The swirly, twirly, whirly, curly, firmly, flurry, blurry world of color! Or are we
Learning how to solve problems!
Cindy says, "Art always makes my day!" When we face our problems, we
start to we learn that we can actually change things and make progress
when we are strong and brave in the face of adversity!
At first, I put a thick coat of varnish over my problems to cover-up and hide them.
But then the varnish wore off. So now I'm going to deal with these day-to-day
issues and solve them once and for all!
Wow! We are finally at a place where we can understand life's dilemmas,
and do what we should have been doing all along!!!
The swim in life!
The water is deep, but we have faith! We will swim
and be safe!
A big mess or is it!
All I can say is,"It's a big mess, but we can straighten it out!"
The answer will come!
If you've ever wondered why we are here, the answer will eventually
arrive! While waiting, please work as hard as you can to help all that
you can!
The little bird that could!
I'm the little bird that could! And I can do a lot! But for now,
I'm just going to rest and take a break!-----
Nature is art!
Nature is a true art exhibit!!!
Just rolling along!
One big problem for us when rolling along is that sometimes we will
be upside down. But we sure can smile when we are right side up!!!-----
The up above vantage point!
When you are up high, you can easily see so much more of
what is down below! And thereby avoid any problems or traps
that might be waiting!

Arranging the landscape!
It will certainly take a long time to unpack this landscape, but
it sure will be beautiful when we are finished!
The ice is broken!
Howdy! The ice is broken so now we can talk just about anything!
Let's start with......
Something landed!
Was it a UFO? Some type of aircraft? The news said it was a weather balloon.
But it sure is an odd shape for a balloon! Maybe I'm on a disc golf course!!! Or,
am I just seeing a new type of pie plate!
Let's play our favorite game!
We have found another wonderful place to play our favorite game!
We love Hide and Seek, and I think this will be an even better place
to play than the last location! I'm going to go hide! See if you can
find me!!!

The Singing trio!
Everyone asks us when will we be singing in public! And I always
say, "As soon as we can sing in the same key!" I also wonder why
when we practice that the vegetation seems to mutate....
Teaching my son!
I'm just teaching my son how to navigate safely through this
world as some obstacles sure can get in the way while we
live here! There are a lot of lessons to learn about life and
how to deal with them!
I'm getting out of the way!
Danger is not my middle name, so I will quickly stand aside as
this group goes by! I sure wouldn't want to be run over! But
wait! Maybe this is some kind of forward progress which will
make everyone's life better! I think I'll join the parade!!!
The nose knows part 3
My friend told me that we need to understand the shape of
things to come! And I understand and agree with him because
our noses really need to be able to navigate our world due to
their size!
Something is hiding in there!
Something is hiding in there, and we want to see it! It must
be wonderful as it smells so good and the outside is so beautiful!
Surely something this pretty couldn't be a trap could it?
When worms argue!
You may not have known that worms have fierce arguments quite
frequently! They don't have strong voices, so they have to yell very
loudly to hear each other! But, their increased volume does attract
birds who are always looking for a snack! That may be the reason
you didn't know about their problems with each other!
There's a new kid in town!
Well, almost!
Hi there!
HI there! Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you also! Want to be friends!
Certainly, as I've heard a lot of good things about you! Why don't we
introduce ourselves to everyone else here! Yes, let's do that! We should
be nice and kind to as many as we can!
Our neighborhood swimming pool!
Everyone comes to share in the fun and swim! There is a long line
waiting to get in as this is the only pool on our planet! We really
don't mind waiting our turn as it is so much fun!
Helping out!
We are helping our little friend as he is small and needs help in
navigating this world to stay safe! That's what friends do!
I love Spring flowers!
I really love to see the beautiful flowers that bloom in the
Spring of each year! Now there's a pretty one, and it is
smiling back at me!
This is Truthville!
This is a place where we always tell the truth because then we don't have
to worry about what we may have told someone and can't remember what
we said! It also helps us to love the beauty around us as that is one of the
many ways truth can help you!
Taking a walk!
I'm just taking a very peaceful walk through nature! The sun is shining!
The birds are singing! It is a beautiful day!
The watchful eyes!
They keep a sharp lookout for any trouble and will protect
us should any occur! What a great warning and protective
Round but not rolling!
I'm not sure where I am. This could be a balloon world, or a place
where planets are born. Gravity may have gone just a little too wild,
or I could have played too much dodge ball! Well, as soon as the rolling starts, I guess I'll find out!
Our cruise ship has docked!
Off we go to on the tour of this beautiful destination!
Already we can see the beauty that was described in
the brochure! There sure is a lot to see here, and we are glad we came!
A world where everyone belongs!
It won't matter what shape you are, or if you are taller or shorter
than everyone else! What matters is if you are good and helpful to everyone!
I want you to understand!
I want you to understand my point of view! I will keep discussing
what is really true, and hope you can see what is right! Please
remember that a person that continually lies is not to be believed!
Listen up!
I've called you all here today to tell you something very important!
We must do all we can to be our best, to do our best, and to help
those that truly need help! We also must stop the ones that prey
on others and will only hurt them! These are our goals, so let's get to work!
The unusual job interview!
I was very surprised when I was told to have my interview out in
a desolate place and even more surprised when a tiny little fellow
showed up. He said, "I can learn a lot more about job applicants
by having them be interviewed out of their usual element!" Then he
added, "It's not about how you dress, or how you look that is important!"
"What is important is that you really know the job you will be taking and
how you will deal with any unusual circumstances that may occur!" "And
I can tell by your reactions that you are the one we want for this job!"
Be brave!
