths in life to try and
find our way. Let's work together and learn from each other! We
can solve this!-----
The Wise Old Bird!
We sought The Wise Bird of Knowledge and finally found him! We had a lot of
questions to ask him, and things would have gone well if the first dude hadn't
asked, "Do wet birds fly at night?" Maybe we can come back another time.-----
Talia's world part 6
Talia wants us to know, "The earth, she's turning and leading us on to our destinies!
After all, she is our Mother Earth! We all need to understand time, our planet, and
to do what is right!
The onward march!
We are marching on through time! Does time even think about us
or consider our ways as we move along! It must, as we can't escape time!-----
Aretha sang about respect and that is something we all truly
need! So, let's all make sure we deserve it and treat others accordingly!
The Discuss Everything at Once Club!
It was time for our club, the DEAOC to meet, and we did! However, we all
speak at the same time and the results are always the same. We just
never get anywhere at our meetings. At least we can all show up at the
same place at the same time. I can't wait until the next meeting! I have
noticed that plant life seems to wilt wherever we meet for some unknown
Talia's world part 7
Where's the Valentine party? We got the invite in the mail, but the
address had been left off. So, we just showed up where Talia used to
live with big smiles on our faces, and we were told where to go! So, here
we are knocking on Talia's door! HI Talia!!! Thanks for inviting us!-----
My singing mission!
I'm out practicing my singing! I just haven't found a band that likes
my singing so far. I was told this would be a good place to practice.
I did overhear one person quietly say to another, "We do need to get
rid of some vegetation in that area." But I don't know what he meant
by saying that. I also thought it was odd that they'd pay me just to go
and practice.
We love our tall friend!
He has helped us in so many ways! He warns us if trouble is on the
horizon! He is lots of fun when we play hide and seek as it is easy to
find him! But he can also quickly find the ones that are hiding!
Persuasion in the right way!
Finally, there weren't enough words to describe what I'm feeling! Tommy James
sang a song that makes me think about seeing the light when he sang, "Love is
the answer!" in his song, "Crystal Blue Persuasion!"-----
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to say hi! We are all on this one planet and existing in a certain part
of time! This is the same planet where we once roamed when we were very few in
numbers, and we certainly have changed a lot in our times here! We'd better
learn how to do the best we can while we can as we certainly have spread around
on the surface of this sphere moving through space! There is a lot more worlds
out there, and we will not learn about them if we don't learn to work together!!!-----
Touched in the heart!
Lately, nothing was making any sense. The numbers just weren't adding up.
Then, I watched some reruns of a TV show I hadn't seen in years, "Touch!" The
show quickly reminded me of some important aspects in life, and how we can
react with others to make our lives the way it is supposed to be! We all interact
with each other in so many ways that can be productive if we just try! -----
Scurry land!
The Scurrys live here, and they are fast!
A few minutes ago, there wasn't anyone here!
Now look at them! They are everywhere!
Talia's world part 8
Talia wants you to know, "In our world, we like the letter, "E!"
"It's our favorite letter, and you can add it to the end of just about
any word!" Talia also asks, "What's your favorite letter?"
Talia's world part 9
Talia says, "Whew! Glad that's over! Now it's time to become who
we will be! It's never too late to start over or dream a new dream!"
So be like Talia and keep on swimming even if you are underwater!
I'm so excited!
I have good friends that I can trust and rely on! And many good
blessings in my life! Isn't that what would make anyone excited!!!
Seeing well!
I have the type of eyes that allow me to see a lot!
And believe me where I live, I need to see everything
that is around me! I also try to help others that might
need it!-----
Singing again!
We are finally back to singing after quite a long time of not performing!
We are just singing A Capella as we don't have any musicians to back us
up. But at least our voices sound great!
It was inevitable that we'd finally get together!
After all, we try to help others, do good for others,
and love to smile! So, here we are! Finally, altogether!
I think we've finally found some good luck!!!! We're looking over a lot of
four-leaf Clovers, so we must have found something truly special! One is
standing in the sunshine! One is growing where Larry Lane planted them
to help us all!
My love!
You sure smell nice tonight, and I only have eyes for you!
Me against the world!
Or is it the world against me! But I will continue on and hopefully
succeed in my mission no matter what!!! And I will be the only one
Unusual places!
I love to see the strange and unusual places on the planet where I live!
I've visited the planet Earth and found it to be very interesting! The
Nazca Lines are wonderful to explore there, plus many other parts of that
world! But I think we have a lot more to see on my planet! So, come and
visit us!-----
A conversation about the future
There certainly is a lot to talk about - climate, new inventions, attitudes, what will
the future hold, can we make the world a better place, can we all learn to treat others
better and respect each other! Yes, we can figure all of this out if we just try!!! -----
He's pointing the way!
And to a place where we all want to go! Don't you want to go with us!
Just look at the smiles on our faces! Come with us, and you can have
that wonderful expression on your face!-----
Give out happiness!
James Taylor sang, "Shower the people you love with love!"
Did you know that the happiest people are those that give
the most happiness to others!----
Good advice!
We all want good advice! And good advice is most welcome in these
days and times as we sure need it!
Up down, or level!
We all try different ways to get through our problems!
