My art in the year 2025!!!
A new view!
We certainly have a new view into a brand new year!
So let's keep it looking great! We must do all we can
and do it right!!!
A new hair style!
Wow! We love your new hair style! It will work great in
this new year! We now feel we should get a unique hair
style like you have as you really stand out! Please tell us
where to go to get one like you have!!!!
Good friends are so important!
As you go through life, you will make friends. Some will prove to be
wonderful people to know, but others may not exactly fit the definition
of "friend." So, to make sure you are getting the right kind of friend,
treat them all kindly, never lie to any of them, and help them all you can!
If one of them does respond to your friendly motives, then you will know
who is truly a good friend! Some do need to be taught the right ways!
There is an old saying that says, "To have a friend, you must first be one!"
That grass sure is greener!
"I think we can crawl under the fence right here and get to the
other side!" "The grass sure looks greener over on that other side!"
"And you know how much we love green grass!!!!" "Let's go!!!"
I think they need to think about what is trying to lure them over to the
other side, or why a fence has been put up to try and keep everyone
from the other side! We'd better warn them that our side has grass
just as green before they fall into a trap!
Always be kind!
You won't always know what problems someone else is having, and by just
being nice, kind, and helpful to them may help them a lot!
Interactions in good ways!
I do welcome any interactions you may want to discuss as long
as they will contain good ways to proceed! Some will want to
interact in bad ways, so please continue if you will show me the
good ways! Because!!!! Good ways are so very important!!!!!
Our Contract!
We have a verbal contract in which we have stated that we will
always help each other whenever there is a need! We also have
a clause in the contract which states that we must always try to
help others when we see a need! I think we have a very good
verbal contract!
Our lives have meaning!
Because we have lived and done what is right and good,
we can spend our remaining time in celebrations as we
count the many blessings we have had in our existence
upon this planet!
How my friends help me!My friends help me think in good and positive ways by
their actions which cause me to see ways to improve
myself! Sometimes it is just in an invitation to go with
them to hear some live music as they already know the
bands are incredible! And when they see the huge smiles
on my face, then they smile also knowing that they've
helped me! And this is only one of the ways that they help me!
We all paused in this day!
We all paused in this day just to look at the beauty around us!
And then, for some unknown reason, we all started to dance!
I now believe that it is from the joy we all felt that made us
want to dance!
We want to soar!
My friend looked sad and said, "I want to fly through the air,
but I just can't get off the ground." As his friend, I had to tell
him that you can soar up high in your mind by thinking lots of
good things that you can do to help others!
A beautiful view!
We were all told to show up at a certain location and we would be shown a
wonderful view of nature! We went and when the curtain was pulled aside,
we did see a beautiful view of nature in all its splendor!
Rules of life!
There certainly are a lot of rules that we need to follow as we
exist! We can call them, "The rules of life", if you so desire.
Some may be simple such as turning off a light when you've
left a room for the night. Some rules are very important such
as always doing what is right, being kind to others, and helping
those that are in need! I do know that some really don't care
about rules, and we desperately need to be careful around them.
And to avoid those type of people is also one of the most important
rules of life!!!
Howdy there!
We had finally run out of things to say to each other or to
new people that we've just met. So we decided to just say,
"Howdy!", and that sure seemed to work as then all we met
started up a brand, new conversation, and we loved that!
So howdy everyone!
So howdy everyone!
Moving slowly and carefully!
I'm going to really watch my steps and move along
very slowly and carefully as there seems to be a lot
of obstacles in my way!
The way things used to be...
We sure miss the way things used to be for us! We don't like the
way TV shows are shown now as sometimes a new season won't
start for about a year after that last episode of the previous season!
And we sure think that is far too long! Plus too many commercials
these days! But we also know that things will change as they always
do as our children will also someday wonder why things aren't like
they used to be for them! At least we know that all of these changes
do become the norm for each generation!
When things aren't simple!
There certainly are a lot of things on our planet that aren't
easy to understand or do! There are some experiences that
are easy, but many require a lot of work before we can do
what is necessary to achieve the satisfaction of knowing we
have overcome them! So, let's get to work and solve those
difficult ones!
Let's work together!
