2020 Art

Mila the pup!
She's a sweetie and loves her mommy!

Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus)
It was a lonely day at the beach, but this bird intended to enjoy his vacation time! Painted in watercolor by the gracious permission of photographer Rocky Ledward!
Mrs. Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)
painted in watercolors by the gracious permission of photographer Deb Johnston!

Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata) - painted in watercolor by the gracious
permission of Deb Johnston!
In memory of my former student, Brad...

Northern Mockingbird
painted in watercolor by the gracious permission of photographer Rocky Ledward! I've painted these wonderful birds for many years just because I love to hear them repeat what I whistle to them! Not all will, but some do!
Dr. Dan and his granddaughter out for a walk!

Ali Beach at the beach!
The two sisters!

Brown Pelican - Pelecanus occidentalis
painted in watercolors by the gracious permission of wildlife photographer
Rocky Ledward! "Hey mom! You caught a Pelican on your fishing pole!"
Tug! because he tugged at your heart!

Yellow-billed Cuckoo - Coccyzus americanus
Painted in watercolors by the gracious permission of photographer Deb Johnston!
"Leter Buc J'Lo!"
Lesser Yellowleg (Tringa flavipes)
painted in watercolors by the gracious permission of Deb Johnston!
Paraplu Violet Hibiscus? Rose of Sharon? Seabiscuit? Gravy and biscuits? No! Seabiscuit was a racehorse. This is a flower that comes in different colors and there are over 200 types! I painted it while listening to the music of "Lambert and Nuttycombe" and to honor a very sweet lady who is a great friend - Donna Lambert!!! So here's the "Donna Hibiscus!"

Green Heron (Butorides virescens) 2020
painted in watercolors by the gracious permission of Deb Johnston!

A Fish Out Of Water!
When you see a fish out of water, then you know your sink might be stopped up!
My sink has been stopped up for days, but I really don't know where the rest of
this strange looking group came from! You'd think I could certainly see better since we are in the year 2020!

Don't spread gossip!
You should never be a talebearer! Gossip changes as it is passed along.
And if it goes far enough, it might just turn around and be about you!

Butting Heads!
What? Testimony, truth, and witnesses don't matter? Will everyone that does wrong be able to use that defense from now on? At least the one with the strongest head will win! So butt away if you don't know your skull is weak and will easily break!

Early Flowers 2020
The flowers are certainly blooming a little early this year! Spring isn't supposed to start until March! But they are pretty!
Taking a stroll
I went out for a walk when I realized I had yet once again wondered into an area I had
not previously explored! Now if I can just find my way out of here, I'll feel a lot safer!!!
Being Fooled!
Human beings are so easily fooled. So many believe lies are true. Are you ready to make sense of all the confusion in our world? If so, please try to see a lie for a lie and understand that truth is not a lie!
Creating Art!
I call this one, "Self Portrait!" Making art isn't easy and can take a long time!
Many people do not appreciate the time and effort that goes into creating art works!
Do you think this looks like me?

Small doesn't mean what you think!
Some believe that small ears and small eyes mean a small brain. But in the movie
Men in Black
Frank the Pug said, "You humans! When will you learn size doesn't matter? Just because something's important, doesn't mean it's not very small!" Important events can occur from very small beginnings! Just try to remember that!
The world certainly has turned about and swirled us all together in a new type of mix!
I think I'll call this, "The milkshake of life!" I'm not sure about all the ingredients, but
hopefully it will work out! Just be brave and do all you can for all you can!!!

Unstable non-geniuses
Certain unstable non-geniuses are trying to communicate with the world!
But all we can hear is, "Blah, blah, blah!" which doesn't translate very well.

The Lonely Tree
The tree was lonely and isolated. So it grew some leaves. The leaves grew
bored just hanging around and left the tree. The tree was alone again and
isolated. Please wave and say hi as you walk by to cheer up the tree! We all
need to know others think about us during these difficult times!
Let's learn a new word!
This is the name of a hill in New Zealand and means a place where
“Tamatea, a man with big knees, who is a slider, a climber of
mountains, and a land swallower, traveled around to play his flute for
his loved one!"
He must have loved her a lot!
Let’s all say this word together!
Here we go!

We are caught up in the avalanche of life. Is it over yet? We need to sort things out!

Let's learn a Welsh word!
Our new Welsh word is a real tongue twister: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch! It means,in the hollow of the white hazel near to the fierce whirlpool of St. Tysilio of the red cave!"it made someone's brain explode when he tried to pronounce it! He must not have had a very stable mind. We are examining his melted brain. We will try to put it back together.