You decide which is easiest for you!
Fish out of water!
Do you ever worry that you are like a fish out of water. Then you should
come and visit us as we believe everyone is the same on the inside, and
what you look like on the outside - is never important! Your heart and the
kindness you can show to others is what counts in our world!-----
2022 Annual Birdie Meeting!
This year the Birdie leadership decided to have their annual meeting but totally
use a new format for their agenda. They decided that this year everyone needed
to be able express kindness, use beautiful words of peace and love to help the world,
and agree to help everyone work on these goals! The youngsters were also invited
as it is believed they can add some insight into what is important!-----
A moment in time
The moment finally came when we all realized that things were going to get better!!!
Dancing up a storm!!!
We are dancing because of the joy and happiness we feel inside!
A song by Chris Rice, "Smellin' Coffee" adds to our wonderful feeling
and enjoyment of this fine day! So, let's dance!
Open your eyes!
Everything has its own beauty, but not everyone can see it.
So, open your eyes and look deep inside to find this very
So, open your eyes and look deep inside to find this very
worthwhile treasure!
Traps! Beware them! They will be disguised and hard to recognize!
So, look carefully at what looks right and true, and make sure you
choose wisely!!!-----
The transparent eyeball...
Aye ball? I ball? Eh? Oh! Eyeball! The transparent eyeball! Ralph Waldo Emerson
wrote that if the eye is absorbent rather than reflective, you take in what nature truly
has to offer, and you will see what is meant for us by existence! He said we should let
nature take over our senses, but for many adults, they just can't do that. And it really
should be transparent to us as we really need to see and understand!-----
You are here!
If we are here, then who is over there? Isn't everyone in a "here" place
even when we aren't there? Are you trying to confuse me with the old
saying, "If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, does it make a
sound?" Well, all I know is that we are here, and they aren't! So, if we
go over there, will we be in a "here" place? There you go again! Why don't
you go and study Schrodinger's cat for a while! That should explain it all
to you! At least you are somewhere! As for me, I'm going over there as
they have very good desserts!!!
Tee's Cap 2022
Tee was getting fed up with the way things are going and was going to pull
his cap down over his eyes and just give up. He stopped pulling just before
his hat brim covered his eyes because he saw a glimmer of hope, and that's
all it took for him to keep on going! He knows hope will overcome any other
obstacles that might try to get in the way! Let the light shine in your life also!
You're Special!
Cindy says, "Some bunny thinks you're special!" And guess what!
You are! Thanks Cindy for helping us feel better today! We needed
this! And Cindy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are very special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Learn what is true!
Son, never try to be like another person unless that person acts
better than you! Also, make sure they are telling the truth, and
never repeat what they said until you find out if it is truth or fiction!
There are some that will never tell the truth! So, check out what
you hear before you repeat what they told you!
Big fish - little fish
"Wow! You sure are big!" said the little fish. "How did you get so large?"
"Well," said the big fish, "Mainly by eating you little fish!" CHOMP - CHOMP!!
"Yum! Very tasty!"-----
Where is it at?
I keep asking you, "Where is it at?" and you keep saying, "It's behind the A and in
front of the T!" That just isn't helping me find it! I even went to an AT&T store and
looked behind and in front of the store, but it wasn't there!
My new art work!
I've got my latest art now on display! I still don't know why the city suggested
I have my exhibit out at the dump. Look! I already have one visitor! He seems
to like my art so much that he's giggling! That's a positive sign!
We found it!
We finally found a huge four-leaf clover! It has enough luck for all of us!
A mentalist - noun, a person that uses skills to manipulate others
A mentalist convinced us that the answers to everything were in this small hole
he is pointing to. After we dug, he pointed to another hole where we dug. After a
considerable amount of time spent digging holes, we learned he just wanted us to
dig so he could plant flowers. He said his name is, "Tom Sawyer," but I don't think
that is true either.
A song can do a lot!
We took the kids for a walk to try and explain how the world is to them.
I knew it wouldn't be easy, but just then, a song by Brenda Lynn Allen came
into my mind, "It's amazing what a song can do! It can make you laugh! It
can make you cry! It can chase away the blues!" And then a song by Stevie Wonder,
"As", came into my thoughts with the words, "Just as hate know love's the cure!
That I'll be loving you always!" That made us all smile as those words really helped
us to understand what is most important in our world!-----
In the right or wrong place!
Am I in the wrong place? The fish seem to think so and asked, "Are you sure
you didn't take a wrong turn?" I'd tell them that I "feel like a fish out of water,"
but I'm still trying to understand where I am as there are others here that aren't
fish! If everyone here is nice, happy, and care about others, then I am in the
right place!!!!!
Mount Crushmore!
I'm not sure why these guys are famous, but at least it's a nice place
to visit and has a wonderful view!
Something landed!
It might be a spaceship! It could be a giant pumpkin! Well, whatever it is,
it has certainly beautified the landscape!
The chicken and the road!
I asked the chicken why she crossed the road, but her response surprised me
when she said, "I didn't cross the road as there are too many obstacles in the
way to get over there! Also!!! I'm not a chicken!" If I can crawl over this
mess, I'll ask that other bird in case that is a chicken.
