Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 Art

 My art in 2024!

Here we go!  2024 and there is so much more!  We must all do what we can in this new year to make everyone know that things are getting better!  
One head with two sides
You've probably heard about those that may speak with forked tongues
and can't tell the truth.  And you may have heard that, two heads are 
better than one in solving problems.  But having two sides to a problem 
does not always mean both are right.  What about those that can carry on 
two different conversations at once because they have two faces on one head.
Making friends in the new year!
I've known a lot of people over the years.  Many became very good
friends!  Some acted like friends but weren't.  My grandmother kept
a saying on the wall of her house which meant a lot to me!  It said,
"To have a friend, you must first be one!"  That is a wonderful place
to start!
Moving forward into the new year!
Cindy says, "There sure is a lot of stuff in the way as we move into 2024,
but I know we will make it through and past all of this junk and succeed!"
Ancient history!
Time sure does continue on!  Ancient history may seem ancient
to us because everything around us sure has changed a lot!  We
have electricity, ways to communicate all around the world, and
we realize that no one from 100 years ago would have believed it!
Oops!  Time just slipped by again.  What will others think about us
in 1,000 years!!!  We will be in the time of ancient history to them!
The tale of adventure!
Have you ever wanted to know what is out there past our planet, or 
where time and light may curve and come back!  There is a center to
all of this, and that place will have the answers we have been seeking!  
So, climb on board and off we will go!
The inside is upside down!
Can a circle have an upside down!  Let's circle around that theory and
see what we can understand!  Some say that a circle as a disc can have 
an up-side and a down-side!  But if you think of a circle's curvature, then 
it can have an outside and an inside!  And if we can really get into more
theories about how many sides does a circle have, then we will be even
more confused! Ok!  Let's circle back up and try this again!
We love singing!
We love to go hear our good friend sing!  He will always sing some
certain songs for us because he knows we love his voice and certain
songs that he will sing!  We hope you have a singing friend like we do!
Keeping the smiles on our faces!
We are all still being brave and feeling strong enough to keep on going!
No matter the difficulties ahead or around us, or if our legs are short and
lack strength, we will be brave, feel strong, and face these problems and
overcome them!
Wear a smile!
Cindy says, "No matter where you are going today, dress up with a smile on your face,
and make sure you keep wearing that smile while you go through the day!"
We can divide!
Our type can divide our cells and create new beings!  I can tell right now, that
we need to hurry up and get some arms and legs!  Did you know that 22 divided
by 7 can't be solved unless a fraction is used!  I wonder if we can divide and then
conquer!  I can see that others are also trying to divide!  Isn't division fun!!!
Places and spaces!
We do have our own places and spaces where we sit and think
and wonder about everything!  But!  We also love to meet up
with others to learn from them and discuss how we feel about
Look and keep looking!
Don't be fooled by the illusions that get in your way and appear to
be real but aren't!  I'm telling you this because there is so much more 
true beauty still out there and that is what you really and truly need to 
see and concentrate on!
Let's go that way!
It's about time that we went in the right direction!  The earth
has spun on for such a long, long time!  So, we paused, looked,
and decided to choose a path that will lead us to truly go in the
right direction from now on! 
Do you recognize us!
Even if we don't look familiar, we are the people you see every day out
of the corners of your eyes as you travel through your busy schedule!  
We just want you to say hello the next time you see us because that is 
how friendship can occur and grow!  And don't we all need to develop 
good, strong relationships!  So, let me start by saying, "Hi there!"
The historic opening!
Finally, the things that weren't right started to fade away and a clear
direction opened up to show us that the path to be on was just ahead!  
So, away we go to live the right way, and forward we go into bliss!
The wild woman of the woods!
Way out in the woods lived a mean, spiteful woman with a large
club who wasn't friendly at all.  No one knew why she was like
this, and everyone stayed away from her the best they could!
Anyone that went out into the woods to try and talk to her, came
back with knots on their heads!  One day a little girl of the clan 
came in and told everyone that she had gone out with a bouquet 
of flowers, met the wild woman, gave her the flowers, and then 
saw a smile develop on the wild woman's face!  The very next day 
when everyone woke up, they found a very nice present in front 
of every home from the now "nice woman!"  And there she was standing
at the edge of the village with a huge smile on her face!  Sometimes the
simplest gesture can have the largest impact!
We enjoy exploring!
We may be slow and low to the ground, but we always
get to where we want to go, and that's why we love to
The thaw has come!
The deep snow and ice have melted and gone!  So, we can
finally get together and smile!  The broken water pipes have
been repaired, so let's celebrate!  Put a big smile on your face
and be happy!  It feels so good to put my fingers under the
faucets and feel hot water!!!!
That way!  This way!  Some way!
Directions sure can be confusing.  All of the signs pointed in the opposite
direction in which we are going.  We all went that other way until we found
out that we were being misled.  Once we knew it was the wrong way to go,
we turned around and finally found the right way to go!  Please come along with us!
It's singing time!
A lot of singing is going on around us!  It must be because everyone
knows that the winter is about over, and that spring is very near!  I
think I will also join them in song!  I really think that we should sing
every day just because it helps us smile!
Lefty or righty!
Some say, "Go right as the right way is the way to always go!"
But what about us lefties!  We have to get a left-handed guitar as
it is difficult for us to play a right-handed guitar!  Can a left ever
be a right!  That is possible!  But always go right in your life as 
you never want to go wrong!!!!!  However, there are some planets 
with small creatures that really don't have hands, so don't worry 
about those guys as left and right are totally foreign concepts to them!
It behooves us!
The way things are these days, it behooves us to remain very still!
So, we won't be moving but remaining very still as we try to figure
out what is going on!  And just by standing here, we get a very good
feeling and outlook on just about everything and the way to proceed!
Keep life simple!