A Slight Depression in the ground
We flew over a beautiful, vast expanse! So with nothing more to do, we
went to check it out! We learned too late that the depression we stood
in was a very large footprint left by the local giant who liked to take morning
walks while enjoying the scenery! "Look out!" cried Sally as ....... SPLAT!
Above the law?
As Steven Seagal playing Nico Toscani said in the 1988 movie, Above the Law,
"You guys think you're above the law! Well, you ain't above mine!" So, if you think it won't hurt to jump off this cliff, then go ahead!

My Brain Blew Up!
I know that all of the King's horses and all of the King's men won't be able to put me back together again! I don't see how a horse could help anyway unless it could give me a quick ride away from this area to seek help! "Neigh!" "What?" "Does that mean yes or no?"

Am I seeing some sort of migration pattern? I once heard Timothy Leary speak on the subject, and he said we humans will eventually have to migrate out into outer space. However, right now it seems the human population is just running crazily all over this planet! Was Tim perhaps "outside looking in?"
We easily became friends despite our many differences! The reason is our inner heartsWe are friends!
which only care about demonstrating outwardly, our love and concern for others! Don't
forget that very wise saying, "To have a friend, you must first be one!"

Too Amazed! Too Overwhelmed! Too Flabbergasted! or just Confused?
Existence is so amazing! Well it can be! But, other avenues of just being
alive on this planet can overwhelm and confuse us! My friends and I
got together to discuss how we view our world. We will figure this out!

I got lost again!
At first, I thought I was ok, but when I turned around to return the way
I came, I found that everything had been altered and nothing looked
familiar. I wonder if my cell phone works here so I can use my GPS?

Follow the Crowd?
I see so many that are going the wrong way! I tried to tell them that some
mischievous individual turned the sign around, and they are about to fall
off the hidden edge of a very high cliff! But they seem to be missing the
ability to understand who is actually fooling them.

There was an explosion in the afternoon sky! Many just ignored it thinking, perhaps, that it was
just some late fireworks. For me, it seemed to portend something else....

It's Limbo time!
How low can you go? I think I'm going to win! Oh man! My head is too large!
The No Mask Land!
Somehow I wandered into a "masks optional" land and everyone here is laughing
and making fun of me! Don't they know about what happened to the place where
I came from?
The Three Club!
So many good things come in sets of three! Primary colors! Secondary colors!
Three ringed circuses! The three little pigs! The three Stooges! Columbus used
three ships to explore! And there are always three feet in a yard! So we started
a club to celebrate the number three! The Latin phrase "omne trium
means things that come in sets of threes are perfect! You have to have a set of
three to join our club! Fours need not apply!

Lost again!
I followed my friend because he said he knew where he was going. However, I don't think we are even in water anymore! I hear a strange sound that I never heard in water! It is similar to sounds whales make when they sing, but is much nicer!

Up a Hill!
Can you go up a hill and come down a mountain? We did! We just watched
the movie "The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain"
and wanted to see what that experience would be like! We enjoyed the journey
and it made us all happy! The movie has Taff's Well (Ffynnon Taf in Welsh),
and the mountain is Garth Mountain! It does take a village to raise a mountain!
Fishy business!
Hey, evolution is a fishy business! It looks a LOT cooler down there! And that makes me glad I'm a fish!

2020 Annual Birdy Meeting
Many issues have come up in the birdy world! Birdy leaders know that the constant use
of pesticides is a major concern for birds around the world! The eradication of trees for the
use in construction is hard on birds as they are finding it difficult to find twigs and other things
they need to build nests in trees that are disappearing! The Penguin delegation quickly brought
up the "harvesting of algae in the oceans" as ocean birds could get caught in that procedure
and penguins don't have the ability to fly away! Land dwelling birds were quick to comment,
"It won't affect us!" The penguins had dressed in tuxedos but didn't seem to get the respect
they desired. One penguin spokesman said, "Why aren't we allowed to live in warmer climates?"
One hawk replied, "Why don't you guys come and live near me as I need a new source of food!"
The smart aleck said, "Why can't we all just get along?" The quick pecks on the top of his head
let him know why as the penguin delegates quickly ran away.

Leap Year 2020!!!
We are leaping for joy because there is a "Leap Year" this year!!!! One of my friends
is finally having a birthday! She had to wait a long time!