I'm going to be brave no matter what the obstacles are before me
or around me! I know there will come a time when all of these
hardships will be overcome, and I'll be able to rid of them by being strong and brave!
I made first contact!
It finally happened! I'd spent years traversing this planet after my space
ship crashed without finding any type of intelligent life. I've finally found
a creature, but it doesn't smile! Now if I can just get it to smile and have a
nice conversation with me then we can probably have some fun! Well at least I hope so!!!
Mr. Uninformed!
Our conversation was going well until Mr. Know-it-all spoke up and
said we were all wrong! We all then told him that he was wrong
and his new name would be Mr. Uninformed!
Making lasting friendships!
It is very good and worthwhile to make new friends, but
always remember how important good friends are that you've
met over the years and hold them dear to you! For the
new ones may be silver, but the old ones are gold!
Let's look up!
We are looking up because that's where answers can come from! After all,
we are whizzing around in space, in a galaxy, and in a universe that must be
immense! There is a lot more out there than is below us! If we don't find
the answers today, we will keep looking!
What we want to teach!We want to teach our children, the world, and everyone that is on it that
truth and nothing but the truth is a big, giant goal! That's what needs
to be taught and learned by everyone here! And this is what we should
strive for and to live for!!!-----
The petting place!
Sometimes you just really need to visit a place where you can
pet cute, little animals and relieve the stress of your day-to-day life!
It's too pretty to be a trap!
We are just not sure what this new thing is we found!
Bob said, "What if it's a type of Venus Fly Trap from another
planet!" At least we know that it is very attractive and is
making us smile! Now where did Bob go? Wasn't Mary just
here? Hey! Where is everybody!
The kids are growing up!
It has been wonderful to have children and become a father!
As they grow and mature, I can see my own life from how I thought
when young. I know they will not understand some aspects of this
process until they are older and can see their own children. But for
now, I must teach them what is truly important just as I was raised!
The guy with the answers!
I'm the guy with all the answers! So just let me know
what you want to know, and I'll tell you! While you are
thinking, see if you can solve this math problem for me!
111,111,111 times 111,111,111 equals.... The answer is
very easy! You just count from 1 to 9 and then back down
to 1 and you have the answer!
Getting to know you!
Just because someone looks totally different from everyone
around you does not mean you can't be good friends! Get
to know what a person is like in their heart, and you may find
they have many similar beliefs as you! Talk to them, and you
may find that you will care about them as much as you do your
own family!
The animal control expert!
I'm controlling a lot of animals because I am an expert!
Wait! I'm an animal too! Who's controlling me!
The Yes or No bird!
What kind of bird is this? It only answers yes or no to
any question. Maybe it can't remember what questions
we are asking it. Sometimes it makes us laugh with its
answers. Maybe it can't remember which answer is right!
Dimensions are opening up!
Howdy from another dimension! Dimensions are starting to open
up, so I'm waving to you from a long way away even if it looks close!
Now if we can just figure out a way to step from one place to the
other, we will sure save a lot of space travel time!
Mr. Fuzzy's art!
Mr. Fuzzy invited us all over to see his new art work!
While we are completely overwhelmed by his art, we
just can't understand how someone so small could make
sure a large sculpture! Maybe it's an illusionary type of art work!
Sunny days are made for fun!!!-----
A pat on the head!
Sometimes all you need is just a pat on the head and some reassuring words
to help you make it through difficulties! So, if you see someone today that is
struggling, even if you can't pat them on the head, say something nice and
encouraging to them to help them on their way!
The world of Circles!
There are a lot of ways we go around in circles in our lives!
Just be glad we have circles and not zeros because if you
add up a lot of zeros you'll only get a zero! And our lives
should equal a lot at the end of our circle of life!
When time took a break!
This shows the event when time decided it needed
a much needed break and rested. We were a little
concerned as everything else started piling up instead
of moving on! But thankfully, after time had rested, it
continued on its merry way! And always remember,
"Time goes by in one direction!"
When the world of color met the world of black and white!
Can a world of color co-exist with a world of tints and shades! Some say
they won't. Well, I guess we will see! Wait! Our world already has all
of these! So let's all shake and get to know each other!
The future opera singer!
Well, he hopes to be in the opera! But we think he really needs to pick a
different field of music! He does remind us of one famous singer and he
does have a great voice! Maybe if we encourage him to pick a different
category of music, he will let us be in the band!
The 2023
Annual Birdy Meeting!
This year there was a lot of talk about humans and their
overcrowding of the planet. This has
been a big concern for us. As we
couldn’t find a way to stop the humans, we decided to continue on the best we
could. Larry Bird finished our meeting
with his usual, “Wet birds can’t fly at night!” which always signals
that it is time to adjourn the meeting.
This time we decided to take him up on his idea as we didn’t believe
him. We all jumped into the pond and
then tried to fly! We all flopped down
immediately after the soaking. Now we know
Larry Bird was always right! We were without our leader this year, and things were
different without him. We all miss him s-o-o-o-o
much!!! So many miss you Larry…… Thank you for being in our
The anti-floccinaucinihilipilification league!
We are the anti-floccinaucinihilipilification league because we do know
many things are very worthwhile!

No more stopping!
We aren't stopping anymore or slowing down!
There are too many things that need to be fixed
in our world!
The big bills!
Some with really large beaks or bills think they are
smarter and better than those of us with tiny beaks.
But the size of your bill is not an indicator of intelligence,
or abilities to govern, or to make wise decisions. All those
beaks do for you is to make you louder! And when you
are louder, we can easily hear you and know you have no
idea of what you are doing!
We need to work together!
Better days will be just ahead if we all learn to work together
to solve our many problems! When people and communities
come together and work to help each other, so much can be
Tee and his cap 2023!