Keeping our daily lives simple sure isn't easy these days due to the
complex nature of just about everything going on.  And I know it sure
confuses me with the complexity our world is experiencing.  But just
know that if we look at small, simple solutions to what we can change,
or to help others, then we will understand that one little chance to do 
the right thing can make a whole lot of difference!
My interest in existence      
You may want to know why I am interested in studying existence.
I feel it is very important because we are here, alive, and really
need to understand why!!!  If you are reading this, then also know
and understand that you exist!  Don't you think that it is very wise
to learn why we are here!  I know I do!
The deep end escape!
Is life really more fun in the deep end of life as they say, if so, then I
say, "Swim on!"  We do learn a lot by being in the deep end of life!
The Non-competition Club!
We are not nor will we ever be in competition with each other
because we are in "The Non-competition Club!"  We all work
to help each other solve problems and work together to do our
best in everything!  So, I guess that makes us all # 1's!!!!!!!!  You
should join our club!
We check everything out!
We always check things out just to find out if they are correct,
an illusion, or just plain wrong!  Why wouldn't we want to know 
before making any important decisions!  Being able to choose wisely 
is so very important!
The Can't Remember Club!
There is just too much happening on our planet these days.  It is way too crowded
everywhere I go!  I wanted to join the "Stress no more club", but they were full.
I recently joined "The can't remember club" because there just seems to be too 
much to try and remember these days.  But after learning how these guys work, 
and have  no idea what they are doing, and don't even know that I've become a 
member, I think I'll leave them and join the, "We only have to remember a few 
things club!"  That seems appropriate and simple enough for me!
A beautiful morning!
We are all singing to this beautiful morning because singing
brings glory and a wonderful meaning to this wonderful time!
Please sing with us every morning when the sun comes up, and
even when it may be cloudy because joy is so very important!
Stay Strong!!!
Cindy says, "Stay strong!  We will STAY STRONG as much as possible 
and will have some hard days, but WE WILL get through them!!!"
Looking for buried treasure!
We are looking for buried treasure because we've heard that some is
buried very close to us!  We've looked and looked, but since we don't
have a treasure map, perhaps we will never know where to look!  What!
The treasure is all around us!  The beauty of nature!  The value of our
good, close friends!  Well, that is a very good treasure to find!  Thanks for
letting us know where to look!
It was lost!
I misplaced what I thought was an important belonging!  I looked and looked
for at least a month in my house, but I couldn't find it!  I started to wonder
even if I couldn't find it, was it really something to worry about.  I then thought
about the most valuable parts of life and that this one small thing wasn't worth 
worrying about compared to value of a person's inner most being and having a
loving heart which is so much more valuable than this tiny object that was lost!!!
So now I think I understand what is,  "Truly the most important thing to have!"
and so I'm going to go out and be with my good friends and smile a lot!
Floating along in 2024!
Just floating along can be so peaceful!  We can easily forget the troubles
of this world and enjoy the beauty as we float along!  Maybe one day we
can learn to swim upstream and see what that might show us!
It is time!
It is time to meet, and we've been expecting you!  Time does go by
in one direction, and it's a friend or an enemy!  So please understand 
that here you won't need a watch, a clock, or even a sundial because 
a different type of time exists here, and you can let all of your troubles 
just fade away!
Inasmuch and insofar!
Hey!  Why are these words run together with other words!  Are you positive 
that these are words that are run together.  Yes, I am positive inasmuch and 
insofar as I can be!  It is difficult to be prepared for every problem that may 
come our way, but we must have a positive attitude inasmuch and insofar 
as we can!  Ok, I think you've got it and understand it now inasmuch and insofar
as you can which probably is a lot!  Thanks for your help!  And, on we go!
The return to normal!
I'm not exactly sure if you mean the town called Normal, a type of existence
that is normal, or any of the other definitions for normal!  Ok, I'll explain it then
to you!  I mean that wherever we are, it is normal for us!  I understand now, and
here we are as normal as can be with a return to normalcy!
Blending in!
The beauty of nature!  The tall mountains!  Everywhere I go
I just love to blend in with my surroundings!
Where it all began!
I know it had to start somewhere, but is this really the start of the
universe expanding or is it after it all comes back together.  Oh well,
I guess we can figure it out!  After all, it did start with love! 
We love our home!
We love our home!  If you want to ask why we love our home,
I will tell you!  When you have a little and know it is enough,
then know that this is so very special and a way to make us all 
very happy because someone that has a lot and wants more 
really won't find the happiness like we have!  And that's why
we love our home!
How to handle a tough job!
If it's a tough job and someone has to do it, then let's
get our best and toughest friend to take care of the work!
He always steps in to take care of the problems that are
too difficult for us, and we sure appreciate what he can do!
Art lines etc.
I'm just not sure about a lot of things in existence, but I believe
some areas in it at are very important!  Such as how we treat
others, how we work on problems together,  and that we must
keep on figuring out how to exist in the best way possible on this
planet.  It's like in art, when even the simplest line can change art
works and transform the creation into a finished product!  We need
to work on our lives in the best ways possible because one simple
little kindness can change the whole world of another person!
We jumped for joy!
I want to jump for joy just because it is a leap year!  Then, let's all
count to three and leap up into the air!  Ok!!!  One!  Two!  Three!
Whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You can probably tell by the looks on our faces
that we really enjoyed jumping and leaping into this Leap Year!!!!
Dreaming on!
It might be time to dream on or else I'm going back to the drawing board!
Hey!  You are on our dream team!  So let us help you and take care of you by
keeping you in a happy dream loop!  Thanks!  I think I'll just dream on!!!
Good friends are so important!
Good friends are so important, and we will be good
friends till the end!  This is such a rewarding aspect
of life to have those that help us to do our best and
give encouraging words of wisdom when we are not
sure what to do!  So, always greatly value those that
are true and good friends!
I'm getting older!
I've reached the age where I drop a lot of things, and forget a lot!
But to have good friends that overlook these faults and help me
out when I desperately need help, sure shows me how important
good friends are!