The Happy Bird Meeting!
A small avian group met to discuss the problems that the birdy leaders have been
having for many years. They clearly see that nothing has ever been resolved within
the group to solve the problems that happen to birds over the course of time on
this planet. Their conclusion was to try and show hope, joy and love to the
other birds in hopes that it will spread! The smart aleck bird was asked to attend
in hopes that his message of, "Can't we all get along?" would have more meaning in
future encounters! The penguins were asked to send a delegate but responded that
the plane flight would take too long.

Which Way?
Some of us still aren't sure. Let me know when you figure it out!

Explaining human existence
His version of why we exist seemed a little contrived to us. We know we are here and really need
to understand why. Humans have been on this fragile planet for quite awhile. But not as long
as the dinosaurs. We need to do our best to help each other survive!

Let's go that way!
Socrates said, "True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing!" He also added,
thyself!" And in knowing that you know something can make you feel smart! Just don't get
the big
head and blow it! Especially consider an appropriate answer if an oracle asks, "How wise are you?"
Or, if Diogenes asks,
"Where can I find an honest man?"
Do you exist?
Rene Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am!" So we must exist if we are reading this or
thinking about it. My friends and I took a stroll to discuss this very thing! We decided that
we do exist, and that we'd better learn to do everything we can for the good of this planet!
Be happy and brave!
Just wanted to see some smiles and positive attitudes today! I've been seeing some folks
doing that, and we do need some normalcy in our lives - now more than ever it seems!
So keep it up my friends! (I used a puddle pencil for this drawing! That's a private message to a few that will understand!)
Not telling the truth
Liar, liar pants on fire! If he had his eyes open, he'd realize from the expressions on our faces that we just don't believe a word he says. We need honesty, kindness, caring for others, and truth these days!
I made you mad. You made me mad. So we turned our backs on each other. My grandmother kept a saying on a wall of her home which said, "To have a friend, you must first be one!" Let me say to you, "I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

I overheard two guys arguing. I doubt that they even knew I could hear their conversation.
I wanted to quote Proverbs 9:8 to them as that passage does talk about correcting someone.
But the Biblical passage shows that some will thank you while others will hate you for trying
to help them. What should I do? One will thank me, but one will hate me!

Not Mr. Potato Head!
Hey! I don't look like Mr. Potato Head! He only has 2 eyes, two arms, and two legs! I have a lot
of eyes, no arms, and a lot of legs! What? You can drill holes into Mr. Potato Head and give him
more eyes? That wouldn't be very nice! Hey! Put that drill away! I don't need any arms!

There are many things to complain about these days, but we all must work
hard to help each other survive and complaining does not help! We still have
a lot to be thankful for!

Being led...
I wasn't sure he was leading us in the right direction. A lot of people believe in him. Isn't the bottomless bog off in that direction? I've always heard that you should never go that way. If they trust him, why do they look so worried? Someone mentioned a "Primrose path," so I'm going to look that up and see what it means!
Inspiring teachers!
Some teach to help their students, instruct them about life, make them understand the right things to do, and show them how to survive being on this planet. Some "teachers" don't. But almost all teachers give everything they can to make students understand the truly important aspects of existence! Students that become avid learners, will demonstrate in their lives which teachers truly inspired them to do well!
A Song of Joy!
We are all singing a song of joy because, "Joy comes in the morning!" And it is so much
better to give thanks when you know everything will be ok!
Big mouth!
Just because you have a big mouth and want to express your opinions about everything, doesn't mean you should! The people with big hearts rarely speak, but do so much with their actions to help others! That says volumes to me! Much more than you ever could!
surely will warm up the planet and make us all mutants!

Bullies beware!
You are being watched and I have a long neck that enables me to see much further than you know!
Arguing over global warming!
It exists! It doesn't! While you both are arguing over that, think about nuclear waste
piling up.... Unless you want to dump it in the oceans along with everything else as that

Discussing truth!
There is a reason truth is on a very narrow path and cannot be undone!
Lies may be on a wide path that tries to fool us, but truth cannot be hidden!

Time? What is that? It is a phenomenon that exists and is understood in some ways
but not in others. It's like being in the eye of a storm where there is peace for awhile
but you know there will come a time when the storm will hit you again! I just want
you to know, "I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody all about Somebody who saved
my soul!" as Casting Crowns would tell you! How much time have you got left now?
And, what will you do with it? Don't forget that Doctor Who said, "Fantastic!" when he
ended the Time War! I leave you with the Trafalmadorian greeting, "Hello! Farewell! Hello!