Tee is just saying hi to everyone as he's glad to be in the spring of
another year of existence! Tee has seen a lot happen on our world
that has upset him, but he wants us to know that we must keep
going on and to always try to do our best! He says that he sure sees
a need to get our nation's kids on the right track, and education
going like it used to be!
The wise bird knows!
How do you recognize a wise bird! It certainly has nothing to do
with his looks. The outside is never an indication of wisdom as
wisdom comes from deep inside and from time spent understanding
the predicaments of our world and ascertaining the right path to
take for the complete understanding of the right kind of knowledge
that will help you avoid that other side! We have listened and judged,
and know this bird does teach the right way!!!
Billy can really hide!
Billy can hide very well in a game we play a lot,
"Hide and Seek!" Because he is so good at this
game, we've added a lot more friends to help
look for him! Now where is he! He always wins!
Mr. Poker Face!
We can never tell what he's thinking! But at least he's
honest and will never put us on and will tell the truth!
If you play poker with him, he will always give back your
money and show you how you lost! He is a nice guy
and one you want for a friend!
Finally the day is here!
What! You don't know which day is here! Why this day right
now that we are in! It is very important because what ever
happened in the past, the future is now spotless! We are ready
to move on past our mistakes and do what is right!
Why are carnivorous plants so attractive!
What do you think Billy! Why do they look like that!
Now, where did Billy go...
It is just ahead!
What is just ahead? It is! But what is it? Haven't you listened to
everyone talking about it being just ahead!!! I don't listen until I
know something will make sense! Well, just keep going on and you
will see what really makes sense! I have a dilemma with time and it
seems to be a part of time. I do know that time will only go by in one
direction, so if I go on to "it" will I be moving in the right time frame
or getting lost! That's what I want to know!
Thoughts on life
Thinking about life can cause a person to have thoughts that will
go in many different directions. What we need to think about
and visualize in our minds is to choose correct thoughts that
will lead to actions resulting in a deep fulfillment in our lives and
also for others!
Be inspired!
We all need to be inspired to do better in our lives! We all need this
in our lives! We need the desire and will to succeed! So much depends
upon us to do what is right!!!
Precious moments are...
We appreciate the good deeds that everyone does!
Precious moments like these can never be stolen from
us because good things are so precious, so valuable, and
their rewards are so wonderful that they can not be taken
The Truth Club!
We believe in truth so we have started the Truth Club!
Some do not believe in truth! Some say that it doesn't
exist. We know that it does!
Carefully moving on!
We are getting on through life despite the very large and many difficulties
that are around us! We are very carefully taking each step to make sure
we will survive by being aware and cautious while we move along!
What the whirlwind left behind!
After the storm had ceased, we saw so much destruction all around us. But
this made us come together in unity to help each other! So at least there was
one very important thing that was left! Unity! James T. Vinson helped us understand!
The portal!
We found the portal to tranquility and joy, and we will enter it!
We've needed peace, bliss, and happiness for quite a while! So,
come on in if you want to!
Good friends are great company!!!
And don't we all need friends that can help us out!!!
Our world and art!
When our world opened to art, suddenly there was
beauty everywhere!
The reason for existence!
At first, we just couldn't understand why we existed on this planet as
there is so much to this universe, and how could we even be here! There
is so much more out there than here with us. Our good friend listened to
us and then explained everything, which took quite a while, about why we
are here! Now we know! We must do all we can to stop the things that aren't
right and to help others know what is the right way to go and that is our proof
and reason for existence!
How to succeed!
If you really want to learn a very important lesson on being
successful, you must be with the ones that understand you,
the ones who will keep you from harm and teach you to do
no wrong, and this will help you the best kind of success!
Untangle us!
We are all jumbled up together and it makes us wonder,
"What's next!" But we are very willing to help each other
untangle and figure this out! And we will do it!
The eggs are laid!
The misses is off to find food, and I am here to protect our eggs,
and to think about helping the youngsters learn to survive after
they hatch out!
I really don't like art!
I don't like art! That's because I learned a new word, "Accismus!" We see too much
art all the time anyway! Just think back to when humans started trying to express
themselves and their existence on this planet with art! Boy! Do they really know anything
about art at all!!! Have we ever learned what art is!!! I don't think so!!! We are all
smiling because, "We don't like art!"
What a beautiful view!
I'm so glad I got to see it, and I sure hope I can move here!
I am very slow!
Well, usually I'm very slow, and I can't even win a "Last one to the finish line wins!"
contest. BUT! It the wind is blowing, then I raise my sail fin and off I go, and no one
can catch me!
Where in the world are we!
Oh! We are right here! Then I guess we are all ok!
What does research show!
It shows that when things roll right, they roll well!
We love it here!
People understand what is important! They tell the truth, and are always
helpful and nice to each other! So here we will stay!
I'm not isolated in my hole!
You might think that I have no idea of what is going on in the
world due to my living in a hole. But, I have a TV down there, plus
a radio, so I do keep up with current events!
The place of smiles!
This is the place where you can smile! Because, here
you will find something wonderful to smile about!
We looked and found!
We all went looking for happiness, but quickly realized by the looks
on our faces that we already had it! True joy, love, and happiness
does come from the heart and from what good you can do with it!
The Sentinels!
Vertical, horizontal, or just all over the place! They do keep
us safe! And remember! They will only fall on the ones that
do wrong! So as long as you do good in your life, you have
nothing to worry about!
Take a deep breath!
We took that advice and all took a very deep, long breath in
and then slowly let it out! That sure made us all feel much
better and helped with our stress which melted away!
Our positive world!