Some things
Some things are easy to understand and figure out.  But other types of
learning can be very difficult!  Some skills may take a long time to fully
appreciate how wonderful they are despite the difficulties that took to 
get their answers!  Some of the most difficult parts of life are very hard to
understand, but the solutions will be so rewarding in your life!  So, don't
give up!
We've turned the corner, gone around the bend, and now we're
entering the final stretch!  So look out world here we come!
Finally, the light shines!
Finally we aren't getting confused anymore, and we are truly
understanding what is very necessary!  It's like a final stroke in
art which can make a lot of difference in creating the work!  And
also knowing how important and necessary is that one color, that
one line, or the one addition that will make the artwork finished!
It's like when Leonardo da Vinci said, "A painter should begin every
canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark
except where exposed by the light!"  So, let's show the light!
Time stretches out!
We are stretching out into time because the past tries to catch up
to us and interfere with the present!  Time is really something that
truly needs to be understood, so we are stretching out into time and 
looking into tomorrow!  Goodbye yesterday!
Easier times!
We have been trying to imagine how our world used to be as it
seems it was a much easier time.  Perhaps we can reimagine our
present times and see the good in it!  Wow!  If you can see the
smiles on our faces, then you will know we can smile all we want
because we can make this world so much better by kindness and
caring!  And smiles sure can make for easier times!
Rules for everything!
There are rules for everything on this planet!  Even if some won't
follow them, various rules will still apply!  It's like math which will 
add up if you use the correct rules!  There are rules for genealogy
and our ancestry, and how we developed on this planet!  So please
make the decision to follow the correct ways and rules!
Speak now!
Our leader told us, "Speak now, and tell me what is on
your minds!"  So, we all opened our mouths and started 
jabbering away at the same time!  While the sounds were 
loud, we did have a lot to say, and I think we did make sense 
despite the various ideas that came out while we talked!  
I just wish Ralph had stopped after a while as he went on 
talking for hours!   But maybe he did have a lot to say!
The Three Perusers!
NO, I did not say, "The Three Stooges!"  These three are ones that sit
and think and will not move until they have perused and understood
the difficult parts of existence!  And when they know the answers,
they will tell us to help us in our lives because this is so important in
helping us to understand and solve our problems!  There is so much 
confusion in our time on this planet, and the Stooges would not have 
been able to help us except to make us laugh, and that is why the help of
The Three Perusers is so important!
2024 Annual Birdy Meeting
Spring is here, and the birdy leaders decided to ask all birds to come to a 
meeting as discussing the world and what is happening is so important to 
birds worldwide!  After a lot of debating the birds all agreed  to try and do 
better for the planet!  But then, Larry the bird got up and said his  usual,
"Wet birds can't fly at night!" and then out of the surrounding wilderness, 
a lot of birds stepped out and squirted water hoses at every member at 
the meeting!!!  So, there wasn't any flying that night!

I think that about sums it all up!  Sometimes the impossible can be
overcome and the electrifying results will make you say, "Ah!!!!!!!!"
So just say, "Ah!" with me because we have overcome the impossible!
Be determined!
Cindy says, "Not everything can go right, and you will certainly
have to face a lot that is wrong!  But when you face your fears,
you will get the determination and abilities needed to bring a 
better tomorrow!"
Just because!
Do you know how the clause works that mentions because
and its importance to laws of the land which gives me pause
but doesn't make me withdraw even if I flap my jaws while
my cat sharpens her claws...  I just wondered if you knew,
and now I'll just accept all of your applause just because!  
Thank you all so much because I do love you!!!  What no 
applause!  Did I not go into the "Rhyming Convention?"  
Oh man!  I went in the wrong door!  My heart can not soar because it
is on the floor!
Getting along!
I'm glad you both could work out your differences, forgive each other,
and learn to be friends!  That is so very important!  Now go and teach
others how wonderful friendship can be!!!  Everyone can have inner beauty
if we look for it!  So, everyone!!!!!!!  Look for it!!!!!!!!!
My memory!
Everyone is looking for something.  I'm looking for my memory!  Now
where did it go!  I hope the Frog Poet can help me find it!  Blaze a trail
for me Mr. Frog Poet!!!
Smiling a big one!
If you aren't having any fun yet, we want you to jump and down,
and then a have a huge smile on your face because we all want
you to know about joy, and more joy than you've ever had before!
Wow!  That is a great big smile you have now on your face!  We are
so glad to see it!!!  Welcome to the "Smiling Club!"
Relief from stress...
I know there has been a lot of stress on us because of the
way life has been affecting us.  But this has been going on for a
long time on this planet.  And some parts of existence are hard to
understand, but hang on and we will get to a place where we will
find relief!  You can see some happiness in each day due to those 
around you that show they care about you and will do all they can
to help you just as you do to help others!
A conversation to make us smile!
We knew we needed a discussion to help us feel better
and make us smile as these days just to know what is
true, real, and good is so very necessary for us to continue
on and exist in the right ways on this planet!  If you'd like
to also talk with us, we will be very glad to smile with you!
Expanding our horizons!
We certainly have expanded our horizons and want to know how 
far we can go!  We've explored so much around our planet, and 
now are seeking our next direction in which to explore!  
Try something new!
Let's all try something new!  We could try new foods, new places to
visit, even search for some unexplored wilderness trails in our area to
hike!  Trying to do more and experience the good things in our area sure
could help us to smile more which is a very good result of trying new and
exciting things!
It's egg laying time!
I know it's time to lay eggs, so I've built a new nest, and here is
my brand, new egg!
I just smiled!
I couldn't think of words to say, so I just smiled from the inner 
most part of my heart, and that sure said a lot!
Get to work!
There is so much to do, and sometimes alone, we can not
accomplish what is necessary.  But by working with others, 
we will overcome what we couldn't achieve by ourselves!
So, let's get to work and help each other!
The totality of kindness!