Change can come!
Change can come in the blink of an eye! So, I'm voting for a
change for the good! Vote now!
change for the good! Vote now!
The Times
Bob Dylan wrote, "The times they are a-changin!" Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr
also noticed, "The more things change, the more they stay the same!" Albert
Einstein mentioned, "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change!" So,
let me also add what Oprah Winfrey said, "The greatest discovery of all time
is that a person can change his future by mainly changing his attitude!" I see
things so much differently now because of the times we are in. Some ways and
thoughts about our time on this planet are so much clearer now to me! -----
Time to come out of my hole!
I think it's time for me to come up out of my hole! I'm sure the
world and everyone is doing better now! So, no use in hiding
anymore! Besides, I think I need a haircut!
Mr. Positive 2022!
He has such a good, positive attitude! His attitude lifts us up and makes us feel so much better!
The Limbo Champ!
He always wins! He is just a natural for this contest!
We want to be happy!
So, we surround ourselves with positive people! The ones that
will spend some time listening to the problems of others, and then
working to help them! Random acts of kindness happen a lot around
this place! We have learned that investing our time in helping others
is so much more important than making money or becoming famous!
And this is one truly important way to be happy!!!-----
A song of welcome!
I'm singing to welcome in the new day! I think the youngsters also need
to learn this skill to help them appreciate the beauty of a new day!!!
Trying to make a point!
I'm going to try and make a very important point with you about
life and existence! So, listen carefully to what I'm going to say!
Oh man! I forgot what it is! Does anyone remember what I was
talking about??? Was it, "------------------?" I know what it is! I just
wanted to make sure you understand and can remember as this
is such an important lesson in life!
The SPCCC 2022 Meeting!
The Society for the Preservation of Cherry Culture Consciousness (the SPCCC) knew they had to have a meeting in 2022 just because they wanted to elect Larry as the President forever of the SPCCC! Lob on Larry! You have been such a fabulous friend! The meeting was called to order, and our first business was to vote for Larry to always be the President of the SPCCC as he is the one that started our group and made us all healthy by eating cherries! Thank you, my friend!!!
Who wants to race!!!
Ready! Set! Go! And, let the good times roll!
Change lives!
Let's all try to change lives for the better! We have a lot of work to
do, and we need all of the help we can get! So please! Let's all work
together to make life right for anyone we can!
Happy! Happy!
We were told something very exciting was just around the bend in the road!
And we became very happy to think of something good that we could see!
Penelope quickly told us before we left that the grass may seem greener on the
other side of the fence, but quickly look at what we have here! And we have so
much more here that can make us Happy - Happy! And really there certainly is
a lot of beauty here!-----
Bertha the mule!
There she is!!! We've been looking for her! Why are we looking for her you ask!
Because she is so special! And just being with her makes us all very happy!
Only one grumpy person left!
The rest of us understand about being happy, and are glad with what we have!
We all look different, but our hearts are in the right place! He has asked us to
call him Mr. Grumpy! I hope some fine day we can call him Mr. Happy!
The place of true joy!
You will never, ever be truly happy by having a lot of possessions!
Your true wealth will come from a complete lack of wants and the
joy of knowing that you have everything you need!
When words aren't necessary!
The look can just about say it all! "Hello!" he said. "Hi there!"
she replied. Then their smiles seemed to say, "So nice to meet you!"
"You too!" as words just weren't needed!-----
Will slow but steady win this time? We have a lot more entries than
for that previous race! And this time, that rabbit refused to enter! So,
we will see who wins this time at the finishing line!
They like me!
I love this place! They don't look at me as being different,
and are nice to me even if I am not like them! They judge by
actions and not how you look here! I'm so glad I found this place!-----
Freddie looks different!
I did hear that he has been on a new diet. So, maybe that's
why he seems so different. But I just can't figure out what has
changed in him. His frown seems to be turned upside down. And
we always frown here! And why isn't he on all four legs! Whatever
has happened to him sure makes him stand out from the rest of us!-----
The ball that wouldn't quit rolling
It sure is upsetting the balance of everything! Where is friction when you need it!
Overcoming obstacles!
We have finally gotten over all of the obstacles in our lives!
Now, we can relax and enjoy our newfound freedom!
Greener grass!
Is the grass really greener over on the other side of the fence!
We both switched sides, but everything still looks the same! I
think we've been fooled! And it wasn't easy getting over that fence!
The baby is crying!
That's what babies do! And they are worth it no matter if they cry!
For where would we be without them!-----
The Puddle!
Once upon a time there was a puddle. Now, this is not a puddle made from
rainwater, but a nickname given to a very sweet and kind person who liked to
help others! To further help in understanding, let me break it down for you!
P - a person
U - who understands
D - delicate
D - dilemmas
L - and loves
E - the Earthlings-----
What is it?
Whatever it is, it sure seems friendly! Hey! Where did Billy go?
He was just here! They say you can tell a lot about a person by
looking in their eyes. This dude's eyes may seem friendly, but I
think there's something hidden back in there! What do you
think Sam? Hey! Sam's missing!-----
A good place to live!
I fit in on because on this planet even if you are square or round,
there is still a place for you as long as you do what is right! And
everyone here looks at your heart, actions, what you do, and not
at your outside!