In our world, we have very positive vibes that we
share with each other! We know this really helps
us to exist in a way that keeps us happy and will
get us through the hard times! This is the type of
thing that everyone should share!!!
Not all things are difficult to understand
I know we must truly try and learn what is our real purpose on
this planet and do what we can to help others understand it!
Kindness, caring, and helping others to develop and grow in a
way that brings clarity to our existence is very important! So,
even though some of life is hard to figure out, let's do what is
good for each other to achieve that type of understanding!
Pointing the way!
Finally, we have someone to show us the right way to go!
We had been lost for far too long, and sure appreciate his
help in getting us on the right path!
It's time to leap for joy!
And we certainly are glad it is time to leap for joy as
we really need some happiness in our lives!
My close-up!
Oops! That's too close!!! Back off a bit!
Going off the grid!
We just can't stand it anymore, so we are going off the grid!
What! The way you are explaining things does make us want
to stay here! You've made the problems vanish and everything
is clear now! We must stay here, smile, and do what is right!
Thank you for helping us understand that we are ok!
I'm not lost!
At first, I thought that I was lost as I didn't know if I was above water
or below. And I sure thought that I must have made a wrong turn!
Then everyone here taught me to do the best that I can, and that I
must learn to get along with those that do what is necessary to be good people!
Finally! At last I am found!
It's time to get it right!
It's time to get it right! To get what right? Why everything!
That's what! We need to make the wrong ways stop and make
sure that all the rest is done in the correct way!
Things do change!
We must understand that so many things have changed since we came
to this planet! While some things will always remain the same, some of
the changes will need to be understood and dealt with in the best way
possible! I just hope that one plus one will always equal two!
Do you want to talk about music!
If I start talking about music, I can run on for hours! For me, music
makes the world turn and revolve so much better! Music makes me
smile, and I hope it does for you also! So, if you want to talk about
music, then be prepared for a long discussion!!!
Thank you so much!
We all just wanted to thank you for explaining this world and helping us
solve our many problems! We sure appreciate your help in making our
lives so much easier!
He's big but nice!
It's wonderful to have a friend that can keep us safe
from harm! And doesn't everyone need a friend like
Our round world has changed!
We always just roll along and get to most of the places we need to go!
Being round, we could roll all over most of our planet and life was fine!
But then, the square people learned how to levitate, and they were suddenly free
to explore! I bet they can help us with some places that we couldn't get to before!
The Always Happy Land!
It's not far to this wonderful place! And when we get there, we won't
be isolated from joy anymore!
Advancement in our world!
Well, it's about time someone figured out how to untangle us, and
get us to do the things we should have been doing all along on our
planet! We have needed to help others for such a long, long time!
So, now it is that time!!!! Please everyone! Start to work on helping
others as we need it so badly!!!
Let's squawk!
There is a lot to squawk about! So, let's squawk about it in
a very loud way! Then maybe someone will hear us, and
things will change for the better!
Two sides
There can be two sides to many things. A house can have an outside and an inside.
Arguments can have two sides and it can be difficult to convince someone of your
particular view in an argument. But sometimes there can be a right side and a wrong
side to many issues. Please look into all of the aspects of what a person is trying to tell
you before making a decision upon which side you choose! And always take the right path!
And never pick the wrong side!
Why and the answer!
Our world can be difficult. We can wonder about that and why
some of these things happen in our lives. But we must also see
and enjoy the beauty that is around us for there is the true answer to
Great news!
"You will succeed!" he said. And that is wonderful news as it is a good
thing to know we will overcome any problems that are before us!
Come on out!
We are finally coming out of our holes, and we are so happy
to be able to do this!
Choose your way!
I still am working hard to follow the intelligent ways, the honest
ways, and the truthful ways! Which way do you want to follow!!!
The best explanation!
When things are explained in a clear way, the right way, and the
completely honest way, then you will truly understand the answer
to your question!
After the egg hatched!
After the egg was laid and hatched, the bird became the word
and then everyone knew that it didn't matter which came first!
The choir tries again!
We are singing the best we can, and we are off in the wilderness
to practice! We just hope that the mountains come alive with the
sounds of music! Well at least we are trying to make that happen!
We finally all agreed!
We finally agreed on everything! We all got together to discuss all of the
issues that we couldn't agree on. We found a common ground and then
knew we could work out our differences and come together to solve our
problems! We decided to create a new group, and we will call ourselves
the "WATSUP" or the "We Agree To Solve Unusual Problems!" I think it's about
time we did this! So, everyone! "Whatsup!!!!"
Just had a talk with Jeanie!
We just got back from having a nice, long talk with Jeanie!!! We could
have talked for hours with her about puppies, life, music, Pickleball,
tennis, friends, and a whole lot more! It was wonderful to see her again!
Out of our comfort zone
We got out of our comfort zone and faced what the world was
throwing at us. But you know, we just enlarged our entire comfort
zone by doing this! So now everything is much better!
Up the hill of life!
If we can go up the hill of life, we can also come safely down the hill of life!
But we must make sure to be very careful and not be like Jack and Jill!
It is also somewhat like going up a creek without a paddle! So, we must
have what is very necessary to keep us safe!
It shouldn't be hard to understand
It shouldn't be hard to understand life and everything because
we are here and do exist! But for some it is very complicated.
Where we all go on from this point in time is very important so
please make the right choices!
What's on the inside?
It's not the outside that counts, but what good comes from
the deep depths of your inner heart that truly matters!
Don't make fun of me!
If you are pointing your finger at me and making fun of me, you also
have three fingers pointing back at yourself! And this really shows a
lot more about you than about me to be insulting like that!
Singing to the morning!