We decided to spend some time alone and to concentrate on
everything that is going on around us! Then we met back up to
figure out how to proceed! With the studies we all did, we found
a way to help us all with the problems we have faced! Working
together sure can help solve situations like we have faced!
Simple things can be great things!
We were looking every where for some big developments
in our lives to make us feel that our existence could be a
very rewarding experience! Then, a good friend told us and
showed us that even simple things can bring a great amount
of joy! We are glad we learned this very important lesson!!!
Seeing above and below!
Some of us are tall and thin and others are short and round.
But we find that it is very necessary for us to be so different
as our perspectives do allow us to view things that others
can not see! We do get together to discuss what we've seen
with the others. and they tell us about what they see! This
helps us all find solutions to the world around us! And, we know
that we must work together to solve our problems!
How to be helpful!
We started out this day with quizzical looks on our faces as we
really wanted to know what we could do in this day to be helpful.
And then all of a sudden, smiles appeared on all of our faces as
we realized that we must be kind, helpful, and good to anyone that
we see that are in need! We do know that many are desperately in
need of help, and we want to help them! This knowledge sure put
smiles on all of our faces!
The changes are here....
So, what do we do now that so many new changes in our
lives have happened!!! We will look for that one specific
thing that never can be changed and hold onto it tightly!
Words and their meanings
Words do describe many things! Sometimes words can be
wonderful in their descriptions of things around us! And,
sometimes words will mean different things to others because
of where they are from. We surely must try and understand
that words can be so very important and use them correctly!
Some might say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!" We
would like them to understand that the beauty that can come
out of deeply, caring heart can truly show us what true beauty is!
Smiles can be very impressive!
We thought we were going to a meeting of "The Minds", but
it turned out to be a meeting of "The Smiles!" We learned that
many things can be very impressive to see, but a smile from the inner heart is the best!
We want to share!
We won't be sharing things that aren't productive or good in
the right ways. We will be sharing the knowledge that real
good is shared from the inner most depths of the heart that only
will help others in the right ways! So, we all had a meeting and
talked about what is the right way to share and to be helpful! We
do know that good friends are very important, and we are the
types that do not love money, but only how money can help others
that are in need of food or shelter! And money can never be only
in our pockets to help us. Knowing what is shared in the right ways,
sure has helped us to smile!!!
Endure and be rewarded!
Some are wondering how can they survive on our planet due to all
of the stress. We say you must keep trying and you will survive!
Others think it may be impossible, and we tell them that they will
make if if they keep trying! We know that they can endure this and
get past it once and for all! We certainly know it will work as we have
achieved this endurance success before!!! So, please keep trying!!!
Let's dance!
Great! We all love to dance! OK! We will be doing just
about every type of dance we know! So, start the music,
and here we go!!!
We love the outdoors!
We love the outdoors! Well, we used to until so many started
throwing trash everywhere. So, please clean up after yourselves
in the right way! And recycle all you can!
Different and the same!
We are different in so many ways! You have more legs
than do I! But we are the same in so many other ways! Our
inner hearts seek out to do what is right, and that truly helps
me want to be with you and share the good parts of life! I'm
glad that we understand that we can be different but also the
What will tomorrow bring!
Tomorrow may bring a day in which we realize that
we must make a lot of adjustments due to many new
things. But, since we aren't in that day yet, let's celebrate
with all the joy and happiness we can in this fine day that
we are in!
We've weathered the storm!   
The storm is over and now we see sunny skies and look forward
to smooth sailing! There is always a choice in life whether to skip
around the bad things that face us, or to endure and overcome
those times. We always need to choose what is best for us in the
long run of life!
Please whisper to me!
Whisper in my ear all of the good things about truth and honesty,
and I will learn to understand about that other side that does not
tell the truth.... Truth does matter and is so, so, so very important!
Wait a minute! Let's shout out very loud what is true!!!
Let's all dance!
Why we love to dance! Then, get the music started!!!
And here we go!!!
How long is forever!
Some say it doesn't exist and others say it doesn't last long.
But some do know that is goes on way past how far you can
ever imagine it to be!
He knows!
He knows the solutions to our problems! We've come a long
way to meet him and find the answers we've been seeking!
It was a wild day!
It was a wild day, but a good one because we are all so
happy to have been alive and be in it! We did so need
a day full of joy, love, and the blessings of being alive!