A small thing can be big!
Sometimes the smallest of things can be very big! A simple, kind gesture
or to help someone in need can lift up someone's spirit and make them
happy to be alive!-----
When the mountain gets too high, or the obstacles become too rough,
may you spout wings and fly!
The Game of Life!
Is life a type of game? It can be in some ways, and one where anyone
can win if they play right and learn the truly important lessons of life!
Which is easier!
Is it easier to walk, crawl, swim, or fly? I guess it just depends upon
what you need to get you where you need to be!
How to see clearly
The movie, "The Matrix" talked about taking a blue pill and remain without knowing what is true,
or take the red pill and wake up to what is true. All I can say these days, is that I don't know why
some believe what they do when I can easily see that the ones they believe in always lie and just
cannot speak what is true. So, if you do want to see clearly, and a person you have been believing in
keeps lying, and you know they lie over and over, then please wake up!
The T-Rex fan!
I often wondered how a T-Rex could catch food to eat with such
tiny hands, but now I know that all they had to do was use their
huge jaws and take big bites! I think I'll eat the Elvis impersonator
It's over there!
What is over there? "It" is over there? What is it? I don't know!
But "it's" over there! Just to let you know, all "its" are over there,
and they are never here! But what if "it" was here? It can't be here if
"it's" over there! I just think you are confused with it!!!
The Dream!
Am I dreaming? No, this is not a dream! I do know that I must fight against all the
wrong I can see, make it my quest, and then I will reach that unreachable star! This
will not be an impossible dream, but the fulfillment of a life lived in the right way!
It's all been said before!
Well, it it's all been said before, then why are you saying it again?
You forgot what I said! That's why I had to say it again! Try to
remember this time!
Round rolls better!
Love is round, the world is round, spinning like a top! We do find
we get further by rolling down hill, but we do love level areas for
the peace, quiet, and rest they bring!
We sing so well together!
I think the plant life will start growing back now that we are here to sing!
The last vocal group sang so badly that most of the vegetation died off! We
all sing in the same key which does help! Those other guys seem to have
invented a new type of hollering that had never been heard before, and I hope
will never be heard of again!
The slippery slope of life!
As you may have realized, life can have a very slippery
slope, and you may slide for quite a way! But just keep
your head up, hold on to what is right, wait until the
end, and you'll find out that you made it safely through
this long and sometimes very difficult ride!
A peaceful dream!
A had a very nice, peaceful dream of just floating along on a quiet river!
If I can stay asleep, maybe I'll float on into the Emerald sea!
The Best Type of Race!
We finally found a race where everyone who enters is guaranteed a First Place trophy
and no one will ever lose! We really needed to find a race like this as it sure does
make all of us feel good!
Things are opening up!
I felt very isolated from the rest of the world for quite a while!
But I think things are starting to open up!
So many stories to tell!
We love good stories and epic tales of adventure! And we always want those
to have happy endings! It won't matter if there is a scary part as long as good
triumphs over anything else! So, tell us a story with a happy ending!!! ------
The Good Path!
That other area was very tangled up and seemed impossible to traverse!
I'm glad that we found this much easier path to continue our travels!
Using leverage!
We love to use leverage to influence our friends and improve their lives!
Then, we support them as they make good decisions and make things
better for our world! We also like that, "Leverage: Redemption" has started
back on TV!-----
Can I look now!
I want to stick my head up in a world where everything
makes sense! Can I look now, or should I try a different planet in another galaxy! I sure hope this one will work!
The reason for the Big Bang!
Things were getting way to crowded here, and I couldn't find my car keys!
Everything had been pulled in by a huge gravitational force, and we knew it was time
for the Big Bang! But it was the biggest Big Bang we'd ever had, and I still can't
find my car keys!
Understand truth!
If you open your eyes and mind and listen carefully, it will be much easier to see and
understand what is real and what isn't! But! Also pay careful attention to what is said,
and really try to find out if it is true or not! I see too many that don't understand that
when a person lies, that they really shouldn't trust that person to tell the truth! And
truth is very, very important!-----
The big laugh!
We sure needed it! Laughter can help a lot and has the power to heal
and give us hope! So, everyone, laugh a lot today! It can lighten loads
that may be weighing on your heart and can help you live a lot longer!-----
A pot of gold or....
We thought we'd found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But, one friend
commented that we hadn't seen a rainbow at all that day, and this pot of gold might
be some type of trap. I think we had better move carefully around it and continue
on our way.-----
Looking forward to better days!
And just the thought of that makes us smile!
Our collection of planets!
Next, we will try for one called "Earth" as we've heard a lot
about it from other space travelers!
There it is!!!
That's where it all began! Some keep asking where it began,
and now we can tell them! It began over there! Some still don't know
what IT is, but at least we can tell them where it started! AND!
There it is!!!-----
A fish out of water! (part 2)
Sometimes I still feel like "a fish out of water" but
I'm learning to adapt! And I think that I am finally
where I belong!
I see a lot!
My friends know I can see a lot of what's happening on our planet,
and that I can help them avoid the badness that tries to get to them!
And isn't helping others seek out what is good an important goal!-----
The Firefly!