We are all singing to this beautiful morning with love in our
The best way to go!
I think I'll follow up on this story that there are procedures
to follow for us to all get along and learn the right ways to
live on this planet! So, after hearing the story, please follow
the script and help change the world!
Make the right choice!
I can tell you what is right and what is wrong, but you will have
to make the choice between the two! All of you have the look
on your faces which shows me that you have chosen wisely!
Just look around!
We are all getting some much-needed fresh air as we wanted
to get away from some of our daily problems. We quickly
learned that there is a lot of good around us, and all we had to
do was look to see it!
When you are sure, very sure, then tell what is true!
Because truth is so very, very important!!!-----
When troubles pile up...
Sometimes I really get lost in knowing what to do when life's problems
pile up and seem to overwhelm me. I must do what is right to solve these
things and look forward not backwards to find a good way to approach,
react to and solve these difficulties!
Don't just explore!
People have explored this planet for a long, long time!
But as we wander across the earth, we must truly learn
why we are here! Exploring is good, but to fully understand
why we are here and to accomplish the good goals we know and
learn about will decide if our exploration matters!
When you are confident and sure, everyone will know!
Here I am!
Here I am and trying to help in any way I can. You can never know how far a
good deed will travel! It is like planting a seed that will sprout, but you may
not be around to see how it developed! So, just let me see if I can help you
find an answer to whatever problems you may have. And then after I'm gone,
I hope for a good result to come to you!
Do what is right!
Are you ready to advance your learning, intelligence, and understanding
on this world? Then please do what is right and help all you can in every
way you can! And never do anyone wrong!
A new type of race!
The race is on, but we have left pride out of it! Sometimes true
pride and happiness come from helping others to win! So, if you
wonder why some of us slowed down and lost, it was to help others
win! There are many different ways to win, and helping others is sure
a big, wonderful way!
I see too much!!!
I've been wondering why I see so much more than do the
rest of my friends. I think it's because my eyes are so much
larger than their eyes. But sometimes I wish I didn't see so
many things! But if I can see so much, and then find a way
to change and eventually stop some of the bad, then it will all
be for a very good reason to see like I do!
Floating along!
So peaceful to float along on the bubble bath of life!
What is art...
I do know that there are quite a few different ideas about what art is. Some
don't think much of it, but others do! Some will love the history of art on this
planet, and others think about the intense emotional power that a work can display!
Happyville revisited!
We all came back to visit our many friends in Happyville!
It was a place we'd been looking for once upon a time,
and we finally found it! This time we will stay and never leave!
The best way to roll along!
We all decided to get together, help each other, and just
roll along through life by counting on others to help us
through the many difficulties that might come along!
And this really is a great plan!
Controlling the frown!
I've learned that to control my frown as I just turn it upside down!
You now see my happy face as I've turned the frown upside down!
Just look upside down at me and you'll see what I'm talking about!
A very special town!
Our town is very special! It is a place that welcomes all who want to do
right and help others! We have big doors for big people and little doors for
little people! We just want everyone to know that they are very welcome
to live here no matter if they are big or small!
True joy!
When the good parts of life all finally come together, and we have no more
of the other side of life in our way, then true joy will be very clear and evident!
Waking up!
When I woke up this morning, I wondered if my dreams would come
true. So, I'm going to do what I'm supposed to do on this fine day and
see my friends! And that should solve my question with a great answer!
As Thomas Aquinas once said, "There is nothing on this earth more to be
prized than true friendship!"-----
Don't be stressed out!
I know the world does throw a lot at us, and if you do feel
stressed out, then go to your happy place and leave the
stress behind! Stress is not allowed to enter that special place!
Turning over rocks!
I just wanted to point out that you don't have to turn over a
rock to find beauty as it is all around you! There is beauty
above a rock, under a rock, and even within the rock! Just
look and you will see it! It just takes time, hard work, and
persistence to find the gems that are all around us!
Trials of life...
We go through many trials in our lives, and we must face the trials
before us to accomplish a much-needed goal of knowing that we can
overcome these problems!
The answer is here!
We believe that the answer is here! We hope that you will
also be able to find it! It truly is deep inside your heart!
Let's connect!
Connecting with others can be a very important aspect of your
life! New friends that are good, kind people can really help you
improve parts of your life, and help you be a better person which
will lead you to a successful existence on this planet!
Singing a happy song to the new morning!
We are all singing to the new, beautiful morning with a song
full of joy and love to celebrate this day we've been given!
We make things happen!
We make things happen for the good in life by pointing out some very
important aspects of living! One thing we suggest is that you take out
any bumps in your path through life that might keep you from seeing the
beauty that is all around you in your friends, plants, hills, and mountains!
After you see that, then you will surely appreciate the beauty in your life!!!
I may be dreaming!
Once upon a time, I think I saw a world of time eternal in a dream!
But even if in a dream, it sure did last a long, long time and was so very wonderful!
The right answer!
You've been looking for such a long time to find the right answer!
There is definitely an answer, and if you will listen then I will explain it
to you in a way that you can easily understand! Are you ready!
Show your inner strength!
You have a very strong inner strength within you which gives you
the confidence you need to succeed! So, let the world see how
your inner fortitude gives you the ability to show exactly what you
should do no matter what obstacles the world may throw at you!
We are going around the bend of life!
We know that there will be some wonderful things around this
next bend in life's experiences! So, here we go because we know
there are some beautiful things just waiting for us around this next bend in our lives!
The egg that wanted to change!
There once was an egg that had a great desire to become something
more than just an egg! He decided that to help people, he should become
a therapist. So, he faked his demise by falling off a wall, and then became
known as Doctor Omelet! And by golly, he sure did help a lot of folks with
his new job, and his life's work became very rewarding!