We spoke about kindness and asked for everyone on our planet to show
each other how important being kind is and to use the totality of kindness
to help our world!
So much to see!
There is so much beauty to see in the natural world around us!
On planets in other galaxies, creatures are smiling because of
what they can see!  And here on our planet, we'd better appreciate 
all we have in nature and take very good care of it!
Tee's Cap 2024
Tee has so much to say because so much has happened on our planet.  
He will smile because he knows that despite the other side of the equation 
that shows what is going on in the wrong ways, he wants everyone to know 
that there will still be many reasons to smile!   And the good in life, is so very,
very, very important and worth it!  So, please smile all you can today and pass
it on!
We fit in!
We will go where we really fit in because we will enjoy being there!
We know we look different, but once you get to know us, you will 
appreciate being friends with us and be glad that we fit in with you!
Making sense!
It is all starting to make sense!  It sure has taken a long, long time
to figure out what is going on and what is true and right on this
planet!  Some still seem to not understand, but we that can see sure 
are glad to know what really and truly does make sense!
How do we learn!
We learn by pushing ourselves along even when the odds seem to be against us.
What else can we do but keep on trying despite when it might seem impossible
to continue.   And if we do try, we will learn what will get us over these obstacles
that want to prevent us from learning the solution!  So, please keep trying and you
will succeed!
Be humble!
There are very good reasons why everyone should be humble!  Being humble
can certainly help you in your relationships with others!  No one can show
perfection and being humble will help you in your attitudes to and help from
others!  It is a very good trait for you to have and show to others as we all
have shortcomings and can see that our friends will appreciate us when we
show humility to them!
A gathering of minds!
We may all have different views on life, existence, and what we should do,
and every one of us has had a curve ball of life thrown at us.  So, to get
together and talk over our problems sure has helped us!  We know we each
have offended others, but now we realize that by coming together and
talking we can understand that our gathering of minds has helped us to
understand and work on the solutions to our problems!  And that sure is a
great thing to do!

The Rules of Conversations
Our meeting went very well as we both understood the rules of
having a conversation and did not interrupt each other and waited
patiently for our turn to speak!  This is such an important rule in
having a good conversation as it will lead to a better understanding of 
what we need to accomplish!
A certain spot!
I've found a very important spot in between a rock and a hard place!  Those
other regions may have thought that they had me on the ropes, but this one 
spot has shown me that there is a way to succeed and get out of this mess 
that has surrounded me!
Over our heads!
Some things sure seem to be very difficult to understand and are out of our
range to comprehend.  So, we will keep seeking clarity until we find the many
answers that will show us we have finally overcome our inabilities to understand
and that these problems are not over our heads!
Good places!
Good places are where true friendships can blossom!!!!
There won't be any here that will try and fool you with their
odd ways!  And that makes this a very good place to be!
The secret!
This secret is only between you and me, so please don't tell
anyone else!  I trust you to keep this very important secret!
And I hope no one else is listening!
An important meeting!
Our business cancelled all of our regularly scheduled meetings to have one very
important seminar!  This was held in the woods and was for our stress relief
workshop!  We sure loved being there, and I know we will all work much better 
at our jobs and the smiles on our faces will certainly show how this workshop
helped us!
We exist and we are here!
And this makes us so happy to know that we can live
and learn and exist to the fullness of the time we have
while on this planet!  How about you!
Climb to the top!
I hope you will go on a nice hike up to the top of a mountain 
because of the spectacular view that you will see when you 
reach the summit!  You can also have a view like that in your life 
when you do all you can to make it right!  So, climb high!
We love to play games!
While we spin through space and around in our galaxy, we love to play games!
It is one good way to pass the time when we aren't busy!  Games are a lot of fun!
I couldn't remember
I had a lot that I wanted to tell my friends, but when I met with them,
I couldn't remember what I wanted to say due to my memory problems.
But, they all made me smile anyway just because they are there for me
when my memory isn't!  And that's what good friends are for!
Working together has helped us in so many good ways to get things
accomplished that we couldn't do on our own! 
Time keeps going on!
We've wondered why so many things have changed on our world since we
came to exist here.  We finally understood that time will continue on no
matter what happens, and therefore we'd better learn to adapt and seek
and find the truly remarkable and worthwhile parts of life that do mean so 
much!  And that is a part of time that really and truly is wonderful!
The wrong location!
We meant to go to our first and only convention meeting at Easter Island, 
but somehow, we turned left when we should have gone right.  So, we will 
make the best of it anyway even though we are in the wrong location!  Oh well!  
Maybe someday someone will stop by and see us standing here and say, "Hi!!"
Different types of art
I went to a meeting of artists yesterday to discuss art and how we feel
about it!  I know I had fun, and I hope everyone else did also!  With
art there is just so much to talk about!  And that could be because we
all have different tastes in art that we want to see!  So, the art world is
enormous, gigantic, and all over the place!  Hope you get to see some!
Taking a moment
I'm sitting and thinking and just taking a moment to
contemplate and try to figure things out!  Ah ha!  Now
I know!  We shouldn't waste time but use the time we 
have wisely and accomplish what is truly necessary!
It ain't easy being human!
My human friends have had a difficult time understanding existence 
and how to react to being here.  So, I went to the alien philosophers 
to seek help for my human friends!  I asked for some words of wisdom 
that could help my human friends, and the philosophers all said, "Tell 
the humans to always believe and seek the best in everyone and 
everything will be so much easier to understand as true wealth and 
knowledge comes from seeking the best in everyone!"  So, I told this to my
human friends, and I hope this will help them in their quest to understand!
Our Daily Lives
So much happens each day that tries to overcloud us with despair.
There is so much to look at, wonder about, and try to figure out
what to do about it and to overcome the parts that try and leave us
in ways we don't want at all.  But I do know that we will have friends
that will pick us up when we are down and truly make us smile with
what they will do for us!  And that is a wonderful part of our daily life!
You need the Pass Code!
