six months or so.
creatures that must learn how to dwell on this planet! Oh! So, mold under the sink then. NO! That's not what I said! We've all been formed lumped together on a planet and must figure out how to make it work!

The Whole Enchilada!
Now what does an enchilada have to do with anything? It tastes good, but this is about something
else. Do you remember what Glen Campbell sang about in his song, "Try a Little Kindness?" It's
about that. It is hard to explain existence, why we are here, and a lot more concepts that deal
with our world! The easiest way is to ask, "Why?" and that answer is too easy, "Because!" I just
want you to think about "The Whole Enchilada" of being here, being alive, and what we should all do!
And please understand what Mr. Campbell meant in his song!!!
The Matrix Enigma
A recent Blacklist tv show episode said, "Forget everything you think you know!" The movie,
The Matrix also mentioned the concept of existing but not being aware that what you see and
believe isn't real. Or you could ask Frank Herbert what he meant when he wrote, "The sleeper
must awaken!" What say ye Maud'Dib?
A real smile!
Some smiles are fake, but you can always tell a real and true
smile as it comes from the heart! As Dan Fogelberg sang in his
song, "There's A Place In The World For A Gambler", There's a
light in the depths of your darkness! There's a calm at the eye
of every storm! There's a light in the depths of your darkness! Let it
shine! Oh, let it shine! Let it shine! Oh, let it shine! So, let your smile shine from your heart!
Nothing was normal, or was it?
Nothing is ever normal on this world compared to what might happen
on other worlds! But this doesn't mean that these critters aren't good!
Just looking at our world makes me wonder about us!
When your heart is full of love and you can show that, then you won't care who is square and who is round anymore!
The March for Happiness goes on!
The Smiling Language
I've read that all people smile in the same language. But I'm really not sure that is
true as some will smile when they hurt others. We aren't sure what he's up to, and
he sure is big! We just hope he will be a good guy and can help us with our problems!
There are many reasons we can learn from the elderly! They've been here a lot longer than we have and have seen and experienced a lot more of the world! John Prine wrote a song "Hello In There!" with the advice: "So if you're walking down the street sometime, and spot some hollow ancient eyes, please don't just pass 'em by and stare as if you didn't care, say, Hello in there, hello!"
The Octothorpe!
We are all going to see the Octothorpe! The Merriam-Webster dictionary has
some very unusual definitions for this word so we must go see what it is! The
dictionary says the word might be because of Jim Thorpe, and I've been to
the Jim Thorpe museum in Pennsylvania so this could be very special for me!
Wait! Octo means eight! Could they be coming to look at me as I do have eight
Someone got the big head! But he did something very special and certainly deserves the praise and admiration he has been receiving! So, his head can get as large as it can grow!!!
Living in Sunshine!
Ernest Tubb sang, "I'm living in sunshine when I'm with you!" and that's how
you make me feel! So, keep it up! We certainly need a lot of that these days!
I went way back in a new cave because I am a spelunker, and I love to explore! However, I climbed up into an extremely long shaft and came to a place that must be in a different universe as everything is very unusual! Am I in the Twilight Zone?
Love at First Sight!
You will always know when "Love at First Sight" happens! However,
you must also take time to really get to know each other or, as the
Greeks put it, theia mania, which might be "madness from the gods"
and just infatuation! So, if you have been hit with Cupid's arrow
make sure you think about what William Shakespeare wrote about
as Juliet was swept away by Romeo, and Juliet said, "This bud of love,
by summer's ripening breath, may prove a beauteous flower when
next we meet!" But that certainly didn't end well. Perhaps Andy
Griffith's take on Romeo and Juliet on YouTube can explain it all! I'd
recommend you see what Andy says!!!
I can figure it out!
I can't figure it out yet, but I'll smile until I can! Are we in a chess
game of life? Are we in a strange race to some unusual finish line?
Or just going bonkers as Talia suggested? At least I know we can be
happy despite the times! As Talia also said, "I'll let my imagination
run on wild wings!" I'll listen to Talia and finally figure this all out!