My Big Friend!
It is always nice to have a big friend that can keep you safe from bullies!
This is dedicated to Sammy Hollis that kept me from being beat up in the 7th
grade, and you taught me so much about nature! I'd never have learned how to
make a trot line, set it out, and run it to collect the fish if not for you! I'm proud
that I ate at your house, went hunting with you and your father, and all the
things you taught me about the woods!

Liv Noelle!
one of my favorite bands of all time!!!!

Free Food!
Free food in the ocean? Food is always free in the ocean! Why does the
food have sharp hooks sticking out of it? Maybe this is a trap!

In the dark # 7
We were without power for a little over 3 days. I had to draw mostly in the dark.
I tried a flashlight for awhile until the sun would shine through the window. The
electricity is back on now! This really makes me appreciate so much more the basic
things we have in life!
Tee's Cap 2020
It's been about seven years since Tee retired. He still can't understand why education
is so different these days from the time of his youth. He thought everyone would
see clearly in 2020. But some things are still being done incorrectly. He has decided
to give a test and then hand out report cards! I hope you get a high score on this quiz!

Drawing in the dark #4
My desk calendar thought has this saying, "...a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor!"
And though the way the seas of life are rough and surging lately, I know we will become stronger and more able to face our difficulties! Be strong and brave my friends!!!!

There is a song by the Christian band, Sidewalk Prophets, called "Smile" that tells us to smile
even when we think we can't because there is a reason to smile! Lately, so much has tried to
make me frown and pull me down, but I will keep on smiling and going on! It's like when Nat
King Cole sang, "Smile though your heart is aching! Smile even though it's breaking! You'll
find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile!"

Wake up!
"Wake up Muad'Dib! The sleeper must awake!" Everyone has been picking one side or
the other since humans were created. Think about the fictional film "The Matrix" in which
one must choose the red pill to wake up to what is real and true, but very difficult, or take
the blue pill and remain in blissful ignorance! It is your decision! You can be brave or wimp
out... Just remember: "Nightmares usually come while you are asleep!"

My Son!
My son, I know the world and times seem difficult now, but I think about my own mother who went through the Great Depression. It made her strong and taught her how to survive despite very difficult odds! So we will make it and learn from this experience no matter what we have to face!

Ever Onward and Seeking Truth!
Onward we go despite the constant lies we are told! Truth is never found in falsehoods!
So step away from the lure of illicit things, and press on to the goal of truth!
Speaking loudly!
Maybe you'll hear me if I speak very loudly, because so far you haven't listened to
me!!! I've been working in the dark for a few days because the electricity was off.
I just want you to know that whenever there are shadows in your life, there is also
light that makes those shadows!!!! So look for the light!!!!!!!

A strange twist of fate!
My friend and I were just jabbering away, and our conversation had no meaning.
But someone listening to our discussion thought it might have important
consequences for the world and put us on national TV so others could hear us.
So we went on the show and just mumbled, "Ah frittin' fritter say!" It reminded me
of when Jimi Hendrix said, "Blah, blah, woof, woof!" But now we are famous!

Something blew up!
Perhaps it was my mind. It has been under an immense amount of stress
lately due to current events. I will learn to be calm and strong despite all
that is going on! I just need to start picking up all of the pieces and putting
them back together! I'm glad I have such good friends that are helping me!
There is a very wise saying about friendship that says, "True friends are those
who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't think you've done a permanent

When Social Distancing doesn't work!
I have been working hard on social distancing and spend a lot of time
out in the Sonoran Desert by myself. But then some giant guy with
long legs ran me down as he was very fast! Now it looks like I may be
dinner. I just don't know which mouth I'll go in. Maybe if I sing a song
it will distract him! "See them tumbling down, pledging their love to the
ground! Lonely but free I'll be found! Drifting along with the tumbling
tumble CRUNCH!!!!!!!"

Free Directions!
We were lost and needed help. This guy told us to follow the quaquaversal and we'd find our way!
We said we didn't know that word, and then he told us to take a laeotropic turn and we'd get there!
But now we need to learn what both of these words mean! Next time we'll take a map with us!

Understanding existence...
Sometimes I really question existence and why we are here if we aren't all working
together to help each other succeed! I do know that there are humans that do not
try to figure out this dilemma, and that some even have minds that can not grasp what is
good compared to evil and will do things that should never be done. There is a clear
solution for those that will seek to find it! And even if we can not understand the other side,
there is One that will take care of that problem!