The guard said, "If you want to pass, you'll need the code!"
We replied, "We were told that a smile that leads to our hearts
is the right code!"
The guard answered, "You are correct, and you may now enter!"
And on in we went with smiles deep in our hearts!!!
Learning to cope!
We have been having a lot of problems dealing with life and how changes have
come that we don't like.  We were told, "Learn to cope with these problems
and you will have hope!"  So, we all decided to try very hard to figure out and
understand how to get back to the happier times we once had!  Now we know 
we have hope as we learned to cope with and overcame the situations that tried
to defeat us!  We sure are glad to smile again!
Opening the doors to our hearts!
We are opening the doors to our hearts to let
in all of the goodness, love, and kindness we can!
This is what everyone should do and then spread
the good love out to all!
Distance doesn't matter!
I would go a very long way to meet you!  I'd cross an ocean!
I'd explore the entire world just to say hello to you!  When 
something is so very important, this is what we all should do!
The many worlds
Why should it be our world vs your world!  We all live and
exist here together!  We should learn to all get along and
help each other get past our problems!  We must try to see
that we can work it all out for that is so important!
There is a way!
A friend said, "There is no way out of this mess around us!"
We then all comforted him, and told him there is a way that
would lead him to the peace he needed!  We showed him that
no matter what difficulties seem to try and stop him that there
is a good way out of his problems!  When he realized that he
could find the way, he sure had a big smile on his face!
Things are at a tilt!
Sometimes the world may seem at a tilt!  There is another
viewing option that may help view this in a good way!  Think of
the Leaning Tower of Pisa which started to tilt during construction,
but now is a tourist site that people love!  Maybe if we all lean a
bit we will see our world in a way that might make us laugh and smile!
After all, there is a songwriter and singer whose nickname was, "The
Leaning Man", and he sure made us happy!  So, thank you Mr. Fritts
for all you did!
Seek and find truth!
Diligently search and explore endlessly for truth!  And keep looking
until you find it!  For it is an aspect of life that is truly rewarding and
Our mishmash world!
You probably won't understand our mishmash world as we live in a galaxy far
from your Milky Way Galaxy.  And yet when we are all piled up together here,
we are happy!  We aren't always mixed up like this, but we have grown to love
it!  Mishmash isn't all that bad once you see all of the others smiling because
they aren't confused anymore!
Somewhere private
We had been wondering if there was a place where we could go and be
by ourselves and not have to worry about how others felt about us.  Then
we realized that if we live our lives so that others will be glad we were here,
then we really don't ever have to have any private areas in our lives!
The Club!
We joined the Club!  It may seem to be an exclusive organization,
but it really isn't as all you have to do to join is learn what being a
good person is all about and then live that way!  We hope you will
want to be a member!
Have a good attitude!
The world will try and throw at us so much to try and keep us from
having a good attitude!  But just know that you can still find a place
deep in your heart that is full of love, and you can show that to the 
world because you will have a very good attitude!
Confidence all the time!
In your life, have the confidence it will take to know you
can overcome any difficulties that try to stop you!  And
when you can do this, you will make your life worthwhile
and make it truly count with a heart full of wisdom!
The Discussion!
We got together to discuss the important issues of our time!
It wasn't like a debate as we knew we had to agree on what
we would talk about.  And when we worked out how to get
everything to go right, we both had big smiles on our faces!
Understanding the world
Sometimes just being here on this planet just doesn't make
any sense at all!  So many do different things that others can 
not understand.  We finally realized that we must get together 
with our neighbors and discuss our many differences so that we 
can understand, help when we can, and start to see the good in 
others!  So, that's what we did, and it sure helped our world! 
The land of wonder!
"There is so much to wonder about!" said the Frog Poet.
Our world flies through space, and we go with it!  There
are so many wonderful things that can happen to us if we
truly care about existence and our land of wonder!  Because,
wonder is short for wonderful!
Bird and his friends
Bird knew there were a lot of choices to make in his life,
and he knew he should choose the right ones!  He knew 
his friends were able to teach him the right paths to take 
and to take the best ways to navigate past any hindrances 
that might try and lead him astray!  So, he wisely choose 
to follow the path that his friends showed him!  Good
friends are a blessing!
The answers we needed!
Our friend has the good reasons and the correct answers 
that we all needed to learn!  He certainly has made us all 
appreciate him so much because of his influence in our lives 
which has helped us to value his friendship so much!
The latest trend!
What!  You like the way things are going!  The dressing styles,
the foods, the way the world works now, the costs of just about
everything!  Well, we sure don't!  I think we will all stick to the times
we loved and be like that even when we can't do that!  So, our latest
trend is the one from our time that we remember and loved!  We will
try to adapt to these changing times the best we can!  We are trending!
I may not wear bell bottom jeans anymore, or dress like I used to, but I
do know we should all learn to do the best we can with any changes that
time brings upon us!
We couldn't find our way
We had been having such a hard time figuring out the directions in
life, and how to travel through a world that tried to keep us from
achieving our goals.  Then we met a very intelligent man, and when
we told him of our problems, he showed us the right way to go!  And
so, on we went with big smiles on our faces knowing we could achieve
our goals!  Thank you, our new friend, for helping us!
Together, we will succeed and solve any of the many
problems that face us!  Because those that lose are
the ones that are divided amongst themselves!
The value of true friends!
The value of true friendship cannot be measured as this
wonderful bond is worth more than any treasures on the
planet!  So, I just wanted to thank you, my dear friend,
for all the happiness you have shown me and for all of the
times that you have stopped me before I erred in my life!
Defining and understanding Art!
There have been a lot of discussions over the times we have been 
on this planet as to what is "Art".  Many ask what is art and is that
art or something else.  There certainly are a lot of ideas and concepts
about what art is and isn't, how much the art could be worth, or is it 
just a hobby.  So, we decided to have an art exhibit and see what folks 
thought art is!  What do you think art is!