Bird Theorist Meeting
The most intelligent of the avian theorist groups were sent to a very important
meeting to discuss a subject they had heard about, "Birds weren't real and are
actually flying drones." It was a very short meeting as everyone there knew
they existed and were real!
Brain Sizes!
Sometimes the smallest of beings can have a much greater knowledge than
those with larger brains! It is not the size of the brain that will indicate how
much wisdom is contained in there! Consider the Dicrocheles phalaenodectes
which is a parasitic mite that will only crawl into one ear of a certain type of moth!
Only going into one ear will allow the moth to hear bats and possibly avoid any
bats that might want to eat it. If the mites went into both ears, the moth would
not be able to hear the bat! Now I know you think this isn't real but look it up!
The mites will actually leave a scent trail to help any other mites not go into that
other ear of the moth and which will lead them to the "safe" ear! Does that sound
like a type of intelligence to you...-----
The best fires!
Cindy says, "The only fires we need are the fires of peace and love
that will burn deep within our hearts!" And I agree with Cindy!
A new hair style!
I went to the beauty shop and got a new hair style! I hope
you like it! However, I was advised to never go out in a very strong wind!
There are no coincidences! Everything happens for a specific, certain
reason to makes events occur! Even when you miss an appointment or
the alarm clock fails to ring, it is always because time needed to make
an adjustment and get you to a specific place in time for whatever
reason was needed! And just remember, "Time goes by in one direction
and covers us with mortal dialectics. It's a friend or an enemy, and it won't let us be!"
A father and daughter!
The egg has hatched and now there is a lot to do! I'm going to have to
raise my child, teach her how to be a good creature in this world, and
to always do well in what she does! And someday, when she reaches my
age, she will know what it means to be a parent!
Inner Peace!
If you have peace in your heart, mind, and soul, you will know the true joy that
will come to you during your life on this planet! And what a valuable treasure it is!
We are going bowling!
We were all invited to go bowling, and it does sound like a
lot of fun! But then we learned that we are supposed to be
the pins. Now, that doesn't sound like any fun at all!
We are moving on!
We are moving on because it is time to go! After all, there sure is a lot
more to see on this world! And we need a good road trip vacation!
We have a plan!
We have a good plan, and it is one that will help all that it can and do it in the right way!
Just tell us what you might need! We hope that you will be a big part of the solution!
Thank you for being you!
I just wanted to let you know that we appreciate you very much, and
just wanted to say, "Thank you for being you!" So here we are all
piled up together to let you know how we all feel about you and
that we all love you very much!!!
We are all glued together!
Even though we are all so very different, we are all glued together
by a very strong binding solution! That very strong glue is friendship,
kindness to each other, and respect for one another! This glue is free for
you to use if you want some and please apply it liberally!
Hello from my hole!
I just wanted to say hi to everyone from my hole in the ground!
I'm trying to decide if I should come out of my nice, safe hole in the
ground or keep on living here!
We finally found the Solution!
We finally found the solution to solve our many problems!
And to quote Leonardo da Vinci, "I have been impressed
with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must
apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do!" And by doing
all we can in the right way, we will be solving our many problems!
Let's figure something out!
We are either in the hole, or we are out of the hole!
We all feel that we really need a hole to live in to find
comfort and joy from our day-to-day problems. After
all, we do need some refuge in case we need a place to
escape! So up we go to look around, and then back down
in the hole we go for the comfort our hole brings us!
Making a decision!
We have debated upon closing our hole off with the big rock,
and staying hidden down in our cave. But after all, there is so
much to see out there in the world! So maybe we won't seal
up the cave and just go see what beauty is out there!
We have a mission!
Our mission is to do all we can, and to do it right, and to help
all we can in their lives! It helps to have a very big friend to
keep us protected while we do our missions! So, on we go to
do our work!
True friends care!
We all know that we care about each other because we are all
very close friends! And if one of us seems sad, we all try to help
that friend feel better and know how much we all care! That is
a very important aspect of being caring friends!
Don't be scared anymore!
You can't keep being scared, a secret! We are all your friends,
and we can tell if you are afraid. Just know that we are here
for you, and that we will do all we can to help you! When we
see a smile on your face, and you see the smiles on our faces,
then you will know that we are here for you and so glad to help!
Existing and understanding
To exist on this planet is such an unusual experience and phenomenon, but it
does have a reason. To be or not is not the question, but to be is a solution that
can help us says Cindy who stated, "The words shall come to you and be wonderful!"
So, seek the answer which will help us all overcome our many problems!
We're Alive!
We are alive in a world where everything is so different from what
we expect or understand. But since we are alive, we will try to figure
this all out! We are shown posing the best we can just to look good!
We hope you love that we are trying as hard as we can to achieve
success despite all of the difficulties around us!
Frontward and forward!
we are always facing frontward so we can see any problems that might
want to get in our way! And then we will step around them and let them
disappear down deep into the earth as forward we go!!!!!!!!!
He's our guy!
He is the one that we can always trust and count on! He is
the one that knows how important truth is and will point out
the liars to us! We are so glad he does this for us, and that's why
we say, "He's our guy!"
Peeking around the corners
We do look carefully around corners to make sure everything
will be ok before we move on! It is better to be safe than sorry!
Time does not stop!
Time keeps going on and will not stop! We may see some bad in our
lives, but we must also concentrate on the good we will see each and
every day because that is one of the most important aspects of time!
The guy who talks too much!
I'm going to tell you the story about my life! So pull up a chair and
I'll begin! It is quite a long story, and I hope you enjoy it! Once upon
a time I was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... and many more blahs.