Our Time...
This is a time of which we can see others in an entirely different spectrum of colors
on the canvas of life!!! And yes, they are right in our faces and lives but are so far
off in other dimensions!!!! However! Our time with close friends, is the best time!!
Modern Art Exhibit!
I took my art students to see the new modern art exhibit that is now in town!
The exhibit is called, "Art of the Future!" I will ask the students later how they
felt about the title and the direction that art will go in the future! Hey! Has
anyone seen Billy? He's always wondering off to explore somewhere!
The Big Award!
I was just doing my job, but I do appreciate the honor of accepting
this award! Praise is always nice for a job done well! What! This
award is for "The Nincompoop of the Year!"
Just walking my Pup Pup! What a wonderful day for a stroll! A very nice temperature,
and nothing is interrupting our walk! Well, there are a lot of
things to look at, but they just don't distract me when I'm with
Pup Pup! He gets all of my attention, and we always have to
walk where he wants to go!
My Best Buds!
Just hanging out with my good friends and enjoying nature, our
wonderful relationships, and the good times we have together! That
can only happen with people you can trust unconditionally, and who
share the right parts of life with you!
We all went out to the garden to have a party and to reminisce! We realized
we couldn't please everyone, so we did what Ricky Nelson suggested, and tried
to please ourselves! We thought Yoko would bring her walrus, but we just didn't
see her anywhere. We were looking forward to playing Uno with her. or is it Ono?
Mr. Zimmerman started talking about some Mr. Hughes hiding in his shoes, but that
made us wonder why he came. And now I'm wondering, "What kind of garden is
this?" -----
Promethea Silkmoth (Callosamia promethea) female
They are called the silk moth as they do produce silk. They
are the only moth in their family where the sexes are not active at the
same time of day, with males being diurnal and the females being
nocturnal. They only meet during the evening for a few hours. The males use mimicry of the poisonous pipe vine swallowtail butterfly as a form of protection. They are larger than regular moths with wingspans of three to four inches! The females are brightly colored with the males being darker. This one is a female!
where did the notion that numbers influence us come from? And why does
Friday the 13th happen on any month that starts on a Sunday? And it
can happen up to three times a year? What? It comes from the Norse
idea about Loki? But he's a trickster! We can't trust him! And why
did the Greeks consider Tuesdays the 13th unlucky? And any month that
starts on a Thursday will have a Tuesday the 13th in it? What?
Italians consider Friday the 17th bad? And any month that starts on a
Wednesday will have a Friday the 17th in it? Are any days good? Maybe I
have Triskaidekaphobia? If I have that, then I also have
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia! Oh man! Hey wait! I have 12
legs so I may be ok! At least I don't have Dodecaphobia! And I love
math! What will I do now? At least I know I can solve 22 divided by 7
by using a fraction! You can't solve it any other way as it would go on
forever! And forever sure is a long time!
Our mom watches over and takes very good care of us!
Thank you, Momma, for always being there for us, as I
know we can be a handful! But you are always teach us
the right way to live and treat others! Mothers are like
that! Yeah, they are!
Yes, it's only slightly used! A good buy! Hey! Aren't you the guy that sold me the Brooklyn Bridge that you didn't own?
Doing My Best!
I'm putting my best foot forward because that's all I have, but that should be enough to do well in this life!
Search for the good!
Even when things aren't going well in your life, search and you will find
the paths to happiness!
The water...
The water doesn't seem too deep, so we can wade and have fun!
Wait! Could we be standing on the back of some strange creature?
Could this be some unusual type of quicksand water?
The Dragon!
He was the last of his kind, and he took one long, last look at the planet before he flew off
to seek others of his species on a far better world in another galaxy!
You should do good deeds without seeking recognition as that will be a reward in itself to see others getting the blessing that you have done for them in secret!
I love to sing!
But others tell me that my singing is in the wrong key or with lots of flats and sharp notes.
I usually try to sing out by myself in the wilderness. It seems I've even run off the buzzards.