Circles vs Spirals
We were unhappy because we kept going on in circles in our
lives.  They were circles without endings.  But then we learned
about spirals on which we could keep going on up at the end
of each spiral and thereby improving our lives!
A long time ago or is it now
Once upon a time, a long time ago, lived creatures that didn't
know how to get along with each other.  As time passed, they
learned that to do good to others could really help themselves
and the others to progress into a time of peace and harmony!
And that sure was a wonderful thing to learn about!
Smiling is a language!
Some say that all people smile in the same language.
I say that not all smiles are the same or can convey the
same type of message.  However, smiles that come from
deep in the heart definitely are all of the same language!
The gate is open!
The world sure has tried to seal us off, but someone left
a gate open, and we are going to keep that route clear
from ever closing on us again!  So, here we stand looking
at what used to be impossible to get around and now know
there is a good way to get to where we want to be!  We have
gained our independence and freedom!
Wow not Whoa!
I meant, "Wow!" as in don't stop!  You must keep on going and tell
us more of your exciting tales!  "Whoa" can also mean something
exciting but also mean stop, so we are using "Wow" which really is better!
Just drifting along!
We certainly are enjoying nature and our peaceful journey
while drifting along in life!  Or course, it helps to have a very
seasoned and skilled friend at the stern to steer and keep us safe!
What a life!
We are alive, we do exist, and we know what it means to do exactly
what we are supposed to do!  Knowing this, we won't fail anymore!
The immensity of existence!
Yes, I said it!  Existing in a very large space with so much around us can be
very confusing, but it can also be understood if you search to learn why we
exist!  Robert Nozick was one philosopher that tried to help us understand
by stating, ".... the very majesty of nature should make us feel meaningfully
connected!"  And everything will continue on and hopefully we will understand!
The cowboy frog!
I'm a former tadpole who climbed onto the land, and now
I play the banjo in a cowboy band!  Let me sing a song for
you!  "Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!"  Hope you loved the song!

My friend with the answers!
I had a lot of questions about life and how to deal with and handle
all of the many daily problems that I had to face.  I finally asked my
good friend, "What should I do about my problems?"  And, he told
me exactly what to do, and I sure appreciated his help because I
really needed his solutions to my many problems!
The world travelers!
We traveled all around the world to experience the many wonderful
sights on our planet and to learn more about the cultures here!  The
places we got to see and the people we got to meet sure were wonderful!
The time of sighs!
We all got together to talk about our lives and some of the good things that
happened to us while we have lived and existed on this planet!  While we
talked about our good times, we all at once let out a big, happy sigh as we
had all loved and enjoyed those many good times we experienced!
Taking turns talking!
In the art of conversation, you must learn to wait your turn to talk
because if you interrupt, the other person may forget what they were
going to say!  And sometimes if you interrupt, you may miss out on
hearing something very important! 
The circles we are in!
I must go and see the circle where everything began!
Because at that original circle is where I can find the
start and understand the many solutions to all of the
rest of our existence!
Listening to others!
Listening to what others say can really teach you a lot about them,
their views on life and the world, and so much more!  So intently
listen as they may surprise you and actually help you on your journey!
Let's get together and solve the many problems we have on this planet!  
If we work together, we can make it!  All together now!  Ready!  Synchronize!
The Many Worlds of Art!
One wonderful type of art is when it shows love which will go out
and into the hearts of those who see it!  That is a type of art that
can always come back to you!
Good advice will help!
I just wanted to tell you a very important bit of information!
Always do the best you can for others because life sure isn't
easy and helping others will insure a good reward for you as
helping others will certainly help you!
Don't move!
Don't move and stay very still for just a moment and then
everything will be just fine!  Ok!  You can move now and
everything is all right!  Sometimes all you have to do is just
wait for a little bit and the troubles will slide right on by you!
Traveling and Exploring!
We decided to travel around out world and experience
the many good things that abound on our planet!  We
did truly learn about many wonderful things that we sure
wouldn't have known about if we hadn't gone on this
A ray of sunshine!
Sometimes, just a little ray of sunshine in your life can make a huge
difference!  It will give you a wonderful hope to know things will be
ok!  And please spread that along to others!
Do you like music...
NO!  NO!  NO!  I don't like music, I love music!  
So let's go hear some wonderful music tonight!
We are rebounding!
We aren't playing basketball but are entering into a new area
of life!  We messed up some earlier parts of our lives, and now 
know that we can rebound and make sure that the rest of our 
time on this planet will have great strength enabling us to finish 
up by doing  everything in the right ways!
Your positive attitude!
I love your positive attitude because it has helped me in so many
ways and lifted up my spirit and made me more cheerful!  You taught 
me that to be a good sport, I must learn to lose to prove that!  And by 
understanding that, I have won in so many other ways!
Big news!
Whoopee!  Today is a very special day, and I'd tell you
what is going to happen, but I want it to be a surprise!
Music kept us going!
After everything settled down following the expansion of the universe, 
we could still hear the sounds of sweet music continuing on!  So, we 
kept on going, sorted things out, and worked very hard to make sense 
of everything!  Music showed us that joy was in our hearts and kept us 
smiling as we resumed working to rebuild our world!
What to do when things are tough!
Everything was getting harder to get past, and it was in our
way, and it was so tough that I didn't know what to do!  Then, 
I found the answer by searching for my lost marbles!  And I 
found them, and everything got so much easier!  So, find your
lost marbles, and you'll be very happy!
I'm moving on!
What's going on?  I'm moving on!  I'm trying to figure things out
such as, who am I?  Why am I here?  I'm thousands of years old
and I should be able to figure out what's going on by now!  Well,
I hope you figure it all out and understand very soon!  Thanks and
it's time to move along!
Another dimension!
You say there is still another dimension!  I thought there were only ten
and many say there are only three!  This one is neither here nor there or 
betwixt or between!  Just try to think about a space beyond the tenth!