(Four days and many blahs later) Should I continue as I'm just up to the
point in my life where I learned how to walk! Hey! Where did everyone
go! I'm just getting started!!!
The Back Roads!
Cindy says, "Always take the back roads because they will lead
to many beautiful places that can't be seen on the regular routes!"
It will be this rarest of paths that will lead you to true bliss in life!
So, make sure you take a path that is less traveled to find this wonderful
joy in your life!
Please explain why we smile!
I do know that some smile while doing bad, but we smile because we know
we have done the things that are right, the things that can help others that
are desperately in need of help in their lives, and we know that truth really
is a good thing to seek! So, by looking at your face right now and seeing this
big, giant smile on your face, I know you understand why you are smiling!
A mixed-up mess!
It seems that being in the heart of this mess shows us that we
are either right side up or upside down. But at least we have
learned that a good smile will lead us to safety!!! So on we go
to get out of this predicament and help others along the way!
Soaring along!
It sure wasn't the way we thought we'd explore our world, but it
does seem to make sense and work well for us to soar along like
this! We may be jammed together, but it does explain to us why
time keeps going in circles, and the reasons why we exist here,
and that we have important work to do! So soaring on we go!
Discussing things we need to do!
We know that there are very important, knowable, and doable things we
can do today! So, let's do what we can and in the best ways we can!
Learning to appreciate!
We are learning to appreciate the beauty around us on our planet!
After all, there is so much to see and love, and we must understand
that even if something looks different, that it still may be wonderful
to learn about! So, please learn to appreciate what is around you and
seek the good that is in it!
We can't fly
We can't fly yet, but one day we will! So, for now what we do
is work on being very happy! And that sure helps pass the time!
Larry, the bird, used to tell us, "Wet birds can't fly at night!" Now
we understand, and Larry is soaring up high!
Inspirational people!
There are those that we look up to because they are
inspirational to us in their beliefs and actions! They
do make us better people as we follow their wisdom
and emulate them in our lives!
It all adds up!
I'm glad we held on and kept going despite the trials against us!
Because now we can see that things are starting to make sense!
So doing right no matter what tries to stop you, to keep on going
and doing all you can and doing it the right way does add up!
Let's talk later!
We will talk again later on today, but don't leave until you know
the most important aspect of existence and understand it! For
there are some things that we must all learn and do! Because if
we don't learn to do what is best in this life, then where will we go
except in the wrong direction!
The Broken Heart Repair Club!
What you see here is the results from the efforts of
The Broken Heart Repair Club! We help those that
have had their hearts broken! Getting smiles back
on faces is a big goal for us!
Birds of a feather
Birds of a feather may flock together, and birds that care, never despair!
So, when you call us, "Bird brains" just know that we are very smart!
Just pointing out!
I'm just pointing out that I did have something nice to say to you but due to
my age, I quickly forgot what I was going to say! So, instead I'll just say how
much I appreciate you and all of the good things you do! I do appreciate you
very much! Wait! That's exactly what I was going to say!
Teamwork does it!
When things seem out of your control, I just want you to know
that I am totally here for you! How we respond to our friends
and family in crisis is so important as we want all of us to be strong,
brave, and to face any difficulties together! Tears of happiness are
so much better than any other type!
What does matter!
It doesn't matter what others may think about you, it only
matters what you truly are! And I do hope and pray that
you are a person that will stand out in a crowd just because
you will only do what is right! I see you!!!
The beauty of nature!
Isn't nature beautiful! So keep it that way and don't pollute or throw
trash out on this beautiful wonder that is our planet!
Greatness comes from!
Where does greatness come from? One of the best ways is when
a person studies diligently about what is right and wrong and then
learns that right is always best and decides to make a very wise decision
to only live that way for ever more!
Showing the way!
You ask why I am showing the way, and the answer is because there is
a way that will give you the strength you need, and the courage required
to face any troubles that may get in your way! And that is a very important
aspect of life and a way you must follow!
Stay on your path!
Always let time keep you on the path where you need to be!
Sometimes as you go through life, if you stay on the path you
need to be on and don't divert from it, you will run into someone
that will turn out to be very special to you in your life! Let this
special occurrence happen by not leaving the path you must stay
on for these two very important paths must cross!
Just breathe!
"Just breathe!" says Cindy! And a pat on the head will assure you and
remind you that congratulations are due for a job you did very well!
The insider!
You should become an insider! But the type of insider that knows when the right time is
to look out around you and see everything as it should be and not as it shouldn't be! And
then do exactly what is right! For no matter how difficult our world and times seem to be,
just keep looking until you find the insider answer to everything and in the right way!
I'm in the show!
This is the big one! This is the great, "Show of life!" I do hope
I am playing my part the way I'm supposed to do because I do
not want to fail!
We are circling our sun!
As we sail through our galaxy and circle our sun, could we also
consider ourselves as "Identified Flying Objects!" We could, I think,
as we can definitely prove we are here!
See clearly!
Always explore what is happening, seek and evaluate for truth,
and when you can understand and see clearly what is right, then
you will know exactly what to do!
Sometimes I just really wonder why things happen like they do in
our earthly existence! Why do things have to be so difficult! But
then, I fully understand how valuable the true answer is, and I will
continue on with a big smile on my face!
Where is it at!
As I've told you many times, it's behind the "A" and in front
of the "T"!!! That's where it is! But some say it is ok to use
"AT" at the end of a sentence! Ok, we'll figure this out!
We want to learn how to get along!
We knew that we all had a lot of big issues with each other and our
many opposing views were in conflict! So, we finally all got together
and decided that if we could discuss our many problems and find a way to
stop disagreeing after seeing each other's point of view, that we could work
it all out! So here we are after realizing we can be good friends and problems
can be solved!