Maybe I'm not really singing! I did go to a vocal class, but after I learned three notes,
the instructor told me I'd learned enough, and said it was time for me to go. I thought
he was telling me that I was very good and didn't need to learn anymore.
Some say there are two sides to all discussions. Some say there is even a
third side in the gray area. I still believe there is only one true side! And for me, that's the right side!
I know how difficult life can be when we feel like we can't take one more step. And if you try, it may not be the one step that will finally take you away from your problems. But there will come that one step which will save you! So, keep trying!
Between a rock and a hard place
At first, I thought I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but then they both offered to help me with my problems! So things aren't always as they seem when they look so bad! There are folks that can really help you when you desperately need it!
The size of your heart
The size of your heart will not matter as only what good you can do with it
is important! It's like having one leg, two legs, three legs, four legs, or more!
It doesn't matter! The only important thing that does matter is what good
you can do for others! A small heart full of love can do a lot!
Just when the mystery of time, existence, and why we are here was starting to unravel and I could understand it, Loki had to say, "We can't free the timeline!" Now, that just makes everything more confusing!
Laura Lane sings a song she wrote which includes the words, "You show me love in everything you do!" and that is something that we all really need to do!
The eyes have it!
Some see a lot, or so they think. Some seem to think they see too much!
Oh! What? Did you mean, "The ayes have it?" Never mind, that's different.
Aye yai yai yai!!!!
The Pluviophiles are an organization of friends that find joy and peace of mind during rainy days! One member, Larry, suggested that we go and see if wet birds really don't fly at night! Now all we have to do is wait for night and a rain! Wait, did you say at night? No, that's not for us as we only find joy and peace during days! So, the birdies are safe for now from our search!
We all need to choose and find the happy! I found the happy by going home where happiness prevailed! Our home may be a big mess, but when a heart is good and loving and is given freely to you, then you have found the happy!
I have always loved to hear the way Momma Maybelle Carter sings this song! It just makes me happy! So, let's keep on the sunny side of life!!!!
Whistling a happy tune!
We heard someone whistling a very happy tune off in the distance,
and followed that cheerful sound! We found out it was Talia that
was whistling this pretty tune! We all smiled because it made us
so happy to hear it!!!!
Thank you, Talia, for making our day better!
Obstacles in life
If there weren't so many obstacles in our way, then it would
be so much easier to continue! But dealing with our problems
will make us much stronger!
We are in this together!
We have to get along with each other! It is so very important!
It shouldn't be that difficult to understand. If we try our best,
we should be able to work with each other and find a solution!
We mustn't miss this chance to do right and in the right way for each
other in this time we have!
What can you do when you come up against a wall or obstacle
that seems impossible to get through! What should we do?
Larry says he has a solution! Way to go Larry!!!
Our club!
We are members of a very special club! We like to explore the strange
things on our planet! One day we noticed a group lined up behind a fence
that was looking at us and went over to ask what they were doing. They
said they had paid admission to see the strangest group that had ever existed
on our planet! Hmm.....
Talia said, "The 3rd dimension is now closed due to reconstruction, and we'd better find a new home!" This was a huge relief to the Stick People world, and they declared a National Holiday! Lobsang Rampa wrote the book "Beyond the Tenth." I wonder if we should try to find the 4th dimension or even keep on going past that one! And where is the Twilight Zone in all of this....
How do you know if someone is not telling the truth? Have they consistently lied? Have they shown that their words are never real? I remember saying that truth is never found in falsehood. So, a big smile does not mean a person is telling the truth! The smile may be there to fool you!
Fall leaves 2021I sure am enjoying the fall colors this year!
It's pumpkin time!
Talia says, "It's pumpkin time!" "Let's go Trick or Treating!"
We can all put on our costumes! Wait! We already look like
we are wearing costumes! Oh well! Candy is candy!