And if you can imagine that, then......
How to keep things safe!
Please understand that if something is very precious to you,
then you need to put it where you won't have to worry about
anything happening to it, and where it will be safe from harm,
theft, or any other type of loss!  It's like your life!  You'd better
make sure that it is going right, and then you won't have to worry
about even that most important thing, your life!
Our reunion!
It was certainly a gathering of like minds, and we all had
such a great time being together!
A nice thought!
Sometimes when you are feeling low and nothing seems to be
going right, a nice thought will come into your mind and show
you that there is still so much out there to help you through the
tough times!  And it is so nice to have a nice thought!  It really
and truly is!!!
I felt isolated...
I felt so isolated and for good reasons!  The world had
changed so much, and what used to be normal for me,
just wasn't anymore.  But then I met others that thought
like me, and we were able to comfort each other in so
many good ways which helped us deal with our new
problems which we then overcame!
Many paths to follow
There are many paths that you can follow in life, but not all will lead
you to a place of true happiness.  That path is one that you must seek
out and know that a wonderful reward is at its end and always remain
on that one wonderful path!
Saving our planet!
We are going to save our planet from the things that hurt it
like pollution!  This is just the way things can go when you
learn to do what is right for your world!
Feed your mind!
Yes, you can feed your mind!  You must feed it lots of
good thoughts!  And that will certainly help it grow!
Genetics and evolution
Genetics and evolution over the ages on our planet sure
have produced many different forms and creations which 
we certainly need to understand and make the best of so
we will develop into better beings!  We really need to do
Unusual objects!
I came upon some very unusual objects on my daily walk!  Someone suggested
that they might be very large salt and pepper shakers, but I really don't think 
they are.  Then, I looked at myself and the rest of us that are on this planet
and thought, "Maybe we are also unusual objects!" which we probably are!
Whizzing through space!
This is not La La Land, and it may be a long way to Denver,
but we are floating around in a vast cosmos which does
seem to stretch for a long, long way!  So let's enjoy the ride!
Wow!  Wow!  Wow!
And on we go. but we now know that we must take very
careful steps as we continue on because we have seen
that some paths will try to lure us off the good one!
Another day...
My frog poet friend writes of another imperfect day coming along,
but he includes that it will also lead to a day without sorrow or tears!
It has been difficult for me to figure out so much of what brings these
sorrows in life, but with the help of good, helpful, and wise friends, such
as The Frog Poet, another day will also bring solutions to my problems!
The Kerfuffle
We certainly are in a kerfuffle due to our conflicting views!
Eh?  I don't know what that means.  Well, we all seem to
think differently about the world and the way it is going.
Ah!  Then that means we should all learn to look for the
right way to work together to solve these many problems!
Yes!  I think that would stop the kerfuffle!
Here is art!
Here is art!  There is art!  Everywhere is art!  But, what if
art was created and no one saw it!   I think that would be
almost impossible because we know what it is when we see
it!  Some art we love, and some of we don't! 
I'm so glad I'm a parent!  It may not be easy to raise children, but
it certainly is an extremely important and worthwhile experience!

Trusting others!
Trusting others that you know is so very, very important!
We all need those that we can rely on, those that will lift
us up when we are down, and knowing that we will never
be vulnerable to being let down or being betrayed by them
certainly helps us!
My friends!
When I am upset, my friends will certainly show they care,
and they will cheer me up!  They always say, "We never want 
our friends to be upset!"  And then they can tell by the huge 
smile on my face that they have made me happy!
A special request!
I have a special request to ask everyone!  I want you
to be nice and kind to all you know or meet and never,
ever lie!  It is nice to have nice thoughts!  It really and
truly is!!!
My liaison!
My liaison sure has helped me a lot with my work as quite often
I wouldn't know what to do and by asking for help, my liaison shows
me the correct way to proceed!
The good changes in life     
In our lives, we will have many changes as we proceed along
our paths of existence!  Some of the the most wonderful things 
that we experience will be saved deep in our hearts and minds
and will always bring smiles to our faces!
Finding good reasons!
I sure haven't liked the way I have been seeing that our world
is going!  But I kept looking for reasons that could help me to
keep on going!  I looked harder and found that there were still
good beings on this planet that only intended to be kind and to
help others no matter the difficulties that were upon them!  This
gave me a good reason to smile and continue on!  I hope you do also!
Time continues on!
Time does continue on and while it does, we will make the best
of our time here while we can!  We will help others by being good 
friends to all we can and to insure that time will help us be productive in our efforts to do good!
Quit bragging!
Will you quit bragging and showing off!  I am not bragging or showing off!
I am only doing things which are necessary as I like to point out the correct
and right ways to do things!  Wouldn't you want me to yell, "Stop!" if you
were about to walk off a cliff!  You know, I think I understand now and that
you are right!  So let me do all the bragging about you!!!
The right direction     
We went in one direction but then found out that we really
needed to go in a different direction!  We had been looking
for peace and happiness!  You can tell by our faces that we
finally went in the right direction!  We hope you will join us!
The Right Direction Group!
The Right Direction Group is now spreading out and adding more
members because they've learned about the joy of discovering 
the correct places to go and they never want to err again!
Just going for a swim!
We are just going for a calm swim in the river of life!  We are
all here, so we will just swim along and enjoy our lives on this
peaceful river!
Why, what did I do!  I actually want to congratulate the both
of us for a very special reason!  And what is that!  We both
exist and are here and we help each other out when we have
problems, so that is such a wonderful thing and so special!  So,
because you exist, I want to congratulate you on being here! 
Well then, I want to congratulate you also on being here!!!
Things are getting better!
In our lives, things are looking up, and we can tell that
things are getting better because our friends are all
smiling and wanting to help each other! 
You make me happy!
Being with you has put such a smile on my face, and
has put such joy in my heart that I wanted to tell you
how happy you have made me!  And, I want to give the
same back to you!