WILDWOOD wrote and sings a song about the Firefly which has a lot of deep
meanings to me! Fireflies may not have a lot of days to live, and we have so
many more days and must make the most of our time here! So, we need to
not let our days go to waste! And please watch her sing this song on her
official music video!
Our friendly giant!
We are lucky to have such a great friend! He takes care of us,
protects us and keeps us very safe! And he can do a lot! He
can install a long fence in only a few minutes! He created a lake
for us so easily just be taking one big step! Everyone needs a
friend like him!-----
What does the nose know
At least Jimmy Durante said, "My nose has never been snubbed!" And he did
say goodnight to Mrs. Calabash! I once met Mr. Durante's niece, and immediately
her husband said, "You are looking at her nose aren't you!" And I was! I really was!
Nasology does say that a person can be known by the shape of your nose, and if you
become more intelligent, your nose will change. But don't tell that to Pinocchio!-----
The world of fine!
This is where everything is fine! You won't have to worry
at all about anything! We moved all that other stuff far away
to another planet! Here you will only know that the hearts
of everyone will only show kindness, caring, and love!
The right side of life!
There is an upside to the right side of life!!! And make sure that you stay
away from the downside of life!
Mr. Blah Blah Blah!
We had heard about him, but we needed to find out for ourselves if
he had no clue to what he was talking about! And by golly, when we
found him, he just said over and over, "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"
The blah, blah, blahs went on for quite a while, but I think you've
heard enough!
Art is all around us!
We don't have far to go to see beautiful art, because art is all
around us! Art is used in so many various ways in our lives, but some
don't even appreciate or understand how important it is for all of us!
And we do need it in our lives!!!
A country for the old and young!
William Butler Yeats wrote a poem, "Sailing to Byzantium" which mentioned
"That is no country for old men", and states, "Caught in the sensual music, all
neglect monuments of unageing intellect", and that, "An aged man is but a
paltry thing." I would just like to mention what John Prine sang in his song,
"Hello in there!" - "So, if you are walking down the street sometime, and spot some
hollow ancient eyes. Please don't just pass 'em by and stare as if you didn't care!
Say hello in there, hello!" I'm not an old paltry thing, so please stop and say
hello in there! And, I'll say hello to you! -----
Going with the flow!
I'm going along with everyone else, but I sure hope this doesn't lead
to a high waterfall or something else that is worse!
The stars are out tonight!
The stars are out tonight, and also in our eyes! And, I only have eyes for you!!!
Thank you!!!
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this planet that will go out
of their way to help those who are in need! You are really doing a wonderful thing!
Protecting my friends!
I watch out for and protect my friends as this planet seems to have too many
that are indifferent and have no concern for others! So just know that I am
watching over my friends!
I think I'm going the wrong way!-----
The Wall
We feel so "walled off" Now what could be on the other side? What
are they hiding? Whatever it is, they don't seem to want anyone to
know about it. They seemed to be afraid of us learning what it is. Where
did Joey go? He said something about digging a tunnel.
The world of the closed eyes!
On this planet, they like to roam around with their eyes closed.
They do bump into a lot of obstructions and into each other!
Please open your eyes and look where you are going!-----
The world where you belong!
This is the world where you belong as long as you
have a good, caring heart and the desire to do all
you can for others! So, welcome and come on in!
The color of time!
What is the color of time? The Strawberry Alarm Clock sang a song in which
they mentioned incense and peppermints and the color of time. But they
really didn't explain what color time is. I think time is more a shade of
gray even when time can contain all the colors of the spectrum! And I still
say, "Time only goes by in one direction, and cover us with mortal dialections.
It's a friend or an enemy! But it won't let me be!" And as The Strawberry
Alarm Clock also mentioned, "A yardstick for lunatics, one point of view." And
until we can figure this out, I'll just take a nice ride through the countryside and
enjoy the scenery because maybe the color of time isn't something that I need
to worry about anyway!
What is it? A new type of bird? A backward letter E? From our perspective
it is hard to say. It looks like it might be tilting backwards whatever it is! Look
out Ben!!!!!!!!!! SPLAT! Well, at least we know to stay out of its reach from
now on!-----
"Momma, I have some questions!"
"Son, all children have a lot of questions! What are yours?"
"Can a jellyfish or butterfly really cause a hurricane? Why did Rheticus
like triangles so much? Are good friends important?" "Son, these are
all great questions! Some of these things you will not have to worry about!
But do all you can to be nice and kind to those you know, as good friends
are very important!"
Do more eyes help!
I thought by having more eyes that I could see a lot better! My
spider friend said they help him! So why aren't all of these eyes
helping me see! Maybe I need glasses! But do they make glasses
to fit me.
Welcome to Positiveville!
We welcome all who have a positive attitude to our beautiful town!
What is Art!
I could spend hours and days talking about Art, but I know we don't have that much time!