Talia got a letter from prison from Maxwell. He said his silver hammer was lost,
and he'd pay a hefty reward for anyone that found it. Talia knew Max didn't need
to ever have that hammer again, and that it was in the police lockup. So, Talia wrote
him a letter which said, "Max!" "Max!" "Maxwell!" "You're home!" "And you can
never go wee, wee, wee again!" We are all very happy that we don't have to worry
about Max anymore!
Talia's Pet Shoppe!
It's full of happy pets and mythical creatures!
Time to leave the nest!
It has become difficult to keep track of all the youngsters!
So, I think it is finally time for them to leave the nest!
Talia's world!
In Talia's world, the monsters only gobble up your nightmares,
insecurities, or yellow vegetables if you don't like those! I want
to move to her world!
Always say nice things!
We heard what you said, and it was very nice! We should always
say nice things! As Thumper's father told him, "If you can't say
something nice, don't say nothing at all!" Thumper kept that
wonderful saying and used it all of his life! This is something that
we should all do!
Choices in life!
Since you do exist and are here, please be very careful about the
choices you make! Always make the right decision and take the
path through life that is truly the most important!
Talia's world part 2
Talia wants you to know that in her world she works to save the bees and trees!
Wait! Aren't those important also in our world? Don't we need bees to pollinate,
and need the trees for oxygen? Aren't these things important? At least on her
world, she has critters that help the bees and trees survive! What do we have?
I see the apple of my eye! Shakespeare said it right when he wrote,
“Flower of this purple dye, hit
with Cupid's archery, sink in apple of his eye.
When his love he doth espy, let
her shine as gloriously as the Venus of the sky."
love reflects in my eye and shows the love she has for me!
On Talia's world two critters were smiling and talking! Talia told us they were playing fun games and being silly! They do get old tv shows on their planet and had seen Ronald Reagan on tv as an actor and as a President. So, both were having a discussion about actors and politics. One critter said Reagan must have been cloned to be able to do so much. The other thought cloning would explain all of that! "They both had a big laugh over that notion!" said Talia.
Well, no one will make a pie out of this pumpkin! No wait! Is that a costume? Trick or Treat! Yummm! Candy!!!! Don't you kids look cute! Happy Halloween!!!
Talia's world part 4
In Talia's world it's all about helping others! She has some
helpful hints for travelers! Ladies! Always take your lucky
earrings, or if you are a boy, take an acorn to plant just like
Johnny Appleseed did with apple seeds! When traveling, it
also helps to have a lot of legs so you don't get tired! AND!
Never let a bear win in the woods!
Talia's world part 5
In Talia land, "The National Day of Happiness" is coming up!
Talia wanted you to also know that the Oxford comma is very
important and if sometimes left out, confusion can occur!
So, make sure you use happiness and commas in the right way!
I took a nice, long stroll last year! It was so quiet and peaceful that I decided to take another one this year. The landscape seems to be totally different from last year, but there sure is a lot more to see!
The Out-of-Key Choir
When we get together to rehearse, the vegetation around us always
seems to die. We do this outside as we sing in more keys than actually
seem to exist, and we sing them all at the same time. Now, if we could
just find some establishment that would let us sing like we do! But so
far, most people just run away when we ask.
The jump for joy!
It has been said that whoever jumps through this opening and rings the
bell will have a life full of bliss! There is one problem with that notion!
I can't jump!
Talia's Pearl of Wisdom!
Talia just told me, "We should know and learn from history so that we will
solve tomorrow's mystery!" Wise words from her! Thanks Talia!!!
We love to smile!
And we will smile because all of the Blue Meanies are gone!
I'm living in a hole!
I may be living in a hole, but I am happy! I get good cell service down
there, and the cable tv works well! Plus, there are no distractions!
And without distractions, you can live your best!
Passing on the smiles!
Passing on smiles to everyone will keep us from breaking under
the loads of life when things become too difficult. So, pass them on
my friends! It will help!
What drew my attention?
I was walking along and enjoying our beautiful landscape
when something really drew my attention! Now why does
this stand out so much more than everything else?