I was a nervous wreck!
I have been a nervous wreck due to all of the daily stress on me these days!
I thank my good friends from picking me up and helping me to understand
that I could make it through these difficult times! Good friends like mine are
so very important in helping me get past the daily strife!!!
I can see much better!
On some days, I just feel like I can see so much better than
on other days. Must be the better lighting from the sun that
is helping my vision! So, clouds please don't block the sun!
Taking a trip!
We want to go on a trip to a very happy place! We know it won't be
far at all and that it will be so special and relaxing! And all of our smiles
will let us know how wonderful it is when we reach our goal!
Existence 101
Our lesson today is on Existence! We will be discussing and learning, "Why we are
here!" The philosophy of existence is a very important lesson, and one we all need
to fully understand! You must realize that you do exist, or you wouldn't be listening
to my lecture! So here we go to learn what we really need to do!!!
Around the world!
We walked all around our planet, and we did meet a lot of
folks! We learned a lot from them on their cultures, beliefs,
and how they all get along! And really! Isn't learning about
others and how to get along with them so very important!
Keeping nature safe!
We all consistently wonder around our world to see its beauty,
and to make sure that nature is safe from pollution or any other
destructive things that aren't good for our planet!
Giving thanks!
We are giving thanks for our many blessings!
There is so much to be thankful for!!!
Have a good day!
I've heard many good things about you, and it is so
nice to meet you! So just let me say to you as we
part, "Have a good day!"
Getting away!
We are going to get away from the distractions of our daily lives
and go to a place far from here! There we will find such peace,
joy, and delight that we will call it our, "Getting away place!"
We must learn to get along!
We all must learn to get along with each other! If I can
see the good in the both of you, then I want you to look
deep into your hearts and see the good in the other person
that is in front of you! So, look deeply at each other and see
and understand the good that both of you do! And put your
differences aside and accept that you both can be friends!
I'm the right guy!
Who are you? Are you the wrong man? Nope,
not at all! I'm the right man! I'm the guy! The
one who will help you solve your problems! So,
let's get started in making everything better!
It's National Cindy Day!
There are a lot of Cindys to celebrate today, but only one Cindy sat
on the bench with Jerry Lee Lewis while he played the piano! So that
is one very special Cindy to celebrate today!
Merry Christmas 2023!!!!
Adding up the memories!
I thought about all of the good things that have happened to me in my life,
and about the many wonderful friends that I've made over these many years!
I just wanted you all to know that you have been an incredible addition to my
life, and I do appreciate you all so very, very much!!!
Going back in time!
We went back in time to view the many blessing of life!
Now, I just want you to understand that these blessings
you see are still going on for you today! So, no matter
how hard you think everything is, just know that life's
blessings are still around you every day!
I hate this place!
Well then, let's see if we can learn to love this place! There are many here
that feel the same way you do. And there are certainly a lot of things that
happen to make us unhappy. BUT!!!!!!!!!!! I do want you to look and find
the truly good things of this world, and if you look for them, and find them,
then you will truly understand that there is a lot to love here! Wow! Now
I can say, "I love this place!"
Let's all get together!
I'm glad that we could all get together and have this wonderful talk!
We have shared the joys we know that have happened to us in our
lives, and by doing that - we've made our world a better place!
I can see so well!
I can really see so much better now! And that is so very important as we
all really need to have clear eyesight of what is going on around us! To
have a better vision of what is going on will help us all!
We have something to tell you!
We want to tell you all that we are certainly looking forward to
the new year that is coming up! And we want to make it the best
year ever! We want you to join us in making life so much better by
helping all the people that you can! So please join us in this effort!
Christmas Gift exchange!
We are going to our annual Christmas gift exchange party! You can tell
me what gift you would like, and I certainly will try to get it for you!
Now, we can't carry the packages due to our short legs and no hands,
but we will order on-line to be shipped to you! Merry Christmas!
Making an easy decision!
Let's all make a wise choice and an easy decision by opening
up our wonderful gifts of life and living these precious days in
the fullness of how we are meant to live!
I decided to quit flying!
I decided to land on this planet after soaring along through outer space
for quite some time! I am glad I landed here as the people are very nice,
helpful, and friendly! I love this place so much that I won't ever fly away!
We will seek, search and find!
Let's all look and find the most important meanings for our lives!
We know that this world has a lot that is all jammed together, and it
can be very confusing to us. But if we diligently seek and search, we
will find the blessed meanings for our lives! The very ones that are most
2024 is coming!!!
We are looking forward to the new year that is coming very soon!
Our future will have so much hope and love, and it will be here in
just a very, short time! Every one get ready!!!
Go around obstacles!
It is always best to go around the many obstacles that may be in
your road of life! And always remember that some obstacles may
appear as something good, but those are a type of trap, so don't
be fooled by their appearance! And always help all you can and in all
the ways you can to stay safe! AND! Merry Christmas!!!
Don't be greedy!
Don't be greedy! Share what you can with all you can!
After all, it is the perfect time and season to do this! And
just remember! Every season is the right season to help others!
Overcoming troubles
It was a lot of trouble to exist but after a lot of work the results were wonderful
when we overcame our problems and found true joy in life! We want you to smile with us!
The year is winding down!
The year is winding down, and so are we! We will ring in a very
happy and new year with a welcoming song that we will all sing!
Another revolution!
This sure has been an unusual year as our planet circled around
the sun once again! I know we have to live on this orb to exist,
and we must truly understand why we are here and what everyone
must do to show our appreciation for existence! So, learn and use that
knowledge to show the good you can do while you are here!