Art is everywhere even if you don't see it! Let's start back at the beginning of human time
and see how art has progressed. Humans try to express themselves with many different types
of art. We can look at the art on walls created by Cavemen, and also look at our entire human
history of art! And the question always arises, "What is Art?" I even have a joke about Noah
and art, and a joke about Cavemen and art, but that's for another time. I've seen stuff that
someone says is art but isn't. I've seen beautiful art and art that is in the other direction. Art
is so different for each one of us which makes the definition of it more difficult. I collect
Art History books and study how humans feel about art. So, what do you think! -----
Riding the wave of existence
We are either fighting our way up stream or floating along
downstream like a fallen leaf... Sometimes it's just hard to tell!
But most seem to be enjoying the ride!-----
You are both in time-out until you can learn to act better! Being nice to
everyone is very important! So, you will stay there until you can learn how
be good and kind to each other and to everyone you meet!!! This is a very
important lesson in life!
The race is on!
Is that pride coming up the backstretch? Nope! That's just a boulder
rolling down a hill. So, we will keep on smiling! I was going to let you
win anyway! I take pride in letting a smaller guy win just because it
helps all of us feel better! And a lot of happiness can come from that!-----
The number of legs won't matter!
Bob said, "I feel I can win this race as I have less legs to move which will make me
faster!" George replied, "I feel I can win because more legs will help me run faster!"
While they were discussing the race, Mary won as she was the only one that took
off when the starting pistol fired!-----
The jumping cactus!
We have gone way out west to the Sonoran Desert to watch the jumping cactus!
Just look at them jump! They are jumping and leaping all over the place! I'm glad
just the small ones are jumping as I wouldn't want one of the big ones to land on me!
No place like home!
Wherever you call home, make it a place filled with love and caring for each other!
This, that, or the other!
Bill asked, "What did you mean when you said, 'This, that, or the other?'"
Charlie replied, "Well, this is here, that is over there, and the other is where
we can't see it!" Bill continued on with, "Are you sure about that as usually people
only say that when they are trying to avoid the issue. "Eh?" said Charlie. Bill said,
"What you should say is that here is beautiful, there is beautiful, and over there is very beautiful!"
It is very important!
It is very important for us to live as we teach! Our children will learn by our example!
We must not fail!
There is a reason we can't fly!
We can't fly because we don't have any wings. But how can he fly
as he doesn't have any wings? Is he using the Bernoulli Principal for
flight? Maybe he's just more aerodynamic than us. At least it makes
him happy!
An impenetrable barrier!
Is someone hiding in there? Or hiding something that he just doesn't
want found? Or maybe he wants to get away from the drudgeries of
this world. Well, let's go knock and see if he will let us in, and then we
call tell him that there is still a lot of beauty out here to see!
Something is in the way!
But what is it? It's not a log jam as it's too far from the river.
It's not a Beaver lodge. It looks like a bunch of folks all jammed
together! We want to get to the other side to go fishing. Is it
some kind of artistic work? If we were only taller, we could jump over it!
We sure did want to have some hush puppies with fried fish tonight!-----
A new trend in clothing!
Ow! Yes, I do look different. Ow! I'm trying out these new snow boots, ow!,
I heard that the weatherman, ow!, predicted a deep snow this winter! Ow!
Ow! These boots hurt, ow!, but think how good I will feel, ow!, when the snow
comes! Ow! Right now, ow!, I'm just trying, ow!, to get, ow!, used to, ow!, them, ow!
Ow! Ow! Ow!-----
Crowded but good!
It was just too crowded on the planet where we used to live.
It is getting crowded on our new planet, but here we all smile
and help each other out! So, it is a much better than the old
planet which had a lot of arguing and complaining! No frowns at all here!
Laying our cards out on the table!
This is a very good way to tell who is honest! And honesty is the
best policy as some just do not care if they cheat others or not!
The twists and turns of life!
We have had many twists and turns in our lives as we moved
along in this world. But the good ones have kept us together!
Rolling on
Our professor asked, "How well do balls roll on flat ground?" While we
considered this problem, he said, "Nothing is truly flat! We live on a round
ball in space that is constantly rotating! Shouldn't that make balls roll on flat
ground? You would think so, wouldn't you! The Parthenon steps may look flat
and straight, but they had to be raised slightly in the middle to counteract
an optical vision problem to make the steps appear flat even though they
aren't." One student asked, "Professor, will this be on our test?" The Professor
replied, "This question may be on the test, 'If our planet is round, then why
aren't these balls rolling while the planet spins?'"-----
It's cool time!
Sam said, "It seems nice here and not cold at all! So, why is this cool time?"
George replied, "It is a time when everyone is happy! That's what cool time is!"
Sam said, "Oh! I want to be in cool time and live here! I want to be happy!"
George smiled and said, "Then bring a smile, sit down, and stay awhile!"
Cindy's cabin!
A place where the smiles are many, and the frowns
stay far away never to be seen! It is a place of bless
because Cindy deserves it! Just to sit there in the peace
of the mountains, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the beauty of nature!
We want to go the right way!
Directions in life aren't always easy, so we really needed help to get on the right path! And here we go!
Time and lessons!
It's times like these that we'd better learn some very
important lessons about helping others! For one day,
we might need help!-----
Going for a nice ride!
There is so much to see here, and we are very happy to have
this chance to explore! Our tour guide is very nice, and he knows
a lot about this area!
We love old TV shows!
We are going over to David's house to watch reruns of old TV shows on the internet!