Beautiful Weirdness!
"Beautiful Weirdness" is a term coined by Rob Higginbotham to describe my art!
I recommend you go to YouTube and watch his videos and songs he wrote!
Look for "Black Coffee by Rob Higginbotham!" After watching, you'll know why
he is levitating up into the air on the left side of this drawing!

Sing a happy song!
When we all sing together, it can be beautiful! Because, "It's amazing what a song can do!"
"It can make you laugh, it can make you cry, and chase away the blues!" "It can take you
back to the happiest of times!" "And, take life's little troubles off your mind!" to quote
Brenda Lynn Allen!

Sometimes the ball rolls!
Sometimes it sits still. Sometimes the ball gets to a place where it can go
no further or serve a purpose... That's when we realize that we should
have taken better care of it...

Socially isolated
I didn't want to be isolated, but no none wanted to be near me!
Maybe I need a bath!

Apopletic fit!
Today we learned a new word, "apoplectic,"which can mean overcome with anger,
when we learned our friend had been grabbed and had an apopletic fit! But now
we are confused because that word can have different meanings. Our friend is in
trouble, but we will try to figure this word out so we can take appropriate actions!!!

When diminutive takes on a new meaning!
Mr. Newman may have sung a song about short people, but for me they are good people,
and I hope I don't step on any of them! Did Mr. Newman not learn anything from the book
"Gulliver's Travels?" I know I learned from Frank the Pug in the movie "Men in Black" when
he said, "You humans! When will you learn size doesn't matter? Just because something's
important, doesn't mean it's not very small!"

Bob is paranoid!
"I don't know Bob, why do you think we are being watched?" "There isn't anyone else
around for hundreds of miles!" "Maybe you are becoming paranoid!" "We are completely

The Number Three!
The number three is lowest prime number! Two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number
since the number one. But the number three stands alone and is very proud of what it can do!
It can make a triangle using the smallest number of sides to make a polygon! Two lines can only
be parallel or may intersect. Some complain that a three is just an eight cut in half, but I say well
what do you call the other 1/2, an E? Let me just quote from Pythagoras when he said, "The
number three is the noblest of all digits as as it is the only number to equal the numbers below it!"
Try that you people who complain about the eight! The triangle is very proud that it is the most
stable physical shape! Hey! Quit talking about three strikes and you're out! Think about the
Holy Trinity, and love the number three!

Hula Contest! Not!
My friends told me that I should enter a local Hula contest as I was a natural! So off I went! It didn't take long for me to realize that my friends had played a joke on me! The laughter and intense stares quickly gave it away....

Taking a nap!
I was tired and weary on my journey and stopped to take a nap. You never know what
goes on around you while you sleep. If I was at home and a shoemaker, maybe some
elves could make me some shoes! I just don't know what could happen out here in
the wilderness, but I guess I'll find out when I wake up!

"Freedom" is one of the many songs I love by Liv Noelle! I was listening to Liv, sister Eva, and father
Lee performing this song recently, and I was humming along! And I was drawing while listening! So this is dedicated to this wonderful musical family!

No Omelets Here!
No you can't babysit my new egg! The last time you did that,
I came home to the remains of an omelet!

Merging in the wrong way?
At first we were determined to figure a way out of the mess we found ourselves in.
But now some of us seem to be merging into an unrecognizable mass. It keeps
getting harder and harder to figure out where I begin and someone else ends!

A Last Word!
I'd just like to say before we continue on that I was against this journey, but none of you
would listen to me! I know you'll remember well when I said you can lead a horse to
water, but you can't make him drink. So see if you can figure out what to do now!

Wearing a Mask!
The Lone Ranger wore a mask and there was a reason for that! Robbers
will sometimes wear a mask and there is a bad reason for that. But, why
aren't some of the people around me wearing masks? There is a very
important reason to wear one!

What is my purpose? What is your purpose? Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in his book The Gulag
Archipelago, "The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being!" Al Stewartsaid he wrote the song "Roads to Moscow" based on Solzhenitzyn's experiences during WW2. Herman Hesse wrote in his poem Steps, "High purposed we must traverse realm on realm!"
Our purpose is set, our ways and views can change, but please learn what is true and right!

When is up ever down? When is a lie ever truth? If you step off
a cliff, do you fall up? Rob HIgginbotham sings, "I gotta get right
back up on my feet and get on with my story! I gotta get right
back up and do it again!" He doesn't sing, "I gotta get right back down
on my feet!" So pick your direction!