Tongue waggers
There is a lot of tongues flapping these days. Sometimes they jabber on and
gossip which they shouldn't do. They pass around what they really and truly
don't know as if it is real. But since I can tell that what they are saying isn't true,
then I don't know if I should join in on their conversations or not!
We all are seeking directions in which to travel! Some will go one way while others will choose a different path through life. Why don't we just look on the other side of the fence as the grass is always greener over there! We can agree on that can't we!
Taking a tour!
We are taking a tour on a beautiful day! Our tour guide is showing us
some wonderful views! I just hope Billy doesn't wander off again. He
tends to get lost on our journeys.
Thankful Land!
We are all thankful for the blessings we have! We have what we need,
and can share with those that need something!
A Birdie Christmas!
I wasn't sure if I could pull it off, but I think I'm ok! Everyone should
be happy with the worms I'm putting in their stockings! I even put
some towels in the stockings of those birds that can't fly at night when
they get wet!
The Wise Old Owl
When Owls contemplate existence, they often find the world
is a lot more complicated than they realize! But by working
on this problem, they do come up with the answer and the
solution to their problems! Shouldn't we all be like the wise old
Owl and solve our troubles!
Merry Christmas 2021!!!
Talia talks about nature!
Talia says, "Nature has a way of working things out! It doesn't impose
yet will solve everything if we don't get in the way!" So don't mess with
Mother Nature!
We are protected!
The ever-watchful eyes that look out for us will keep
us safe from harm! And that is why we smile so much!
We're on the lookout for Mistletoe! It used to be all over the place, but we haven't seen any up in the trees for quite a while. Where did it go!
It's time for Christmas caroling!
The Wise Old Birds!
If they are such wise old birds, why do they have their meetings behind
the fried chicken restaurant?
Welcome to Happyville!
Why are we so happy? Well, we do live in Happyville!
But the true reason is that we understand what truly
can make a person happy! And that is to do good to all
we meet!
The winner is!
When you care about your friends, you won't really care if they
beat you in a race! So here we are, my friend and me! But we
both keep slowing down to let the other get ahead! That's what
caring friends will do! I keep thinking about a poster my grandmother
kept on her wall that said,
"To have a friend, you must first be one!"
Talia got a new job!
So, we are all going to eat at the restaurant where she works!
Washed away
After the water washed away the trash of this world, we saw only the
beauty that remained! It reminded me of the Eagles song, "Business
As Usual" and those that did not learn but continued to do wrong finally
found what was coming for them!
Cookie time!
It's time for those fantastic Girl Scout Cookies! Don't just tag-a-long
with me! Don't just do-si-do! Order some cookies! We are!!!
Mr. Positive!
He always cheers us up because of his wonderful attitude which
gives us hope and makes us want to dance!!!
2022 is coming!
Wait! Didn't you say that 2020 won? No, I said the year was 2021!
But 2020 was an unusual year and I thought you said the next year
won! Arrrgh! No, I didn't say that. You just misunderstood! So, make
sure, you appreciate this year coming up - 2022! But if I add up the
digits in 2020, I get 4. If I add up the digits in 2021, I get 5. If I add up
the digits in 2022, I get 6. And that trend seems to continue. Why I
wonder... I thought you liked math! Just enjoy it as it will all add up
and make sense!
We love to sing Christmas songs!
It's very warm where we live, but we do love to sing
Christmas songs because they are so wonderful! So
even if the weather is hot, we still love to sing these
beautiful songs!
Fred's attitude
Fred wasn't sure about the new year, 2022, that was coming up, but
he knew he'd face it the best way he could and put his best foot forward!
He knew time only goes by in one direction, so he prepared himself and
This year is coming to a close, and a new one will soon begin! So, let's finish this one as strong and positive as we can and welcome in this next year with prayers and hope for everyone!
The one-way conversation!
There was a one-way conversation going on. So, I just closed my
eyes and ears and thought about a pleasant field of flowers full
of butterflies while a gentle breeze swirled around me! Ah!!!!
Just so peaceful!
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