We just don't like the new TV shows and can't figure out why the ones we did like
got cancelled. Plus, the words that are allowed on TV now just aren't what we would
want our children to hear or even say in public or in school! So here we all go to David's!
The collectors!
We collect planets and galaxies because we haven't had a Big Bang in a long time! We are almost ready to have another one! Just a few more to go! It isn't easy to pack them all together, but the explosion is very nice!
Watching the kids learn about life!
I am watching my children from a distance to make sure they
have learned some important lessons in life! -----
The beauty of Nature!
I'm explaining to my son how important nature is, and how we must protect it! This is a very important lesson because nature's value to us is more than can be imagined!
Balancing existence
It's not easy to keep nature and everything else going well together, but
it must be done and done right! So, let's try to achieve this important
balance, and do all we can!!!
When I dream!
When I dream, I mainly dream about eggs! I do love them!
A jumping contest!
My friend and I are going to have a jumping contest to see who can jump the
highest and farthest! I'm lighter and think I'll win! He has larger muscles and
thinks he will win! But whomever wins, at least we are good friends! And,
that's what really decides a contest! You always win by having a great friend!-----
It's time for a change!
It's time for this world to turn right side up! It's time we all lived our
lives in the right way and helped each other all we can!
The mystery of life is solved!!!
We finally figured out how to communicate and then solved the
mystery of life and how to get along with each other! It just took
being nice and kind to everyone to bring about this wonderful
change in our lives! And that is so important!-----
Stalactite vs Stalagmite
Professor, how do you tell the difference between a Stalactite and a Stalagmite?
Well, let's just look at the structure of the words - StalacTite and StalagMites.
Did you notice how I used a capital letter in each word? The "T" has a drop-down part,
and the "M" has an upward hump. This will always let you know which one rises up
and which ones comes down! This will make it easier for you to remember which is
which! You can also realize that the T means top, and the G means ground which will
also help you remember their differences!-----
The shape of things to come!
We aren't sure if we can understand how these shapes will
influence our times, but we do know what they are, and some
are very special!
I speak a lot of languages, but I'm most fluent in
Gibberish and Mumbling! It's always good that I
have someone near me to translate for those that
can't understand my main type of discourse!
We will figure it out!
Somethings are very hard to figure out on this planet. A lot of different
types of creatures live here, and all seem to be so different in their beliefs
and attitudes. BUT! We will figure it out and learn how to get along with
each other! We can all help each other in so many useful ways!
A beautiful view!I wanted to be where nature is delicately balanced
and has a fantastic view! I think I've finally found it!
A peaceful day or is it!
It is such a beautiful and peaceful day! There sure aren't any distractions
to pull me away from this wonderful time! Hey look! That looks like a
wiggly worm over there! I do feel hungry and I'm ready to eat!
The nose knows (part 2)
He told us, "Make a difference in your lives and in your world before
it all goes sideways! You can believe what you want, but some things
are true and some aren't. There is a big difference between truth and lies!!!
How to make life better!
Never, ever lie is very important! Always investigate everything you are told and see if it can
be verified to be true! And always only tell what is true! Also, learn "Thumper's Rule " and
follow that!!!-----
Going to where true beauty is found!
We are going home to where the beauty is because that is
where our hearts belong! And this wonderful place does
completely fill our hearts with joy and love!
The mountains are calling!
Well since they are all around us, I guess we'd better
listen to them and go and experience their beauty!
We all went Trick-or-treating as aliens, but then we saw a real
alien who liked candy! So, we gave him all of our candy just to
make him happy! He did have a much better costume!
I was puzzled...
I was very confused about life, existence, and how things work, but all
of a sudden - the answer to life, the universe, and everything came to me!
And the answer is 42! I wanted to say, "Eureka!", but that can mean so many
things such as a girl's name, a city in northern California, a city in Illinois, a city
in Kansas, a city in Missouri, a city in Montana, and in Hindi it is a blend of copper
and nickel. So, I don't think I'll use that word, Eureka. Maybe Einstein and Archimedes
said it, or maybe they didn't. I just didn't want to confuse you, so I'll just say, "42!"
which only took the Deep Thought computer 7.5 million years to find! I hope this
explains everything to you! But if it doesn't, then google, "For Math Fans: A Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Number 42" and that will give you even more Eureka moments! Oh man!
I used that word again!-----
Across the great divide of time!
As Lance Harrison wrote in his song, "Barrymore's Turnstile" which is on his album,
When I Ran Away With The Circus (and other stories), "Across the great divide of time
and the width of too much space!" which has taught us that everything is beautiful in
its own way! And I do love the seven albums by Lance that I have!!!
The bowling pin people
They finally got away from the alleys and went to live out their lives
in peace! Some have even lost weight and learned how to get along
with other types of ball people!
Once upon a time in nature!
In a time before the internet, before the vast changes I've seen over the
past years, we'd just walk out in nature to see the beauty there! And
there was so much to see!
A peaceful place!
No one can slow us down because we know exactly where to go!
It is a very peaceful place with no distractions or worries to upset us! Why don't you join us!
Playing Hide and Seek!
We love to play Hide and Seek and play it just about every day as we have a wonderful
area for this delightful game! But why does Rock Guy always win? Wait! I think I found
Cindy! It's me behind this tree!!!-----
Let love lead you!