Being impulsive
Only be impulsive when you have a great perspective about what
may result from your actions!  There are some ways to really do good
on our planet, so make sure if you decide to be impulsive, that you
will do what is best and helpful for others!  I know that they will
appreciate it!
Being inspired!
Sometimes when we are feeling low with the way the
world is going, someone kind and very special will come
and inspire us by showing us a path that will change our lives 
with spectacular ways to achieve our goals and make our lives
Let it go!
Let the worst in your life go and then you will see
the very special good that will come and fill your
heart with the immense joy that it deserves!
Be strong!
Major issues face us, but we are in the land of the brave!
So we must be strong and bravely face any obstacles that
will try to stop us and overcome them! 
Thank you for helping us!
Thank you so much for helping us when things just seemed
so overwhelming!  You show us that no matter how difficult
things may be, we can make it!
The choice is clear!
We must make a lot of choices in our lives!  We shouldn't
choose to be sad and must choose to find our way to true
happiness!  I know what choice I want to make!  How about
Howdy there world!
There are so many different types of people on this
planet and no matter which way we turn, we will be
with them!  So we'd better learn to make the best of
being here and knowing them, because if we learn to
really appreciate them, we can truly learn to get along
with them!
Listening to reason!
If you have to ask why listening to reason is important, then I
really need to explain it to you!  Lies are not good, and truth is
so important!  We can reason with each other to understand
how each of us feels, thinks, and understands various dilemmas
that we face in our lives and by listening to each other, we can
resolve many of our conflicts!  So, I hope you understand why
reasoning is so important!
My life became fractured
My life became fractured.  If it hadn't been for you helping me 
to get all the pieces back together, I just don't know what might
have happened to me!  I do thank you so much for helping me 
get my life back together!
HI there!
In this vast wilderness of space, it is so good to run into you,
be able to say hi, to smile, and to know that I can tell you how
much I've missed you!  And I certainly have missed seeing you!
Let's figure out a way so we can meet up more often despite
what this world wants to put in our way to keep us apart!
A game of marbles 
I was asked if I'd like to play a game of marbles!  But I
quickly realized that this would not be a regular game
of marbles!!!  So, maybe I'll just watch!
Finding what is most important!
Our times together have been wonderful!  And this is because
we have learned the most important lesson in life which has 
taught us how valuable and full of  goodness doing what is right
for every one!
Checking on our friends!
We have been checking on our friends because they also do
that to us!  Seeing all of the smiles really let's us know that
they are OK and how important good friends are!
Vegetable living!
My friends call me, "The Pumpkin Man!" but I have no idea why!
However, I do love vegetables and living with them!  I find that it
is a very comfortable way to live!
Words that connect us!
There are many different types of words we can use or that we will sometimes
hear spoken by those around us.  Some are very nice, kind, and helpful, but other
words can be detrimental to us.  So, I hope that when words connect us, that we
will only hear the good ones!  One very important sentence can be, "Can I help?"
You are glowing!
You are definitely glowing!  Something wonderful must have
happened to you!  So, please tell me all about it!!!
You are not alone!
Sometimes we feel like we are all alone, and no one can help us.
When you feel like that, please know that you are never alone and
that there will be someone to understand and help you when you
think that there is not a way out of your problems that are all around
you!  There is a way out and a good solution to help you! 
Making sense in our world!
When nothing made any sense, and we wondered why we couldn't
see something better to help us is when the good answers finally
came!  We all wanted just a little sample of the wonderful ways to
overcome our world when it just wasn't making any sense in all that
was happening.  Finally we were shown where all of the sensible answers 
reside!  And they were here all of the time. and we just needed to understand
that we can make sense of it all!!!
We want to work!
We want a job, and we will work very hard!  We do want a
job that will help us make this world better for everyone!
We know it won't be easy to work and help the young and
the elderly, but we know it will be a very important job as
it will help so many find an important reason to exist, live,
and show love and caring to others!
Solving for X
I finally solved for "X"!  Now, if I can just solve all of the rest of the
letters of the alphabet, I will have accomplished a lot!  I'm still trying
to solve for Pi as I love, peach, apple, chess, and pecan pie so much!
A great place to be!
We looked and looked to find some good things for our
lives!  Finally after a complete investigation of everything
on our world, we did find a very great place to be!  It turned
out to be right where we were all of the time, and all we
needed to do was to do the right things for others and for
ourselves!  This special place was right inside our hearts!
So much around us!
We really need to study and understand our part of belonging
to where we are and exist!  There is so much around us!  So
much that needs to be known about!  We need to learn about
those around us, especially those that are strangers to us!  Hey!
Is that someone I don't know!  Then, let's say hi and learn all
about them!  And as we do that, they can learn about us!
Things we like!
Isn't it easy to know what type of things you love!
We decided to put them all together in a collection 
that we call, "Our Happy Collection!"  I hope you 
also have a "Happy Collection!!!"
Traveling in time!
We all have to travel in time as we just can't escape it!
My friends and I decided to go on a cinematic journey
through time to see what is out there!  We quickly learned
that it was too much for us to see and understand.  So the 
next time we will just choose a much shorter tour even 
though there are so many wonderful things out there to see!
I've got your back
I brought you out here so that you could see all of the beauty that
nature has in it, and to know that no matter what happens elsewhere,
that I will always have your back and will lead you to places of great
calm and protection!
Unlimited vs Limited!
Hi there!  I know you want some things to be unlimited and
some things to be limited.  Yes I do!  I want joy and happiness
to be unlimited, but stuff on the other side of life like sadness
and anything that is bad to definitely be limited or even not at all!!!
I do agree with you and let's do all we can to make the good things
Connecting the right way!
We sure are connected these days to so much on our planet!
We can use our phones and call all around the world or use
the internet to see so much!  I try to tell the younger ones how
it used to be before all of this happened, and I know it is so
difficult for them to understand!  So let's use our connectivity
to accomplish a lot of good things for our planet!  