How to have a good, smooth day!
We knew we were all going to get up before 4:00 a.m.
So, we all planned to meet together and discuss how the
day should go! We could all tell by the smiles on our
faces that our discussions would greatly benefit us to plan
this day to be good and smooth all day long! And we all did
have very wonderful ideas on how to proceed in this day!
Watching the kids grow up!
We share the love in watching our children grow up! And,
it shows us how much our parents cared for us! That is a
wonderful bit of knowledge that can only be understood
when we became parents!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Making sense of it all!
I know that is hasn't been easy to understand existence, life,
and all that goes on as we spin through the part of space
allotted to us. And, what happens to us sure does not make
any sense sometimes. But, keep going on as the time will come
where we will understand and know what it all means!!!
The Right Side!
There certainly are a lot of "sides" to many things during
our existence. Some really think that they have chosen
the right side during their lives, while others can see that
some have chosen the wrong side by being fooled. Some
become "Patriots" through their beliefs but have actually
chosen the wrong side. When we think about Patriotism,
we must thoroughly think about every avenue of thought
on this because some sides will really try to have us choose
the wrong side because they think that they are on the right
side. Choosing the right and very correct side is so important
in being a true Patriot!!!
A peaceful day is coming!
We have all been seeking a day in which we know we will find
a lot of joy and peace! We do know that is is coming! When it
gets here, we will all hold very tightly onto it with all of our might!
I pick you!
I pick you to be my friend because you have all of the good
qualities I admire in a person! You are good, kind, helpful,
and caring! So, please be my friend and show me how I can
live my life to be like you!!!
A long and difficult day!
We sure have been having some very long and difficult days lately.
But, we know that by reaching out to our friends, we will find the
solutions to our problems! Good friends are so very important!
Our new teammates!
We decided to recruit from the realm of the tall to be
on our team! Maybe now we can win a basketball game!
I am doing well!
I am feeling very happy and confident in what I am doing! And I
certainly hope that you are also doing very well!
What we are really like!
Many look at us and see beings that are small and look weak.
But the outside of a person is never the best way to judge any
one! If you will spend a little time getting to know us, you will
see that we are soft on the outside but strong on the inside, and
little in stature, but giant sized in our spirits!
We are having a philosophical discussion!
We started off with, "How much is a zero!" Most replied,
"Nothing at all!" Then we discussed that point. We see
that a zero has to be something as it is a word that is spelled
for all to see. It can be very helpful in math, or at the end
of a bill that came in the mail showing that we have a zero
amount to pay the next time! So we all smiled and praised
the ZERO because now we all know that a zero isn't nothing!!!
Welcome to our community!
We are all neighbors that care about and help each other!
And, we are glad you are here! We come in all different sizes!
Some are small, and some are tall! We know it doesn't matter
about that because we all know what is most important is that we
do all we can for each other in this community! Let us know what
you might need! So!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!
Zip codes from other galaxies
We were all glad to finally meet the beings from other
galaxies until we learned that to send a letter or post
card to them involved a very lengthy zip code which
couldn't fit on a card or envelope!
We love our puppies!
They bring us such joy and happiness! They are great companions
in our lives!!!
Good qualities to have!
We have learned that it does not matter that others may look
very different from us! We are very glad that we do look like
we do, but we have learned that a heart inside a being that is
totally different in looks from us is what we all need to judge
a person on!!!! A good, kind heart with lots of caring to share
is so much more important than the outward looks of everyone!
Our office is finally open!
It may not look like much now, but we are going to really
make it look wonderful! Now on to rearranging and making
everything around us look better! We do have a ways to go,
and we know we can succeed and make this a beautiful and
constructive work environment! Because our goal is to be
there for all who need help! So, come on by and see what we
can do for you!
There's nothing else to say!!!
There isn't anything else left to say!!! We have finally run out
of words to express how we feel! Ha, ha!!!! Just kidding!!!
We can talk for a very long time!!! Just let me continue on,
"Blah, blah, blah, blah etc., etc., etc.!" See! I told you!!! We can
ramble on for many hours!!!
Exploring new territory!
We think it is time to go exploring! Many have already been around
our planet and seen a lot! We think something is still hidden and we
want to see what it is! Let's go!