Follow love and let it lead you on the right path through life!
This is the place!
This is the place where everyone knows that the bird is the word!
Out of a very deep hole!
My good friend told me that it was time to come out of the hole where I'd been living.
He explained very clearly that there is still a lot out here to live for, and I must
see that! So, out I come to do all I can!
Our Big Foot!
He is the best Big Foot on our planet and helps everyone out that
needs a helping hand! We want to enter him in "The Best Big Foot
on the Galaxy!" contest!!! We know he'd win!!!
Who needs a hug!
Sometimes you just need a great, big hug to make you
feel better!
When it is smart to not reply!
There are times when it shows a fine command of language to refrain
from replying when a person is speaking but only saying things that aren't
true! There are occasions when telling the truth will not go over the right
way, and it is at those times if you remain quiet, it will demonstrate a good
intelligence on your part! And, hopefully correcting a person later on will
be best!
The last artwork I'll ever make!
This is the last work of art that I will ever make! I'm just getting old and
tired and need some rest. So, I hope you like it! What! I'm under contract
for 10 more years and you'll take me to court if I don't keep working? Hmm...
Let me peruse the contract.... Hmm.... It doesn't specify the quality needed.
Hmm... Do you know what Rodin did when he was asked to submit photos of
sculptures before they would be accepted for a show. You don't! Ha, ha ha!!!-----
Happy People!
If we can all get along on our planet even when we are so different,
why can't the people of Earth also give it a try!!! I think they'd like it!
When art crashed into our planet!-----
The Birds have a lot to say!
Maybe they have a lot to say about the world because of the
way things are going! Are there enough worms for everyone!
What about seeds! How about bird feeders! Global warming!
Sure is a lot of squawking going on and it is getting on my nerves!
But we'd better listen to what they are saying because I believe they are right!!!
Small things
Sometimes I feel so small and insignificant in the face of everything
around me. But I do know that I have value, and even small things
can be very important! Small things can be big!!!
Our world is an immense playground!-----
Starting to unwind!
We were all wound up in a very tight ball! But we are starting
to unwind! We learned that the best kindness is done by a person
that does something for you but does not need to be thanked!
So, whomever caused us to get away from our problems, we thank
you and appreciate it very much!
The end of a very fine day!
We had such a wonderful time out in nature and enjoying
our surroundings today! We have so much to be thankful for!
I'm going to make a point!
Just so you'll know, up is not down, left is not right, a lie is never truth, and if you follow
the wrong person without looking, you may fall off a cliff! Also never play a wrong chord
in a song when everyone else is playing the right chord!-----
Differences can be great!
Sometimes worlds will collide with each other but can be a good thing!
We learned how good stick people are when they moved to our area!
They can help us by getting into tiny places and fix things that we couldn't get
to before! And they are nice people! All it took was saying hi and getting to
know them to realize how helpful and kind they are!-----
Finding Peace!
We found the right path to walk on, and we will never stray again!
Because on this path, we will not fail!
When gravity got confused!
It became a day where up was down and right was left! But don't
worry as gravity finally realized it was dreaming, woke up, and came
back to being right! I also learned that "jr" reads the same right side
up or upside down!
Buddies! Pals! Friends!
We all help each other and anyone else that we can!
To have a friend, you must first be one!
My big hands!
I can give really good hugs with my big hands! Those with long necks really appreciate my hugs! But then, who doesn't appreciate a hug!
Mr. Mouth!
This time he has eaten too much!
The world art exhibit!
We decided to put all of our world on display as an
art exhibit! Every now and then, anyone can step out
and view this fantastic show! Hope you all love being
on display as you are an important part of the Earth!-----
"Ho, ho, ho!"
Merry Christmas! I have presents for everyone!
The right place and time!
The right place and the right time! Or did I use the wrong line?
Well in art a line can mean so many different things! As Edgar
Degas once said, "Art is not what you see, but what you make
others see!"
It's time to be happy!
I don't mean to intrude, be rude, or even to exclude you,
but this is "The Season to be Jolly!" So, be happy!
Finish the Race!
We finished the race, and we are so glad we did! Winning wasn't what
is important to us! Being able to smile at everyone after we go across
the finish line is most important to us! Sometimes in our races, if I get in
front, I'll slow down and try to get the rest to get ahead of me! Sometimes
one big guy will pick up two of us that are slowing down and try and carry us on!
That's sort of like what Refrigerator Perry once did in football! AND! If we all
finish at the same time, we are all winners!!!
Hi everyone!
We all just want to say hello because it is the season to be jolly!
And joy always gets better by sharing it and spreading the love!
And I know I've said hi before, but let's keep doing it!
Wow! That's a big number! It may have numbers in it, but it's
actually today's date! Let me separate those numbers for you!
12 - 22 - 2022 or in words, December 22, 2022!!! Oh my! Now I
Your Christmas present!
Why yes! I am holding something behind my back for you!
It is a very special Christmas present just for you, my friend!
It will be ok!
We are all certain that everything will be ok! Just wait and see!
Warmer weather is coming!
The birds and many others are sure glad that warmer weather is coming!
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