Swatting with my tail!
Please keep your social distance from my children and watch what you say
in their presence, or I'll swat you with my tail!

In the way?
If you can't go any faster will you at least get out of the way! You are holding
up traffic!

Is the path difficult?
Sometimes the path through life can be very difficult and full of hazards! Just remember
that throughout human history nothing would have been accomplished without someone
trying to find a way! And remember, "A smooth sea never made for a skilled sailor!" So,
be brave and continue on!

The Virus Dance!
But something is after them! Something with a slender, threadlike structure that
seems to be more agile! I hope he's hungry and will devour those nasty viruses
before they start snacking on me!

Times like these make me glad I'm a hermit!

Why do we argue?
I know experiences, views, and what we learn while here can cause us to have a certain idea about right and wrong! But, at least listen to my side as I will listen to yours! If you won't, at least listen to John Prine's song, "People Putting People Down" and maybe you can learn from John!

Who wants pizza?
Look! I found a pizza! Who wants a slice? It's free!

A problem in math
Mr. Crabby got very mad when we asked him, "Which weighs more - a pound of feathers or a pound of gold?" He said, "Gold weighs more!" But then we told him, "Gold is measured in the Troy system and feathers are weighed in the Avoirdupois system, therefore a pound of gold weighs 12 ounces and a pound of feathers weighs 16 ounces." He became very irate! Maybe we should have given him an easier question such as, "Would you rather have a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?"

Jammed up and jelly tight
No social distancing here! And we seem to have somehow merged together into a big ball of jam or jelly. Hey? Is that a biscuit you have there? What are your intentions?

Is one the loneliest number? It can be, and I felt very sad to be by myself. But a lot of friends called me on the phone, told me they missed me and loved me, and that really has made me feel much better! So, because my life is brighter, please call and check on a friend!

Sometime in the future
HI there! It's so good to see you after this separation and social
distancing! Here's a gift for you just because I missed you so much!
Singing just for the joy of it!
Existing in 2020
Humans, the planet, the universe, the galaxy, existence, time, the future, the present, the past, happiness, friendship, loving and helping one another, defeating evil, and doing our best is our goal! Of course, we'd better hurry up before the first UFO lands!!

Not blind
I'm trying to explain my third eye to you! This has nothing to do with a band with a similar name.
I am not a triclops, a biclops, or a cyclops, since a cyclops would only have one eye and wouldn't understand "No man is hurting me!" Having a third eye is like having a sixth sense and being able to understand when a lie is a lie and truth is truth! I say this because I know too many people who believe lies are truth!

Being different
You shouldn't ever worry about being different! No person is the same as another! The most important aspect of being human is where your heart goes! If you are kind and caring and help all you can, then that is definitely the only thing that truly matters!

We are small!
We are very small and not really sure where we are going! But at least it is much easier to travel by being small! The others seemed to be jammed up.

Voice lessons
I gave this guy his first voice lesson, but now I think it is time to find a new career or get better ear plugs!

I'm a bad singer!
I love to sing, but I must sing at least 10 miles away from everyone! I keep practicing, but I am just not very good at it! Maybe if I keep practicing one note over and over I will eventually get one right! Let's see.... "B - B - B - B - B!" Nope that's not it. "A - A - A - A - A!" Nope that's not it. "D - D - D - D - D!" Wait! That spells BAD! Oh man! I'm just terrible!

Hiding in Plain Sight!
I used to hide but now I'm going to move into open ground! So, if you don't have your ducks all in a row, I'm going to tell you where they should go!

Completely full!
We are full to the brim, and it is time to start sorting things out!

am just really perturbed as my friends are arguing and not getting
along. With the way the world is going I would think we should all try
to work out our differences and try to be nice to each other! At least I
can suggest that they be kind to each other! Hey guys! Be nice to
each other!!!!

The music of the spheres
Singing in honor of Hermann Hesse who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1946 in Literature. His book, "The Glass Bead Game" also known by the title, "Magister Ludi", has poems which have meant a lot to me! The sounds the earth makes when it is calm are so soothing! So, we are singing with the other planets in our galaxy just to be happy!
I'm tall!
Being tall helps if you live in a hole and sometimes need to look around and
make sure everything is ok! So the further I can l see by being tall, the better!
Friendship is important!
My friend may not be very good at basketball, but he is great at soccer! Always appreciate
your friends for their best qualities and their kindness! And they will repay you in the same
way! Because they will always have at least one thing they can do better than you while you
will also have something you can do that they can't!